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The Wolf Slayer

Geri can clearly see what’s going on in the van and tries to keep it down, there is now total silence, not even a single movement can be heard from outside. The soldiers wait for a while and they do not hear anything.

“You think we should open it?” one of them asks the other.

“Yeah, go open it” he pushes him and holds the gun still. The other soldier opens the door slowly and looks outside, he sees nothing, he jumps from the truck holding his gun tightly ready to shoot and walks around the vehicle. The other soldier inside the van hesitates to get of the van. He waits and to see if he can hear anything but no sound is coming from outside, not even the footsteps of the other soldier. He moves towards the door and still shaking.

Mary signals Lincoln to push him outside, he tries to stand but the soldier turns and points the gun at him.

“Gotcha! You trying anything funny, huh!” he asks Lincoln.

“No, you tell me, you trying something funny?” he hears a crispy and heavy voice from behind him that makes him drop his gun. He slowly turns to look and his eye meets some angry red eyes staring at him. Geri pulls him out and throws him out, he goes flying down the mountain. Lincoln and Mary are so shocked from the way he looks.

“Jesus Christ Geri, what got into you, see what you have done to yourself” Lincoln stands and tries to move next to him so he can get a clear view. He was so huge and so scary, twice the size and height of a normal human. He had a long scary hair, his eyes were dark red and he kept on groaning like a monster, his claws were now huge and looked sharp than before.

“I feel so powerful doctor, I feel so great, but I can’t control it, I need to figure out how to control this” Geri looked so terrified of his own power, he was even afraid of himself and everything he had become, it might be what he wanted but it was now too much to handle.

Mary is seated back just listening and not moving at all Geri looks at her and can tell that she is afraid of him, something that he never wanted at all. Tears came from his eyes and this melted Marys heart and she sympathized with him. She stands up and jumps outside the van and stands in front of him, catches caresses his face with both her tied arms and Geri starts to calm down. Lincoln is hocked and does not know what is going on. Geri starts breathing perfectly and he is slowly transforming back to human form.

“Mmmmh, what a romantic scene, sorry but I have to end this” avoice come from behind them and they see the commander standing, his hands behind him. The evil looking old man is ever smiling and he walks towards them. Geri cannot understand how he is not dead and not even a single scratch on his skin, he feels something strong as he approaches him and cannot tell what it is.

He turns and looks Mary in the eye “I want you to listen to me carefully, get in the vehicle and go, do not stop at all, just go and find somewhere safe, don’t worry about me…” he told them and before he could even finish, the commander was behind him. Geri turns and tries to hit him and he catches his hand easily and smiles.

“Young wolf, you are weak and pathetic, you are no match to me” he twists his hand and Geri groans in so much pain.

“Goooo!! Ruuun!!!” he shouts at Lincoln and Mary who were still trying to figure out what was going on. They quickly enter the armored vehicle and start it. Mary looking behind and sees Geri still screaming in pain but there is nothing she can do. Lincoln starts the vehicle and they drive away.

The commander drops him to the ground as he goes on groaning in pain. He bends towards him and says.

“You think this is all about the stupid serum? You are such a jerk Geri, I see anger in your eyes and that does not guarantee you any strength against me” his words were so mean and Geri could not figure out what he was trying to say at all, he had a bruised hand and he could not imagine someone could be that strong to make him so powerless after all the transformation he had gone through. Geri cries in deep pain and wishes anyone could be around to save him.

Mary and Lincoln are almost a mile away from the scene, Lincoln keeps driving as fast as he could and Mary keeps on thinking about what is happening to Geri. She wonders what the commander was and she could not understand how it was possible for him to make Geri groan that much in deep pain.

“Stop the vehicle, stop the vehicle Lincoln!!!” Mary cries out and shouts at him.

“What the hell is wrong with you, whaat is wrong with you!!!” Lincoln fails to understand her and he is so annoyed at her.

“Turn around, lets go and save him, he needs our help Lincoln, please” Mary tries to convince him and just from the look at Lincolns face, he is so shocked.

“Are you serious right now, you heard him right, he said he would be alright, you want to die??” he shouts back at her.

“I don’t think he is okay, I saw it in his eyes Lincoln” Mary goes on persuading him but Lincoln is not ready for it.

“That is a suicide move, I say we keep on going” he starts the vehicle again and goes on driving.

Geri tries gaining his strength and tries to stand up, he tries to hit the commander again and gets him but he is not shaken.

“I am your worst nightmare Geri, his skin turns and its now pale, his fangs are visible. He kicks Geri and he goes falling down the cliff. The commander was a vampire, a very fierce one.

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