Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Here Comes the Alpha

The hunt was now on, the commander on the move. Gillian has no idea what to do and guilt and pain keeps feeding on him. He has no idea what to do and he is almost giving up one himself and everybody. Sitting down under a huge tree in the woods, he hasn’t eaten anything for a while and he is so weak and clueless at the same time, he has nowhere to run to and he chooses to walk and heads to the mother of peace where he believes he will find some peace of mind or anything to help him. He walks slowly heading up to the mountains again and on the pathway he spots some bloodspot that he believes belong to the kids that were taken away by the panthers, he cannot imagine what they are going through and he knows they all are waiting for him to save them. He goes around and looks for the spot and he does not have a good memory of where it was exactly but he finally finds it. He comes to the place surrounded by the big trees and takes a moment before he can get in. he slowly walks in and sees all the glowing butterflies and this time none of them was flying high. The mood in there was not as usual and everything was calm than normal.

He takes a step forward and lies on the ground looking up at the beautiful glow shining all the way to the huge branches of the trees that were inside.

“Why do you weep chosen one, you are way stronger than you think” he starts hearing a voice, a godly voice that he thinks it might be coming out of his own head, he gets up and try looking around but sees nothing or no one. The voice is so soft and keeps on repeating itself.

“You have so much in your mind chosen one, open your mind and you will be free from all the guilt that troubles you” he starts to think it is the mother of peace talking to him and he was right. He starts shading tears from the words that he gets and he gets so emotional, he steps back and leans in one of the trees and he goes on sobbing.

“How can I save them, I have no way of saving them, and where were you when all this wa happening to us, you are the mother of peace right? Aren’t you supposed to protect us? Bring peace to our land, look at us know, look at me? All this is useless you know, this is bullshit!!” he starts freaking out and starts kicking and tries to kick the butterflies away from his sight but he is not able to get them and his behavior makes the mother of peace angry.

“Silence!!!!...” he shouts the voice comes with so much power and everything around him including Gillian goes flying into the air, Gillian falls down with a huge thud and all the glowing butterflies are now scattered, away from the center of the mother of peace, all that remain from where they were standing is a great light which Gillian cannot look into directly, he tries looking inside it but the light it to much for his eye, the butterfly start gathering around it and settles again.

“Such behavior is unacceptable here, you should never raise your voice again at me chosen one, no one has done that, not even your forefathers” the mother of peace shouts at him and there is so much anger in her words. Gillian still lying on the ground does not believe what had just happened and he had always known that the mother of peace had no physical power and he had been wrong all along, she was way more powerful than he ever thought. He gets up on his feet, still on his knees, his face facing down and he does not want to look at her again.

“You are more special and powerful than you think Gillian, what you carry lies in you and you are the only one able to unleash it, find it and go and save your kind” she tells him in a very soft voice, he doesn’t seem to get it at all, all he wanted was clear answers because he had no time at all, he wanted to know everything before he left but it was not just possible at all. He lacked words to go on with the questions since he had seen how powerful the mother was and he did not want to take any chances at all.

He slowly gets up and gets out, stand in the entrance and looks in the skies hoping to get some answers, he believed he could not do everything by himself even though he was assured about his strength he never seemed to figure anything out at all. He heads back to the mountain where they had once come with Geri, he stand there and tries to remember everything Geri was trying to teach him from his book and this is from how he could transform and have control of his own mind and actions. He tries repeating every single thing and this time he is alone and he has to do everything by his own.

Gillian closes his eyes and breathes in heavily, not thinking about anything but focusing in his own mind, he does not want to feel or hear anything in the outside. He slowly comes into a peace of mind and he slowly starts feeling the wind on his skin. He resists opening his eyes and goes on concentrating. An image of a lion wolf appears to him just like in a dream and roars at him that he loses his balance and falls to the ground.

“Whoa!! What the hell was that! He gets up again wondering what it was.

Far away in the panthers territory, Jane is tied up by the panthers, they try to scare her and she screams so hard and now Gillian had just stood up and the screams hit his ears and looks at the direction.

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