Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 14

He took his phone out of his pocket and then turned it on putting on the flashlight.

He knocked the door the first time but nobody answers. He then knocks again for the second time. He waits there for about 20 minutes but he does not hear any foot step.

"Uhmm...", he shouts her name.

Her upon hearing her name been called wipes her face. She immediately wakes up from the spot she was sitting on. That voice was a little familiar and she knew it. She glanced at her window, but she could not see clearly as it was already getting dark. She hurriedly arranges herself so that she did not look like she had been in tears in front of the person who called her.

"Hey", he shouts again but no response. He still decides to wait again. He knocks for the third time as he had stayed there for already about 40 minutes. "Ashlyn, where are you?, he asked himself. He checked his clock, it was already 6 : 30 pm. He had already lost hope by now. Maybe she was not at her house.

she quietly opened the door and looked out, she knew she had never had a boy at her house except for Blaise. She had not even allowed him enter her house. Half hoping at it was she called out as she looked his direction in as she called out.

He", she said. Upon hearing her voice, He stopped and turned around and looked at her. Words could not express the joy he felt when he saw her over there. He rushed over to hug her, she was first taken aback but then she adjusted herself and hugged him back.

Like seriously, looking at her at the moment that what what she wanted at the moment. A hug, but who was going to give a hug when she had almost no friends. Her parents where no longer there and she was really faustrated but at that point she felt so happy and very comfortable which was somehow strange to her.

Blaise takes a step back and looks a little embarrassed. However, he was really happy that he has seen her. He had been so worried all day as she had not been in school.

"I'm so sorry", He said before taking a step back a little embarrassed but he smiled anyway.

"No, it's actually fine. Don't worry about it", She said.

"Are you serious?", he asked a little taken by surprise. He was actually expecting her to give him a slap.

"Yes, I really am". She says to him while she smiled. 'I seriously needed that at the moment', she says in her mind. She just did not want him to feel somehow because of the fact that she was going through a lot. So she has better kept it to herself.

"Come in please", she beckons on him.

He could not refuse the offer and hence he accepted.

"Okay , thank you", he said as he entered the house. "The house was just a regular one with sofas, a cupboard, a dining and just regular things you can find in a regular house, the house was painted in white and had black tiles on the floor. Her entered, the house and glanced around before looking at her and smiling.

"Nice house you have hear", he said to her as she smiled at him.

"Thank you", she said.

That smile that gave him chills. He loved her smile and he could watch her smile all day. He really could not get over that smile. All that he had wanted was to see her face as there she was standing just beside him. However, he was wondering whether he would tell her or not.

"Hey, there ", She called out when she notices he had not been listening to her. She is a little worried. He is very lost in thought to the point where he does not notice calling him.

"Hey", She calls out again as she walks over to him and then taps him gently on the shoulder.

Hey, upon feeling her gentle touch shudders and comes back to reality and she slowly removes her hand. He feels a little embarrassed.

"Is anything the matter? you seemed lost for a moment there. Hope there is no problem", asked Ashlyn already very worried as she stared at him waiting for a response.

"Huh, emm", He says a little unbalanced.

"Not to worry, everything is fine and okay. Don't bother about it", He says trying as much as he could to hide the way he felt.

"Have a seat please", She said while she smiled welcomingly, as she points in the direction of the white sofa in the living room.

"Thank you", She said trying to adjust himself as he flashed a smile towards her direction. He then walked over and sat on the sofa. " You look exhausted, are you really okay", He said noticing that her eyes were slightly swollen. However, she was surprised at first because she had done what was necessary for him not to notice. How did he notice? she asked in her mind?. She later came up with a lie to tell him so he would not worry about her.

"Actually, it's nothing really. I had just been sleeping so maybe that's why", she lied.

He did not really believe her but he did not want to bother her with so many questions.

" Okay, if you say so?", He responded as she flashed a forced smile at him. "You've been smiling way too much since you saw me and it's getting a little on the scary side. Coupled by the fact that it looked like we are the only ones in this house", he said jokingly. She just stared at him and laughed hard. He feigned worry.

" Don't say that, I am just happy to have a friend over. I really don't remember having one over. It's been really long", she informs him with a hint of sadness. She had truly not had a friend over for a very long while and that, she had already started to become used to. She was very happy to see him at her doorstep, again it was strange for her to know that someone still cared for her well being and she was grateful.

"Oh em gee!", he exclaimed. " Really?, Why?, Dont you have any friends?", Blaise is in shock. He just could not place his mind on those things she was saying. How in the world could she not have any friends, he wondered to himself.

"Yes", She responded sadly. " But not to worry, it's not a big deal. I have you now as my friend and I am sure you will always be there", she said with a lot of confidence. She knew that though they had just met, she felt she could count on him. His showing up at her house just because she wasn't at school that day was already an added point for her.

After a while of chatting, he looked around and noticed she was the only person and nobody had shown up yet. He knew how unsafe that neighborhood could be, so he wanted to stay with her for a while till someone came. To his great surprise, it was already ten pm but no one had shown up and he was already getting worried for her.

She however was not disturbed but just sat there talking with him.

"So do you live alone?", he asked as he glanced at her expecting a response.

" Yes, I live alone. Is there a problem?", She responded amicably. Not knowing the direction he was going.

She was equally very surprised that he had not made a silly move towards her.

"Mmh, really?", he responded a little worry filling his expression. " And do you feel comfortable being just all by yourself in this big house?", he asked concerned.

"Yes, I feel comfortable with it", she replied.

" Okay, now im shocked. Why would you live all by yourself in this big house? No parents, no siblings, no friends. Don't you think it is very risky?", he asked her. His face filled with extreme worry for her as she seemed a little too young to be all by herself.

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