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Chapter 21

"Good appetite," the young man muttered out swiftly.

That was a clear way of saying these words, it was enough to break her heart but then, not offering the word to the man, she just nodded once, and then, focused on stressing on other stuff, at least, if they make any difference though.

"Thank you very much, ok," she said, sounding a little desperate. That apart, she ate her breakfast on a speedy rate, it was actually beautiful that such things were to happen in a crazy way.

Feeling that it was a free moment to ask these things. It was weird to feel this thing, but that apart, she still managed ticket the words pull out of her mouth.

"What are we now?" she inquired bowing her head down faintly.

It was embarrassing knowing that such things could be this accurate, but damn, letting it slip off is a way of sustaining some kind of troubles, and in most cases than necessary, she lifted her head to glare directly into her eyes.

"We are lovers, what else are we supposed to be?" He asked faintly.

It caused her to grin at once, that was something no one had said to her before.

"Oh! I like the sound of that," she exclaimed briefly and with that sweet dashy bear smile that comes with it makes her want more of everything.

"I thought I was your surrogate and nothing more? I mean, this is all an arranged deal for the both of us, and nothing more, or wasn't that the actual thing?" she questioned her eyes on his own.

It was fishy because she was now putting him on the hook, that will be aching having the words she notices if the young man realizes what this is all about for one second.

Well, she had to cross her fingers beneath the table, it was hiding, and there is no hiding back to such quarrels and more of that.

"I have a small thing that will bring your mind at peace, I mean, what is the problem with you this morning, huh?" He questioned faintly.

It was a matter of little dispute with her, he didn't want to fight, but then, if they have to settle their scored and differences, then, it has to be more, to break those barriers between them.

For a while, She didn't say anything other than sulk on her breathe and it was quite humiliating, she was being a whipped baby, and for a man whom his words seemed so rare in his throat sometimes, he was still going to make amendments to talk about those issues and more.

"I am going to be pregnant, and when I give birth to your heir, what becomes of me?" She shot directly at his face.

She had barely touched her meal, and the more He tried calming her down, it only seemed to be adding the fuel to the discussion, it was soon going to lead to a fight, and there us no doubt that it will break many issues down.

He knew he had to calculate his words, to think about everything he says before actually saying it, this wasn't for himself but for the huge respect he has for her.

"Please, babe, don't make this any harder for me," he let out.

"Answer the damn question, ok, what is next, huh? will I be subjected to some kind of hate or whatever once I hand the baby to you? is this all that has ever mattered in this sketch of a thing we are doing here?" she shot the questions hard, and directly into his face.

She was at the verge of breaking down, her heartbeat had accelerated, and as she constantly stole glances from his side, it now reached to the point where accepting it was only evident in some part of her body.

"Alright..." he started but the words broke off when she cuts him off.

"Don't you call me, just answer my queries and let's be done with this. Or is it too difficult to do so?" she demanded.

She was secretly proud of the way he kept his cool for some reason, it made her sure of the fact that all of this was mere formalities, and breaking it out was to settle up with more situations, adding to her taste and perfecting such ideas that will actually make her fumble with more reasons to be attached to her that ever.

He ignored the lady for the first time, like seriously, he didn't say any thing other than just bowing his head and focusing on his meal.

using his cutlery, he diced his bacon into chewable pieces, and when he stuffed one into his mouth, he chewed it to his satisfaction, not daring to say a word to the young man. hell no, no words were needed for it.

His actions infuriated the lady, it made hero gaga, and sensing that there could be no dull moment other than the one he shared already, the man focused on his meal to actually demand such things and more.

Finding it tough that it actually looks like, they were now fighting a cold war, it was mental, it felt like all the heavens were on her head, and not only trying to catch the mental cruise to setting of their matters, that was just the meanest things on earth, and all.

She grabbed the glass of water on the table in anger, and at once, she splashed it on the man's body, that was crazy, it was the silliest thing she could do, because the last strain of sanity that remained it his body snapped. If she wanted a fight, then, she was going to give her one, to scare the living hell out of her body, until she has no reasons to ever do such a silly thing again.

At once, the young man pushed his chair behind and standing firmly behind there, it was really awkward experiencing such ideals, like seriously, and the basic things that went together into stepping this all up was more like trying to nudge the normal cases, and feeling more of this at a time just made it complicated it looks like.

"I feel hard about you," he let out briefly, scaring her.

They were in the kitchen, and many things could go on badly, just that apart, the growl that escaped his lips was a real turn off for her, oh yes, setting off his wolf part to not even get any close to her, He knew he was giving too much liberty for the lady to see, and those kind of stuff annoyed him even the most.

She had sensed the danger in the atmosphere, she suddenly feared for her life, and standing from her sit, she had made a mental attempt to run when he got to her side in less that a minute, and from the shock, she stepped behind, tripping on God knows what, and landing directly in her butts.

She had had the slightest hope that he will reach out to her before she reaches the floor, well, it seems like she was putting too much importance to a man who barely cares about her.

"You mother fucking beast, let go off me, you animal, have you seen what you have done?" she inquired showing herself off.

Well, that would have been better if the man she was speaking too at least heard what she said because it is obvious that nothing is being heard, the man was zoomed on air, and his wolf part was taking sudden control over his body.

This is a real fight of struggle, the mere fact that she has to struggle to maintain peace into her system would just be so difficult, oh yes, it was. There are several things that she didn't let it slip off in any way, and more to that, he just considered himself as being wounded.

His reaction to her just pouring water on his face is a strange one, she can barely settle her mind on one thing, but more to that, the little things that comes with being like this is a situation of power, of energy, and cursing wasn't allowed, adding to the fact that Ashlyn literally ignited the flames of the man, thus, annoying him.

"Hey, let go off me now," she said and started to rise, but then, she noticed on thing, the man seemed lost in space as he launched towards her.

He had bowed down and reached out to the lady, but the fear that governed him was enough to make her close her eyes with her hands and wait for the worst. Oh yes! she deserves something like that.

He had to blink severally to regain her stability, it was fishy doing so, but then, with a smack of the hand, be was back to his senses. He couldn't allow his wolf control him in any possible way, and when he bowed his head to stare at the young lady, tears streaked down his eyes seeing the fear she has being encountered with.

"Hey?" he called out, and backing away from her, he took the heed to his room, and that was when she brought down her hands.

The man she had seen just now wasn't the one who had made her feel all kinds of shades of heat, passion, and all together put in one. It was the true definition of just focusing on battling with the realities, to the point of nudging that to her head.

She quickly removed her hands from her face and standing from.the kitchen floor, she made her way to his side, but she was too slow because the man actually walked away from her, more like she was avoiding her, and in taking more that a step as it was felt to be required, she went forth for the man.

"Hey, please wait," she said walking towards him.

Each step him took was like five stairs away from her, he was too scared to trust himself to talking to the lady just yet, he wants to be on his own, to spend lone time trying to ameliorate on himself, and fighting these oddities was making her taking large amounts of breathes down her chest. The fear that covered her face, everything just seemed awkward, and not maintaining those stuff would hurt her even more as figuring it out might take longer time than required.

At once, She reached the bottom of the stairs, he was heading to his room, and in a small way, he made it to his room, he felt like running away from her, or more, of himself. It was weird feeling this way, but not the way she actually had expected it to be.

Closing his eyes to let the wave of shame and pain leave her, the young man opened the door to his room, and that is when he actually noticed that she was behind him, that was still very silly to take off her the hook.

He was sad about her, but more to that, it was accepting his own fate and identity that was causing him trials and tribulations, to start arising in his mind.

It didn't feel like it, but the least she can counteract with is just setting little goals on the mine for herself, nothing good was fast approaching, and the least he can do is focus on actually building himself and more.

Entering his room, he had made the point to look the door, but she wasn't going to let him do so, thus, with the last strength she had in her body, she now finally made it straight in amending her ways and letting the quality to speak for her.

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