Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 22

He gets to his office waiting for him and her. He wants to give him an update of what happened in her town and he wanted Gaby to be there as a witness. The town needs a new gamma and he has to discuss with Julian as to who could handle things there calmly and without constant issues like he had done.

He seats on his working chair, sorting some of the old files on the desk. He picks out every file that showed proof of all the money he had sent to him for the upkeep of the people which he never used for them but himself. He takes them and places them aside, he may have to return to the town with them.

A sharp knock comes to his door and brings his focus out of the files he had been searching through. It is and him standing by the door, patiently watching him waiting for his response.

"Please step in, don't wait out there," he says calling them over to his side.

Then pulls out a chair for himself and settles on it. He glares at him discreetly but sluggishly pulls a seat for herself as well.

"How was your trip, what happened there?" She asks the moments he sits.

He rolls her eyes in irritation. "You should at least let the alpha say why he called us and not put words in his mouth!" She hisses.

"You forget he is my best friend. He has always been my best friend before he became the Alpha!" she retorts, his eyes sparkling with anger.

He raises his brow at the two of them and smiles. They have always argued between themselves like two crown princes fighting for the throne. But he is right. He and Blaze are friends, he can always talk to him however he wanted as long as it is in close spaces. And he knows, her intentions are always pure, whereas his intentions are always questionable.

"Just because he is your friend doesn't mean you have to give him less respect!" he snaps not wanting to let go of the argument.

"Hey, it's alright. That's actually why I called the both of you here," he says, ending the fight altogether.

They both calmed themselves and focus on him to hear what he has to say.

"He never did anything for the people..." he begins, "and I am beginning to wonder why either of you didn't notice. Especially you, you practically live there. How come you didn't report this?" he asks staring at the both of them intently.

He shrinks into the seat she occupies as she tries to find an answer to the question in front of her.

"I am sorry ok, we should have seen it. I just never really paid attention..." he says with his eyes on the ground. He is ashamed of himself. It is his job to check up all the towns and report the activities of the gamma to him but he relented in his duties because he thought he was there. He didn't want it to seem like he is trying to steal her work away from her. Now, look at the mess they are in because he was trying to avoid getting into another power argument with him.

He narrows his eyes at him and turns to him, who looks like she won't open her mouth even if they used a pair of pliers to split her lips open.

"Hey, what's your defense?" he asks her.

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