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Chapter 22

Five days had passed since Dante has been held captive in Bastian's camp. He has being here for so long that it gets him so traumatized, he hates it the way, but he ground his teeth back.

He started with checking out the little things that aren't current in his life. He has barely set eyes on Leila all these days, his hooted eyes had been on the day, waiting for a glimpse of the lady, the woman that was his mate.

As he ground looked at his feet, he thought at something neutral, he needs to keep his mind off the lady. Through out his stay here, he has reasoned how unfairly he had been to Leila when he first had her captive.

He had wanted her only for his selfish desires, which doesn't really count since he maltreated her. He left her in a dungeon with no food.

Her at the mansion, Leila has made sure that he is properly fed, like a straight square meal, giving that she doesn't approach the place.

Today is one of those boring nights again, all that is left of himself is the pallet he uses as a bed, he doesn't even consider himself lucky, but again, he tries accepting the truth just as it is.

It was at exactly eleven p.m. when a big banging sound shook the room to it's foundation. It got the young man started first, his room only had a small window, but he couldn't reach it because his left leg is shackled to the bedroom wall.

Trying to get a peek from the outside, he was pushed back when the second explosive sound erupted, shaking the Vampires camp.

It was then the fierce sound of war came up before the rattling sounds of keys in the lock penetrated his ears.

"Fuck!" he ground out before the door opens to his Karl.

"How the fuck did you find me?" he asked as Karl rushes to his side, helping to open the locks from his leg.

"I know everything, Alpha Dante, I couldn't watch you rot here," he says.

As a rogue, Karl has never been accepted in a pack, but he doesn't mind as long as he gets out of trouble.

Releasing him from his shackle, Dante found it strange to be free again.

"Let us get out of here, your pack members are having a battle with the Vampires, Bastian is distracted and way beyond rage," he explains.

He accepted as he started towards the door and down the hall. Dante had finally had the chance to escape, to keep all this behind him, but did he truly want this freedom? did it even mean any fucking thing to him? he wondered drastically.

"Wait, I have to claim one thing that belongs to me here tonight, and I am not leaving without her," Alpha Dante says as he stops in track.

"Her? who is her?" Karl asks, confusion filled his doubtful expression.

They didn't have time, there is no time to stop because Dante was getting a hold of himself, a sneaky smirk filled his face, it was getting worse by the time he started backtracking to where the commotion was coming from.

"Leila!" he breathes out before running towards the main field where so much noise is coming from.

Leila hadn't known that an attack as big as this is going to be launched against their clan. She had been in her nightie, half asleep when she heard the first explosion, by the second one, she knew she had to get prepared for whatever had come upon them unannounced.

She had run to the battle field to see a very fierce battle between the Vampires and the werewolves, she hadn't expected such a thing to happen, hell no!

Bastian was leading the fight, slicing the throat of any wolf that as much comes close to him, the beasts wouldn't give up as well. It was his time to fight, she wasn't going to transform because she doesn't have a wolf, or more, one hasn't found her yet.

As she started a fight with a wolf, she forgot to guard her back, she didn't see that gun being pointed at her back, it was the shot that reverberated through the entire hall as all their watchful eyes turned on her.

Bastian had stopped fighting for a moment, but he had his own share when a punch hit his head. With anger, he tried fighting, growling as he attacked the werewolves.

The rogues and pack members from Dante's pack were powerful, they weren't ready to let go, and the army of wolves they carried along with them didn't match the energy from his own pack.

One second, he was distracted from Leila's half dead body, he wanted to fight for his online first.

Alpha Dante had heard the gunshot, had being one hall away from this disaster, he had watched the bullet tear through her back and into her flesh, when she fell to the ground in the loudest of thumps.

He had rushed to her, and carried her before transforming into his wolf self, making sure she is stable on his back before skidding away.

There was a vehicle parked at the edge of the Vamps territory, Karl was there ready to ride off. This time, he knew it was too risky to take Leila back to his house, he doesn't want to go through the stress of having to constantly look out for her protection, Elder Bastian hates his guts as well, thus, he wants it in a different way, at least, it will make her have the time to lean on him.

"Take us to town, Karl, very far away from Bastian, the man is a bloody beast. Darn! I should restrategize and call out an attack for him, he needs to rot in jail," he explains anger fuming through his entire being.

Karl nodded, he started the engine as he rode as fast as possible, that was the best news of his life.

The young lady's heart was pumping hard, blood was gushing out of her clothes, she looked so fragile and when he held her close to himself behind the classic SUV, Leila went all limp in his arm.

He doesn't know why his pack member will shoot her, or maybe it is because he hadn't made it clear to them that she isn't their enemy, she is going to be their Luna, Oh! yes!

They arrived at the Vegas early the next morning, Karl had rode the whole night, it wasn't an easy streak, but still, he manages to make it better, he considers it as well.

"I'll take her inside, she is white and weak," he calls out pulling the young lady carefully, making sure that he holds onto her carefully.

This is the big city, here he is the most powerful Alpha, but only for his household and other that knows him, it isn't quite funny, he needs to get another hold of such attitude, he walks out of the place entering the house.

"Get a room ready for this lady, call the damn doctors, we need help here," he says angrily.

He stomps the stairs in his tiredness, he makes sure that he has the lady close to himself, not minding that her blood is what is soaking his front tattered shirts.

He grabs a hold of the last railing, making sure that he has the lady handily, as he makes his arrangement to settle her on the hospital lodge bed.

The doctor came up faster than he was called, the young man had fairly grey hairs, he looks stretched out, but he seems to know what he is doing there.

"Good day, Alpha, may we know what happened to the lady?" he asks summoning his two nurses.

"She was shot. I want her to be taken proper care off, I don't know where the bullet is, but it seems to be coming from her side, she is fragile, take care while treating her," he says, giving out strict orders to them.

When he was asked to go outside fo a while, he did not oppose, rather, he went out willingly, letting them know that it doesn't really matter at the end of the day.

He rushed to his bed room, ran a hot bath and bath, when he returned looking all fresh and soft, the doctors had finished their work with her.

The young man caught up with his attitude, when the doctor beckoned to him, he gave a close look at Leila before walking out with him.

"What happened to her?" he demanded his eyes blazing at the doctor as he looked at him.

"Don't get to worked out, Alpha Dante, I have succeeded in gathering the evidences, making sure that things doesn't really go as planned," he says.

Not letting it out as so much as he wanted, he manages to get off with the thought in he wanted, focusing on the doctor.

"Spit it out," Dante growls out impatiently.

He gathers her breath maintaining her strength, not truly as expected, but when he stopped to give the doctor all of his attention, he starts out straight.

Doctor Troy swallowed a little before spitting out the venom in his mind.

"The lady was shot at the rib, just close to the heart. It is a good thing that the person didn't aim to kill her, this would have been a totally hard and difficult to manage issue right now," Troy explains.

"Is she alright, Dr. Troy?" he asks again just wanting to be sure.

The look on the doctor's face was one of uncertainty, but he didn't scare him off, h just made it clear to state his point to the finest, it isn't always possible, but he stands by it effectively.

"She isn't, right now, but I hope she will be soon enough. She needs rest, the nurses will stay to take care of her, in case any thing happens, I am just a phone call away," he says.

Troy has been working for Dante since he was a boy, he is trust worthy, and although he is the difficult person, he wishes the best for the young lady.

He got annoyed when he thought that he had almost lost the young lady.

The fear that gripped him was way beyond comprehension. Fixing his white shirt and and grey sweat pants, he walked right up to the window, staying there staying out of the window.

Several hours had passed now, Leila was still in a deep sleep, maybe she needed time to gather her energy as much as she can, besides, as a werewolf, her ability to heal fast will come naturally.

Well, he failed to understand that Leila isn't any kind of wolf, hell no! she is the dangerous kind, one that is dreadful, and it doesn't necessarily mean that he knows what is going on.

Exhaling silently, he grabs the window sill controlling his raging powers.

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