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Chapter 24

She didn't know what had happened, she felt it wrong, but then, the fear that gripped her entire body, the evidence was clear in the way she cried.

It made he feel bad, thus, kneeling before her, she felt the sudden urge to explain himself.

"The lovemaking was good, thank you for such great time," the young man muttered out.

It made a little sense, but the young lady didn't quite understand it.

"Lovemaking? I don't get it, I mean, I..." she started, but shut up immediately when the young lady didn't dim it correctly.

The last thing that she remembers is wanting him, but then, her heartbeat drops all of a sudden.

"You drugged me?" she asked in confusion.

He smiled frantically. He knew the lady was being cut in her own snarl, thus, the perfect way to use it against her.

"Drug? was there any drug in whatever we drank," he inquired in a naive manner.

She shook her head in disapproval, that was the least she could do of course.

"I don't think so, but what tea did you drink?" she inquired her heartbeat accelerating.

There was only one explanation to this, she was eager to know the answer. He had planned this all, and in one go, he explained everything to her.

"You gave me the portion of the tea that is the one I had planned to give you. Oh shit, I wasn't supposed to say this," she exclaimed faintly.

This was the most ridiculous things that he had had anyone do to her, it was unbelievable, and as he kept his eyes wide open soaring at the lady, he knew he couldn't punish her, he had done so already.

"Wow! I am supposed to be mad at you, but it happens that I don't know why I am not. Why would you do that?" he questioned.

She didn't know what to say anymore, her deal had being exposed, but then, she is just trying her best to get passed this embarrassment, that is the least she could do. She burst out crying immediately.

"Come on, baby, please, stop crying," he said trying to pamper her.

"I didn't want to make love to you because I was too scared that I might fail you in bed. I mean, I guess it is better now that I missed the show, at least, I wouldn't have to bother too much about these things," she explained.

At once, his face hardened up, he looked like he was going to crack up. The lady's naked body was an open invitation for him to explore his body, to love her more, and learn a few things from her path..That wouldn't definitely be easy, but if anything should happen, then, it is the fear of having himself suddenly rejected by her.

Standing, his quick actions made her to be quite anxious to know what it us about.

"Where are you going to?" she questioned raising her brows.

It was easy to have his attention because at once, he grabbed the lady in a rough bundle, the pressure and everything was too high, that was crazy, and more to that, it went to a subdue pressure when he laid her gently on the bed.

"On the bed, darling, I want to do something for you that is for your curiosity," he said firmly.

The look on her eyes were that of confusion, she had not understood what he was trying to explain, like seriously, it felt like something very impossible to her.

"What? I mean, I don't get it," she whispered.

She didn't but when he leaned forth to kiss her, understanding dawned on her, it was evident that what would follow next would be what she had missed earlier.

"Oh my fucking god! you don't..., you are kidding me right?" she inquired her, filled with mixed emotions.

He had not planned to scare her of the actual act, but he wants to make it a more pleasurable and memorial act for her. Something she is going to enjoy in and more.

"I love seeing you naked, I mean, you look so beautiful in it. I hope you wouldn't mind me saying these things," the young man said abruptly.

She didn't utter a word, rather, she stared at him as if he had being stroke on his head by a bat, that would be a good option if such a thing had happened, but nope, it hadn't, and she has to definitely face reality.

"Naked? why? I mean, I have the worse pair of small breasts..." she started, but let her words trail off when he had this little smile against his face, it was a pleasurable thing though, but that apart, they all let it slip out when he cut saying,

"I think they fit perfectly in my palms... your breasts of course, so, if you wouldn't give me that deadly glares again, I would be so happy," she muttered don't quickly.

That was a swift thing to say, the mere fact of holding up his breath against her throat is equal to perfecting these images to these stuff.

"I think I love the sound of that, it is just so soothing. But was there any blood when you made love to me earlier? I mean, I missed a lot and I should kick your ass for that," she exclaimed as she dipped her fingernails into the man's flesh.

At once, the young man yelled as if he want being attacked by ferocious bees, well, it is obvious that she gave him enough of those emotions and more.

These feeling were getting the most of her, whatever the case might be, she just held her tongue a little loosely, made it in a stylish way and more to that, it let out to a squimish little center.

"You did bleed, but I wiped you up, I am very good in taking care of the ones close to my heart," he said.

At once, her eyes brightened up immediately, that was the first sign of what she needed, also, breaking these barriers by asking what he meant by that, she made sure she stared at him directly in the eyes, expecting some sort of response or something.

"Close to your heart? hmm, I thought you are cold hearted," she said chuckling.

That was just for fun, she didn't mean what was said, and as such, the mere fact that she was ready to sell out herself for such little a time for breaking those laws, for letting it slip out in the most agreeable manner.

"I fear that..." he started slowly.

Pausing, he took a long deep breath down his lungs, it was necessary doing so, but then, he had already long made up his mind that little talks didn't matter at all. It was about the actions about how swift or crook they could be.

"I want to give you a pinch of what I did earlier," he said sweetly.

She knew this was the time to wrap the man around hr little finger, although it was fishy, she just wanted some good time manipulating her and also acting all called for. It might not be that gladly received, but a thing from it would do her well, and more.

"You would make love to me without feeling anything for me?" she inquired faintly staring intently at him.

That was the most ridiculous thing she had ever said, but she held on to the question, hoping that it would put some sense into her head. Well, it had almost occurred when the young man said to her tightly,

"I love you," he said. He had started slipping down from the lady's body before she grabbed him, pulling him back to her bosom.

"You idiot, come back her if you do not mind," she said and glued her lips to his own.

Their soft lips plastered against them, that was the best thing she could do, and more, feigning this little less was for the prospect of teasing them all.

The kiss was a brave one, it had a lot of pressure that cane together as one, she felt his good the man tasted, and instantly, she knew she wanted more than a kiss. He had declared his dying love for her and that is enough for him to build her trust, make her comfortable with this little ritual and consider the first one as being a mistake, because that is exactly what had happened between them, a mere mistake of all sort.

That apart, the kiss was slowly turning into something else, and it was going to be so shocking, she feared that the little wins she was slowly building up might instantly generate into a kind of awkward thing, but that apart, she was ready to make sure that it is a silly mistake of nothing at all, absolutely nothing.

"I have this little thing for you too, and it is called love," she exclaimed happily.

His eyes popped out of his head, that was quite unbelievable because she had not seeing that coming this time.

He kissed her lovingly, it was difficult coming to the terms to meet up with this beautiful lady, but damn, that was just it, in the most awkward of manners.

"I want you, baby, I need you so much that it makes my body heat up so much," the young man spat out lovingly.

She was ok fire, she wanted to feel what her best friend had being doing when it comes to being a lady beneath a man.

"Let me be honest, baby," she started with a little favor but it is getting a very big difference and more.

His eyebrows raised up quizzically and it went about getting this matter resolved.

"Tell me, sweetheart, what is the problem?" he asked.

The Lady took a very long gulp, when she blew it out in a soft manner, she glared at the man as she prepared herself to talk.

"I have never had this experience in my entire life, also, I fear that the sore between my legs will make me feel uncomfortable. I just want to make you happy, no offense, and please, make sure that it would make me feel good and more," the young lady breathe out the words.

He literally burst out laughing his lungs out, it was a funny and genuine thing to hear from the lady he had just disvirgined, although it just pissed him off a little, that would be ridiculous to set things out his way.

She flushed feeling humiliated by this man.

"Alright, let me say... you are laughing at me, right?" she demanded throwing her head behind.

"No, no, hell no! I can't do that to you for nothing on earth, especially dealing with such stuff right now," he said.

The far that constantly gripped her was not going to be be this easy, also, it was kind of weird.

"Let's just get going, I am eager to know this whole experience of yours," she stuttered.

That apart, she managed to keep her mouth sealed, also, not trying to nudge with these effects, they all just focused on amusing themselves, making them a little better than expected.

He had settled carefully between her thighs, and each time she winced, the young man feared that maybe he might have hurt her or something. That was just his intuition, and he hoped that it would be better.

"I have this feeling that this is going to be a very long ride," the lady.

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