Chapter 1 MYSTICA

Mystica, during her deep slumber, stirred up into another comfortable position. Since she remained oblivious to her past, she was forced to believe that she was nothing but a mere female human that needed to struggle every day to live.

She eats, drinks, gets exhausted, feels sleepy, and even yearns for some comfort as well but in fact, this was new to her. Her known routine after she had woken up in Azure forest was far from her real identity.

Mystica comes from the royal family called Leone Clan. It was known as the most outstanding clan among fairies' who ruled the Sylph kingdom for centuries.

Before she lost her memories, she was declared to sit on her mother's throne and take over the leadership of their clan to continue their legacy and carry the responsibilities to take care of all the creatures that belong to Sylph kingdom be it on the inside or from the outside.

Right now, from afar, Darius the dragon witnessed a peculiar scene where fireflies come to work together to carry a human form. This is a very rare and amazing scene which he had never encountered before since he started to shift and explore his growth as a dragon.

Mystica was wrapped securely with something glowing and was carried by a massive count of pixies in the air while sleeping… She stirred yet she remained floating in the air. Adjusting to her comfort, the pixies then slowly flee her away from the huge tree roots towards a certain direction.

Darius, though feeling flabbergasted, almost ran to catch up with her but he seems to be very slow. His feet feel heavy, almost weighing similar to a stone. He couldn't understand why but the feeling of losing her was dreading him to the point that he became bothered for some unknown reason. He felt a little uncertain.

His heart began to skip a beat seeing her getting away from his sight. He hastened his steps, almost running, following her from behind as she floats similar to a leaf that is carried by the wind…

After a few moments of catching his breath, Mystica's sleeping form stopped ahead in front of a little hut. It was then that he'd come to realize something…

"The little winged creatures are bringing her back home…" he murmured in between his erratic breathing.

The hut's door opens and Mystica's body floats inside.

Darius remained outside the door, unmoving as he watched her getting into the hut in a swift motion. He still couldn't believe what he witnessed and right at that moment, he began to think about the woman. The words he said earlier about her then replayed in his mind and he thanked himself that he didn't say it in front of her.

How he judged her based on her appearance and how he bellowed her origin brought a sense of irony to him as he began to chuckle mockingly to himself.

"Darius Cage, how foolish are you to think that she's a human creature? What happened to your brain huh?"

Days ago

In a narrow wooden bed, a woman's petite figure was laid in an unconscious state…

Her face was severely bruised and her body was covered with dried blood. She looked so pale and seemed to be struggling to breathe… The only proof that she was still alive, fighting for her life was her chest heaving up and down.

At a first glance, anyone would have thought that she was lucky enough to survive death as her skin had a couple of long and deep cuts which were bleeding too much…

One of her arms has dislocated its bone as it obviously wasn't in the right shape. Her slender legs were covered with bloody teared trousers. A huge portion of her right knee area was whacked… It was oozing too much blood…

"She's dying. She needs proper treatment." A man's raspy voice resonated just right at the door of the shabby room.

"We can't afford to bring her somewhere. The time is running out. Go find some herbs to treat her wounds.You must hurry…" A soft and angelic voice promptly replied.

"What if she dies?" The unknown man questioned hesitantly.

"She would've died after she fell in the trap but here she comes," the old woman mumbled softly and went on confidently, " wasn't her time yet. I'm sure she will survive this."

"You seemed so sure… You definitely felt something strange about this woman…" the old man mumbled defiantly.

"Certainly. Her aura says otherwise that she's no simple creature… I can also sense it through her blood. There was a pleasant essence lacing through it…"

"Hmm… In that case, I won't let you down. I'll go find the right herbs to stop her bleeding then otherwise your ability as a spiritual seer for centuries would fail for the first time in history…" the old man muttered softly before he turned around and left the shabby house just a snap.

A couple of days later…

"Ahem! Ahem!"

"Water… I need some water…"

"Water please…"

The woman has finally regained consciousness after being seriously treated with fine herbs and now she was groaning deeply asking for some water to quench her thirst.

The old woman hurriedly staggered over and chirped, "You're awake. How do you feel now?"

Hearing someone talking just right in front of her bed, the woman opened her wary eyes and stared at the person with obvious confusion written all over her bruised face.

"Who… who are you?"

"Where… Where am I?" She muttered quizzically as she struggled to move but then she must have felt her wounds as her face contorted into a painful expression. "Ouch!"

"Don't worry too much. You're safe now." The old woman mumbled softly as she went over to the bedside, helping her into a sitting position before she handed a cup of water. "Drink." She commanded.

The woman gulped the whole content and sighed in satisfaction afterward."Thank you." She muttered weakly as she leaned on the wooden bed frame stationed behind her.

"How did you fall in the trap?" The old man suddenly entered the door, questioning the unknown woman without hesitation. "That part of the forest was way too far and was restricted for hunting… How on earth did you reach that secluded spot?" He berated with his voice filled with obvious hostility towards the woman.

The woman shook her head, staring at him in a daze as she uttered in confusion. "...I …I don't know… I can't remember anything…" Then she curved helplessly in the small corner.

"Will you stop asking her that way?" The old woman hurriedly prevented the latter from asking further and explained. "She hasn't fully recovered yet."

"She's obviously lying!" The old man's face shifted from calm to furious as he roared. "She must have been with a lot of people swarming in that area by now searching for her. We're in grave danger!"

"You don't have to worry about us… Everything is fine…" the old woman said in assurance before she darted her gaze back to the petite figure, curling into a ball at the corner and exclaimed. "Don't mind him. He was just terrified of being seen by anyone…"

The old man glared at his wife, pursing his lips in silence.

"Can you please tell me where I am?" The woman asked pleadingly as her gaze circled around the little space.

"You're in Azure forest…" was the old woman's curt reply before she stood up from the bed.

"Azure forest?" The woman mumbled repeatedly in a daze.

"Yes." The old woman nodded, with a brief explanation. "You're currently in Azure forest. The farthest and most forbidden area to humans…" she said as she went on questioningly in a milder tone. "There has to be a good reason as to why you easily get into the hidden portal. Would you mind telling me who and where you came from?"

Shaking her head for the second time, the woman said in a meek and delicate voice, almost faltering. "...I can't remember anything. I don't know who I am and where I came from… I…"

"You've lost your memory?" The old man frowned tightly upon hearing this. He crossed his arm in displeasure, sighing heavily in defeat as he mumbled, "...well, you're lucky enough that only memories have been lost in you. You perfectly escaped death…"

The woman was shocked at his words, looking terrified in a brief moment but soon it began to shift. She portrayed a confused and helpless expression on her face as she asked, "Was I on the brink of death?"

"You certainly are…" the old woman muttered with a slight smile. "Few more days and we will be leaving you so please get some rest so you can regain your strength…"

"Can you guys take me with you?" The woman suggested out of the blue.

The old man shook his head adamantly and said, "…We'll leave you to reside in this cabin until you regain your memories. By then, you won't be able to stay here much longer and you will find your way home… I wish you a happy journey in advance."

"Why are you so nice to me?" She asked the old couple at the same time while staring at them curiously. "You could have left me somewhere to die but you chose to treat my wounds and cure me. Thank you so much…" she finally choked in the end. She too went obviously emotional.

"Can I call you Mystica?" The old woman emotionally blurted out all of a sudden. "You remind me so much of my daughter… She was the same age as yours I guess before she…"

"Shhh…" The old man shushed and rubbed his wife's back soothingly as he groaned. "Stop recalling the past. Everything was planned and we have huge responsibilities to prioritize. I'm sure she'll understand wherever she is right now…"

"I just can't help it. I missed her so much…" the old woman sobbed helplessly.

"I owe you my life, aunt, uncle. Please call me Mystica as you please…" the woman finally agreed, forcing her drying lips to display a small and helpless smile.

"Mystica," the old man's expression surprisingly softened a lot as he uttered his daughter's name. "Please take a rest. I'll take her out to cook something nourishing for you…"

And with that, the old couple finally left her alone…

Mystica leaned on the wooden bed, hugging her knees as she gazed out through the small window right across her. The sun was shining brightly, emitting a warm and refreshing atmosphere yet her mind seemed to be clouded with an endless haze of darkness. The same goes to her heart. All she could feel was nothing but numbness within… For some unknown reason, she felt like she was trapped in the middle of a pit suffocating her slowly...

'What happened to me? Who am I?' she thought with a deep sigh.

A few days later, Mystica eventually regained a little fraction of her strength. With the help of the strange couple, she managed to get back to her usual shape. Her bruises that usually cover her face have faded showcasing her simple yet elegant beauty. Her wounded arms are healing and her dislocated joints are back to its original form. There were only a few scars left visibly shown on her pale skin.

Though she couldn't stand straight due to her knee injury, it was apparent that she showcased a strong and dignified posture similar to a well-trained individual.

In addition to this, the old couple was enthralled with her ability to heal fast compared to a normal human on which it confirmed their suspicion but they couldn't voice them out. Some things are better to be left unsaid, letting nature take its own course.

"Mystica, the right time has come…" the old woman said gently. "We must begin our journey…"

"You're leaving now?" Mystica mumbled in a sad tone.

"Yes." the old woman replied.

"Where are you… Going? It's late…" she asked, yawning.

"You don't have to know…" the old man chimes in. "You must focus on getting back your usual self and when you do," he paused, pointing his finger on the little wooden box settled right above the mini shelf and added, " may look at it. It has ways to help you out of the forest. Be careful on your way back…"

Mystica lowered her head, sighing heavily. "Uncle and Aunt, you haven't told me your names yet. My words of gratitude aren't enough to thank you for saving me but I hope that we will meet again someday. I wish you two a happy journey…" she muttered in a low voice.

"Names are irrelevant. It can be replaced…" the old woman let out a complicated sigh as she took out something from the pockets of her shabby clothes, handing it to her. "Take this little gift from me. This will help you in the future…"

She took it, murmuring her thanks before her eyelids dropped down, she fell asleep in no time, leaving everything to oblivion.

The couple then gazed at her sleeping form fondly for the last time before they began to evaporate in the air, taking all their traces with them…

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