Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Day three of pretending not to care

I woke up this morning and stared at the ceiling. I did it said nothing, I didn't move a single

part of my body. I realised that I failed, my pretending not to care act is failing miserably and

I've already been unsuccessful. But we'll pretend as if I didn't fail and cry in front of

everyone. Everyone meaning my mother.

It's Friday and all I want to do is stay in bed as per usual, but I throw my blankets off me with

a grunt and prepare myself for school. I can't wait for this day to be over, I'll be waiting chips,

ice cream and other sorts of foods while watching movies.

I arrive at school, tired and wanting to go home already. Everyone is in their little groups

talking about a party that is going on tonight, while I'll just hide in my room from the world.

Looking at all the friendship groups makes me think about my choices, how bad they all are

and to protect myself from getting hurt. What if I don't get hurt in the end??

I sigh and look around, feeling lost and alone. But it's my fault, people shouldn't pity me

because I'm the one that pushes everyone away. I catch Ruby's eye, but she just looks away

and continues talking to her boyfriend Max. Tyler is standing next to them, looking bored and

being a third wheel to them. Jake is no where to be found.

I guess I'm in this by myself.

The bell goes and I sigh, watching as students start swarming around the halls in a rush to

get to their lockers. That's the 'good-two-shoes' type. But then there's the people that think

they're so much better than everyone else and so cool if they get in trouble. So they walk

slower to be lockers and get to classes late.

Today, I'm one of the people that can't seem to care. But not because I think that I'm so cool

and want attention, but because it feels like class is he least important thing going on in my

life at the moment. I am no good girl, I never have been. I've never cared about deadlines, I

just finish them in time because I have nothing else to do but homework and assignments. I

don't go to parties because I have no friends, and I've practically lost the people that I had a

chance at being friends with. This time, it wasn't completely Chad and Nicks fault... it was

mine. I don't drink, do drugs, smoke cigarettes or weed or vape, I do nothing. The baddest

thing I've done is kick a hole in the wall. An that was an accident, my parents weren't mad at


Maybe I should change some of those things? Make a bucket list or something... but the first

thing on my bucket list is to go to that god forsaken party. Have fun, don't let anyone boss

me around, dance, eat and come home barely remembering anything from the amount of

alcohol that was consumed by me.

I'll be a normal teenager, exploring new things and not being so sad constantly. I want to be

happy, is that so much to ask for?

All heads turn to the door as I come in ten minutes late, their mouths drop open when they

see it's me. The teacher whom I can't remember the name of, has her hands on her hips and

she doesn't look impressed. She points to the clock, "ten minutes late. I hope you have a

good explanation miss Lacuna."

My fellow classmates seem shocked, I do have a perfect attendance and I'm almost never

late and when I am it's only by a minute. I'm stuck on what to say, I have no reason and

there's no point in lying. Am I right? "I.... uhhhh.... I got lost?" I stupidly make up.

She shakes her head and walks to her desk, writing on a piece of paper. "I never expected

you to be this sort of person Faye, you have a lunchtime detention," she hands me the slip

and people start snickering. I don't see how it's amusing that I'm getting a detention.

"But I've been on time every other class!" I protest. She holds her hand up and shakes her

head, dismissing me and telling me to sit down in her head. I drop my head to the floor and

walk in shame to my assigned seat. Okay, it's not that bad but I find it unfair that the popular

kids get a free pass when they're 20 minutes late and I'm 10 minutes late and get a

detention. This is so unfair. If these teachers punished the populars when they come in 10

minutes till the bell goes for next period, then I would completely understand with no

complaints. But they aren't like that so I don't understand.

For the whole lesson, I don't listen. I watch the clock as it goes by slowly until the bell goes.

They watch me exit the class, as if what I did people haven't done.

School goes by quickly and it's soon lunch... meaning detention. Fortunately for me, the

teacher has fallen asleep and there's only one really chubby guy who stinks and snores. Do I

really want to get into more trouble? I shrug just as another teacher walks in, I act as if I was

moving to the back corner to lean against the wall. He eyes me which doesn't last long

because his eyes focus on the other which he rolls his eyes at. He's quite young too... and a

teacher. "Why do I chose to work with kids and old people?" He mutters in distaste and

pokes him. I snicker and he looks at me, clearing his throat awkwardly and scratching the

back of his neck.

"Forget that I'm in here?" I taunt, he shrugs then nods.

"What'd you do to get in here miss.... Lacuna..." he raises his eyebrow and smirks.

"Got into class 10 minutes late," I shrug. He scoffs and takes a seat facing me and

scrunching his nose at the chubby smelly kid.

"Seriously? Some teachers here are so uptight. What does this guy eat? Tuna? Brussel

sprouts? Cause oh god, he smells..." he coughs and pinches his nose trying not the smell

the odour.

"I don't know, but whatever it is it's bad," I laugh. "So what teacher are you?" I ask in


"Mr Carter, a 26 year old teacher that regrets his job decisions and is engaged after dating

the love of my life for 9 years."

"I'm Faye Lacuna, a fellow year 12 student that has zero friends, no love life and is slowly

becoming a delinquent."

He makes a face of interest and nods, "I remember my delinquent days... that's how I met

my fiancé. Here actually, I was a 'bad boy' you could call me." I make a face of interest and


"Same principle?" I question.

"Same old mr Fitz.... as well as old Mrs Randy," he grimaces. "She's still not a fan of me," he

laughs nervously.

"Ah, old Mrs Randy.... she's a scary one, luckily she loves me. I wouldn't want to be on her

bad side, she's scary," he laughs at me and nods in agreement.

"Very scary."

"So tell me more of this story, Mr Carter," I prop my feet up onto the table and relax back.

Waiting for him to continue.

"Well for now you will know the beginning. She was a beautiful, strong, very opinionated

girl... she loathed me. She probably dreamed of me dying Regina George style. I was cocky,

got all the girls, not shy, a player, handsome, amazing-" I cut him off.

"Yeah, yeah... I get it. You were amazing."

He chuckles, "exactly. And I wanted her, she was innocent and beautiful and no other guy

had her before. But as I said... she hated me. So, it was hard to het her to be friendly to me."

The bell goes off, cutting off his story and leaving me disappointed. "Darn, I wanna hear the

rest of this story," I sigh.

"You can. Every lunch time if you wish, come to my office or get a detention. Each time I will

tell you a part of my story with the love of my life," I smile and stand up.

"Nice meeting you Mr Carter."

"Ditto miss Faye Lacuna," he smirks. I walk out of the classroom, having not regretted the

choice of arriving to class late. Now I will hear a real life love story.


"Hunny, where are you going?" Dad says looking over my outfit with questioning eyes. "This

is the most fanciest I've seen you," he jokes.

I'm literally only wearing jeans and an off the shoulder shirt, nothing too fancy but nothing

usual to what I wear on an everyday basis.

"Well, you see... I'm actually going to a party," I slowly say so he can let it sink in. He's going

to say I can't go and I'll be here while Nick enjoys himself there, he's too protective.

"No, you aren't going," he firmly says.

"Dad," I whine. "It's so unfair and sexist that Nick can go but I cannot, why can't I have some

fun? I've been so good, I never ask to go anywhere. Please," I plead with him. This is the

one time I can forget all the pain, even if it's just a little while. It's on my bucket list now.

"No. I don't care if Nick is there, this is different. You aren't going and that's final Faye," he

growls angrily. Mum walks into the room and looks at dad with a certain look that says 'let

her go or no sex' but he's a male and doesn't pick it up.

"Val, let her go," mum says walking to him and placing her hand on his larger arm. He takes

a deep breath and shakes his head, glaring slightly.

"No. My answer is no. You can't change that Willow," she moves closer to him and

flirtatiously blinks.

"My darling sweet Valentino, is you don't let our daughter go then you're sleeping on the

couch, no sex whatsoever and I will feed your balls to Titus... no, Landon. I'm sure he'd

actually think they're a type of food," she smiles 'sweetly' and his mouth drops open and he

looks between the two of us.

"Ugh.... Fine."

She pecks him on the lips and grins at me excitedly, "your first party! Be excited. Okay don't

go too crazy on the drinks, no smoking or doing any illegal things, no drugs and no sex. Oh

but have fun!" Her eyes water and she fans her face. "This is so embarrassing.... my little girl

is finally all grown up," she sniffles making me laugh.

"Love you mum... and dad. I'll have fun and take your words to my brain."

"If any guy touches you, he won't be able to have children," dad says. Okay... I have a

normal family.

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