Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 14

A small crowd of people had started gathering around them, and she felt a little embarrassed because she was openly giving people something to talk about. The last thing she wanted now was gossip because if has to find out that she has a baby brother and more a kidney problem, it might be a way of frightening the man away from her which is something she does not want now.

He walked towards her, and when he stretched his hand for her to take it, she hesitated, but then, she held it just in time to witness him use a crate and hit it on his head.

He screamed in shock as blood started rushing from the corner of the man's head. It stained his front shirt, and that was horrible.

He felt the pain and that was when he knew that the man had gone the extra miles to make him lose his temper. It was crazy, especially when he had thought that the man had learned his lesson, but no, there are some things that must be thought of severally before the message finally sinks into the man's mind.

In anger, he forgot about the fact that he might be injured and he launched towards with full force as he punched him severally across the face. There is no doubt that was in a rage that no one could stop him.

"No one messes with me, I mean it," he said as he gave the last blow across his cheeks.

She widened her eyes in shock, she had not thought that he had so much power in him, but fighting publicly was not a trait she would like to see in a man that she plans carrying his baby for nine months. Struggling to maintain her balance, she stood, but her legs wobbled as she lost stability.

She was tired, apart from working supplementary hours to keep her small life going, the little money she earned was used on paying bills and providing food for her baby brother. Her stomach churned, and her head ached, Instead of her staying here, she advanced towards him who had left bleeding so much that she feared that he might even have passed out.

Well, it would have been better if the big bad villain had passed out, but hell no, it had to be her, she couldn't see past his handsome broad back and as she wished that the man will stop hitting the other man, she lost it when her legs gave up on her, causing her to collapse.

This is the only thing that caught her full attention, and his heartbeat skipped terribly. Quickly, he left the man's side and hurried to Stephen's side.

Like a big bad wolf, he had just reacted out of the wild, and also due to the fact that the man had started it first. The two blows he had given her was enough, but when Stephen provoked him by hitting the crate in him, he had almost lost it with the growl he let escape his parted lips, but he seems to be getting control over himself now, and that is the most important part, especially when it is prior to him.

It is quite unusual for the coach to see how Blaise was playing the game. He only kept loosing the ball though he had the opportunity to keep it. The coach the whistle and they all stop playing. " see right now", he beckons not afraid, stands at akimbo and then runs over to meet him wiping the sweat off his face. "Hey are you okay?", one of the players asked him in concern. He just looked at him and nodded with an "Mmh mmh", sound.

Not only had the coach noticed that he wasn't concerntrated the others did too. They were equally very surprised that he would actually let the ball leave his court.

He arrives the spot where his couch was sitted. It was shaded from the sun.

"Coach", he said as he walked over to him.

"Come here, the couch beckoned as he walks close to him.

"Hey, What is wrong with you today. You keep on loosing your pace?", his coach asked him. The other football players had found a spot and were practicing amongst themselves. Most of them glance over to see their couch talking to him. "The couch seems pissed", one of them said as he continued practicing.

"Well, obviously. he has not been on the right foot today and it shows. He is not concentrated. Even him was able to take the ball from him", one other player said as he watched them. He stared at him with a little anger in his visage.

"Mmh, that's quite true. I really don't understand what is wrong with him. We have a competition up coming and we can not afford to loose one of our top players", the first one informed before moving over to the seat that was beside.

Back to the discussion between him and the coach. "Tell me him, are you okay?", the coach asked as worry filled his expression. He then glanced over to the group of boys.

" I am okay couch. I have just been feeling down and stressed since yesterday", he said with a pitiful look as he took his handkerchief to wipe the sweat that was dripping past his eye.

" Mmh", his coach exclaimed. Though he was not very happy with the way he performed on the field. He still remained one of his favorite players. That had been one of the reasons why he had not been pissed. He knew how much he was good and how he handled the ball. Besides, he was their coach and knew all their weak points when it came to football.

"No matter what is going on him, I just hope that you get things together quickly. You know we have a game against one of ourost strongest competition. We can not afford to loose the best player on the team. Look at you left arm", he ordered him who was had already tilted his head down and was looking at his left hand just as his couch had said.

"What do you see?", the couch asked in a very loud and commanding tone. Anybody who passed by, will have shivered at the voice. He still does not give any response

His coach was patient to the point of asking again. " I ask again Blaise, What do you see", he said in the same tone as before.

"Captain", he answered as he looked at him . But was he really captain if he could not properly handle the ball today. Though he still thought about her . He wanted to improve on the field.

Worst still he had lost a ball to Blaise. Anybody but not Blaise. He then gained some courage in himself. There was nothing to actually to be dreadful about. He was going to her house anyway.

"Now go back to the field and play like the captain that you are. Play because of the reason you know I had put you as captain in the first place", his couch said in a commanding tone, which was however not harsh.

He goes over the spot where the other players are. They had to start the game all over again before anything else. They took their various positions as the coach took long steps and placed the ball in the middle. The game begins.

The game is a 1: 3 victory with him team having the highest score. Because of him passion for football, he grew excellently well by the day and that was one of the reasons why he could lead the others.

The coach had not been present the day before, so he has handed over the position for Blaise to control. Truth be told, he was a good couch himself and did not actually need one. It was his dream to play big and he could not afford to be slack.

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