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Chapter 16

"Don't be shy, you started teasing me, so it is only fair for me to so in return to you," he said was he mantained then.

A slow frown started raising in the lady's forehead, but as he let it slow down, she decided to say what was expected of her.

"But I wasn't teasing you, I was simply stating a fact, nothing more, but unlike that, you just said yours to tease the hell out of me. Well, I hope that you succeeded that much in doing so," the lady spat out as she chewed her lower lip forcefully while acting like she was a saint.

He wasn't the one to fumble with his words, this, he made his point known to her by telling her the truth to perfection when that was necessary, and she knows that everything would go on well as planned.

"I am sorry for teasing you, darling, but you should know that I mean it when I say you are sexy and breathtaking all the same," he blurted out as he had his eyes fixed on the lady's own and that was kind of strange.

Whatever the situation might sound like, all she did was to shake her head as of nothing had happened to her, but damn, shaking her head in anticipation, she just found it lovely that he actually found all these things worth it.

Indeed, she found it that way as well, and whatever she might have done to deserve this, she just breather out the air that seemed to be clutched against her throat as that was expected of herself If she didn't want to suffocate and kill herself by her own stupidity.

"I don't know what to say about this, but I think thank you would do," she said as she actually found it difficult to express herself.

But then, he quickly cut in, ready to make himself known.

He started by bringing himself down until they were too close, and only a centimeter apart from the lady.

He finally finished the words that were hanging on his throat before anything could actually happen.

"You don't need to apologize, and if there isn't anything to say, then I would proudly tell you that silence is the best key to the situation at hand," the gentleman said.

Slowly, he used his head to close the distance the distance between her and himself, by putting his wet lips on the lady's on. That was truly good, am in fact, if there is anything on earth to consider, then, it definitely has to be her, at all cost of course.

Him kissing her was a very sweet thing that has ever happened to her, and the effect that goes along with it is one that he had never thought about.

Torn between passion and the desire to step aside, it became so difficult that she couldn't choose, thus, she let her body choose for her, thus, it ended up that she constantly kissed the man above her with all the strength that anyone could demand of.

"Then, tell me that you love this new change your nody is experiencing, don't force it, just let it control you," he ordered as he constantly placed fervent kisses allover the lady's body, and indeed, that was a think that she can't do otherwise.

"Ahh! ok, I feel like I am truly going to melt if this whole feeling doesn't stop or let me be now, it truly wouldn't end up well now," she said her breathing became raged like she had a car racing in her body. That was quite ridiculous and she knows about that.

Instead of him responding to this, he bowed his head down and coosed the distance between them as he kissed her with everything that he is worth of. The manner in which he keeps telling her that everythingia alright while placing light kisses on her mouth, constantly dragging apart to led the lady breathe.

They didn't talk much, rather, they led their body did the talking for them with him giving everything he had to her, and the lady willing accepting it. That was cool, and she didn't want this moment to end, hell no! instead, she wanted to feel every part of him, to carress him, to let him know that she is worth what he wants in a lady, and not even her health status would break that chain. Although it is kind of funny thinking about that, she couldn't even think of the least.

"Hey, baby..." he called out as he constantly brushed his lips close to hers.

It has being a really long while since he has lain with a lady, and although he had several things rushing through his mind, she has become the only lady that Is making him want to go crazy and she knows about her.

The truth is that, he loves everything that has to do with her, the feeling of his lips on her soft hair, her fragrance that keeps waffling his nostrils is something he can not do without it, and indeed, the super feeling is one that keeps getting him head over heel and truth be told, he loves this feeling.

Summoning the courage that was in the lady's heart, she pushed his chest by putting her hand firmly out in the lady's own and pushing him a little harder. Finding her voice, she let her voice out quickly.

"Ok, stop, please, let go off me, I mean, we can't be doing this," the lady blurted out, and the feeling that swept through her was totally challenging, and she knows about that so well that it hurts.

He looked hurt over what he had said and as he glared at the lady, he couldn't help but ask,

"What can't be doing?" he asked in his light voice as he eyed the lady with bright eyes wondering what she was talking about.

It was now her turn to crack her mind wondering what she might serve the man as a response, but none was forthcoming.

Muttering the courage that was in her heart, she finally decided to speak out even though it was in a weak and trembling voice.

"You are kissing me," she ended up saying and at once, she bit her lower lip a little harder than usual as she eyed the man with reserved abandon, wondering what thoughts might be going on in his head.

Well, in case he doesn't know, he had several ideas running through her mind an it was truly crazy how all those actions unfolded themselves against one another, that was crazy and she couldn't even mantain her eye contacts with the man again.

"Look at me honey," he called out as he had his eyes perched on the lady's face but damn, whatever was going on in the lady's mind now needed to come up forth and fast.

After a while, the lady managed to look up as she paired her eyes with the man's own, he felt his warmth auit her so much, but then, she has several things going on through her mind, and needs to be addressed with politeness.

She called out when he didn't say anything, all he did was to gkare at her as if she had mud on his face.

Well, she might not have that but the look that the man spared for her was dashing and she could barely think of anything right now.

Finding his voice, he decided to make his intentions clear to this lady.

"I wasn't the only one kissing you, darling, we were both kissing because you reciprocated my kisses, isn't that true?" he inquired raising his brows while having no intention to leave the young lady's side anytime soon.

It is really disturbing how things are turning out to be, but then, she couldn't help but blush profusely when she discovered that she had actually reciprocated the man's advances.

He felt totally embarrassed and as she removed her hands from her sides, she quickly covered her face with it, but the young man's laughter penetrated her ears making her behave like a child. It is aching how accurate the young man might be, and the fun that actually goes with it is one that she has never felt before.

He wasn't the one to stay and stare at the lady shy off, thus, he used his free hands to hold the lady's face while softly pulling it away from her face.

At once, her face became so exposed that she thought of disappearing into thin air. That was just a thought, and no matter how that feeling webt about, she could not help other that stretch his brain in all these dimensions.

"You don't need to shy off over such things you know?" he said trying to support her morals.

He had first of all made it known to her that as a one, if he makes love to her the first time and it doesnt yield any fruit of a baby, then, he will have to do it constantly until she gets pregnant.

That was the silliest of things she could muster, and she knows about that as well, and no matter what he thought, she shivered as she remembered his words sinking into her mind.

"I know, but we just met, that is a while ago, we can't he doing this..." she said as she pushed her head behind, fighting back the tears that were about to throw her backwards.

He let the words settle down in his mind, and at once, understanding dawned on the man's mind now and he knew what she wanted, something like a relationship between them to shift aside the fact that she is truly going to have love to him, but doesn't want to make it seem really bad.

He got down from the lady's body, and as he rubbed his shoulder naughtily, he tried all that was in his power to restrain himself from arguing with this lady because it wasn't worth it, instead, he turned out to disturb him so much.

"Hey, I want you to know if you don't bare my touches," he blurted out as he eyed the lady with gleaming eyes.

She opened her mouth to speak, but quickly silenced it when she didn't know what to say in regards of what the nab had asked and that is literally sick.

Opening her mouth to talk, she quickly closed it when nothing other than air came in through her pursed lips.

That didn't seat well in her head what he had said, so hoping that he could silence him with her words, she decided to make things work out for herself as that is the only thing of importance to her, and it kind of make a lot of sense though.

"I don't know how to bare your touches... Oh no! sorry, I did not mean to say that, what I actually mean is that I just don't know how to react to your kisses," the young lady confessed.

It is a very sheepish way of thinking, and no matter what happens, she thought about letting it slip off without any repercussions added to it and so on so she thought.

He nodded her head in understanding, as what she had said made a lot of sense, and but then, he wants to help her, to teach her every corner of her body, but that wouldn't happen unless she can at least bear his kisses. At this point, the confusion that swept through the man's mind is one that he had never felt before.

"Why then did you come here? I mean, you know we are expected to make love, you need to give me a baby, how will that even happen when all you do is to push yourself against the wall as if you would die of fright.

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