Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 17

The first thought that swept through her mind when he asked her to keep the necklace is the fact that she could feel the precious stones whenever their deit deal is done, and she will be able to leave from there on.

"I truly appreciate your warming gesture," the lady said as she eyed him from the corner of her eyes.

She didn't know why she did so, but damn it on the fact that he was being hurt.

He on his part quickly grabbed his spoon, and as he filled it with ice cream, he pushed it close to her face as he gave her. At first, the lady hesitated, but when she saw no harm in it, she swiftly opened her mouth, accepting him commands.

"Thank you," she said, her mouth filled with chocolate ice cream.

Indeed, each of these flavors were rich and unique, and all had things differentiating them. This is the highest peak of enjoyment, and whatever the deal was, that she took with him, she wasn't to allow it spoil her from enjoying their little fun she could gather.

"Tomorrow will be a very busy day," he said.

Him who had being in thoughts rapidly swirled her head to his side as he gave him a sidelong glance. She was eager to know what he meant by that, but he didn't look like someone whose mind would rest well on telling her more of what he just said, if she needs more opf wh he just said, them she should be ready to ask for it.

Well, she wasn't scared of asking the man about that since as it only seemed the only means possible.

"Wait, what do you mean when you say 'a very busy day'?" she inquired as she raised her brows quizically as she eyed the young man weirdly, wanting to know the reply.

The manner in which she said it made her heartbeat tremble and as she stared at the man beside her go stone cold sober, she knew that she was in at expecting something glamorous from the man's side.

He knew that her curiosity would eat her up till she cracks and asks her what she meant by that, well, he wasn't wrong at all because at the count of three she opened her mouth to ask her question.

Making sure he had her attention secured in place, he decided to say humbly,

"What I mean is, we are going for shopping tomorrow, you need to look like a promising lady, one that any man yould see and hit on from the first sight. You are very attractive, but I think much more beauty will be revealed if you remove your hair from it's messy buns, and let it fall on your back, you know, as you girls always do it, then, aome makeup and all of that, I don't know, you name it sweetheart, I think you should be pro in that art," he spat out disdainfully.

She coughed lightly as she heard about all these things he had just said. It is q prove that he truly wants tomorrow but might spoil it if it gets to her.

"I don't know how to make up, and if I put heavy makeup on__ which I don't think I have ever, then, I will be the one to remove it by too much fidgeting. I apologize for not being your ideal type of a lady, this is literally not my fault, I honestly say," she spat out as she threw her head behind, not wanting any of these things to sound bad.

The truth is that he hasn't being exposed to these things because her, she calls it boyfriend he, and had always fancied it when Michelle had it on whenever she went on a date with Julian her boyfriend.

He noticed how she shrugged on the chair, and the fact that she was fast in confessing whenever the thoughts of her doing something she didn't know arise. Her innocence, and everything added until the mixture is one of a mess that couldn't even be recounted.

"Hey?" he called out as he arranged his position on the chair, willing to give the young lady the space and time she needs to be comfortable with her.

He is aware of the fact that it might take some time settling those differences, but whatever the case might be, he tried playing it humble and man it work at her speed.

"Yes, then," she responded as she swirled her head to his side, eager to hear what he had to say.

All she did was balance her weight on the seat, taking care of the fact that everything would make sense whether she likes it or not, and indeed, she waited for that judgement and it was evident In her expressions.

"Have you won makeup before?" he asked his voice sounding dry and void of any humor.

"No!" he reply came in like the stroke of a lightning.

That was truly understandable now, in fact, everything that could be done about it is one that none had ever imagined, considering theat the effects that goes with it is just something she could have avoided.

"I understand. You wouldn't wear it then tomorrow," he said in a very thin voice, as if passing his command.

At once, she felt a pang of sorrow hit her, she would have actually loved to wear some makeup, no matter how small the thing might be because there is actually first time for everthing, an she wants to know about this as much as she can.

"But you want me to look beautiful for your guests, thus, I wouldn't mind putting it on," she added when he thought he had settled that part of the deal.

In one breathe, he swirled his head to glare at the lady as if she had had a struck of bad fate on her head. hee urge to strive above any limitation just gave him something to talk about and truly, that is amazing and sad all the same.

He could even accept everything the lady had said but there is one that he will trap his mind on, and is going to be clear about it.

"Look at me, baby," he ordered.

She knew best than to obey, especially when she doesn't want to disobey the young man, of course not, if not so, it will be a very sad opportunity knowing thay she might lose something very much valuable in case something of the sort happens.

When the young lady hesitated to do so, he pressed on his words, urging the lady to look at him.

"Then? come on, look at me," he added as he added pressure to his words.

It is funny how that sound was but what ever the case might be, the young lady was just focused on letting things work out the way he had planned it to be.

He knew best other than obeying to this man, he has become the man in her life, and in order to play her cards well, she needs to set ger foundation, and that can only be done when she is respecting him and holding him in high esteem.

That might sound a little ridiculous, but whatever the case might be, she is ready to play it cool with all her might first, pretending like everything is okay.

Of course, she knows deep down in her that nothing is alright, and that is the saddest part of the whole ordeal.

"You have my whole attention," she called out softly, and at once, she felt the young man's heated gaze against her body.

It is literally crazy how that felt and whatever the case might be, she was ready to hear him out, and even find a solution to her problem in case there was any, and that could actually be of help to her.

He had his head so close to the lady's face that he quickly removed it and when he did so, he suddenly decided to take a few spoons from the yummy ice cream before it could even melt.

He did this to lessen the tension between them, he knew that she was eager to hear what had to say, and not only that , he himself wasn't proud of what he truly was going to say, but he knew that to an extend, it has some tenacity buried in it.

"I want you to know one thing, baby girl, you don't need make up to look beautiful because you are a whole bundle already, In which I admire so much. I am sorry I brought that up in the first place, thus, I guess the blame should be on me," he said as he concluded his words.

It looked simple, and the mind-blowing is one thing that she couldn't talk about it, even in the next world. Her heartbeat had accelerated, she felt the flush hit her face and whatever that way she felt is just something not more than the ordinary, and to think about how honest he had being, it ached him so much and she knows about it.

A wave of guilt swept through the lady's face and she ended up saying faintly,

"Alright then, I think that I want to apply something on my face, but it has to be very light, If not, I will rub my hands around my eyes until I become as ugly a witch," she said.

If nothing else is funny, then the fact that she has being so dramatic and playful with her words, then, it was really aching, knowing fully well that things don't alway sit well with him.

"You seriously don't have to do it, sweetheart," the young man said, but all he got as a response is the fact that he wants some positive energy, and whatever that case might be, she just thought about it as well.

"It's alright, at least, this all on me and I know that," she blurted out.

The sound of her voice was just trying to be this awkward, and whatever the case might be, she turns out to be just so fishy that everything is getting weilder, and even to a point were thing might be handled like the way she wants it.

He constantly had her eyes on the lady's own, it is sad that there are several things going through his mind and whatever that is, he going to maintain peace and order in their midst.

"Have you had dinner?" the question came out like he would pop out in case the reply is not given.

At the mention of that question, she tightened her grip on the man's on as she found it difficult to picture her brother sleeping while hungry.

Just the thoughts that swept through her mind caused her to shudder, but then, maintaining her gaze on the man's own, she decided to give a plain reply isoc soe sort of reply was necessary and expected of her.

"I have eaten," she said not wanting to stress on what she had as a meal if not, It will cause much suspicion than it already is.

"Ehmm! what about you, have you eaten?" she demanded wanting to feel the silent gap that was trending between them.

At once, their heartbeat increased, and the fear that made her overcome just became so protruding.

He knew when she was trying to hide because he had told her that her eyes would betray her in case she tries to lie, well, it is obvious that she has forgotten about that so fast.

"What did you eat?" his question popped in, as it tried suppressing her own.

A pause came in, then, the lady said eagerly.

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