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Chapter 19

She just needed an answer, and as she stared at you young man, she expected a quick one to suit her racing heartbeat.

He had to confirm at this moment that he had truly gotten himself entangled with the right woman who didn't even quite know who he was. Well, he would be more than pleased to refresh her memory on the man she has standing in front of her, maybe that would do give him some credit.

Although she couldn't comprehend the implications of what she had just said, she whimpered on her seat when she saw the young man's eyes constantly on hers. She even had to wonder why she stared at her in that manner.

" Are you jealous of her? because she is more beautiful than you?", his words hurt her heart so badly that she could not take it anymore and had tears cloud her eyes. Yes, she was very beautiful but did he have to go rub it on her face like that?. She had her qualities that no one had as well but why did he have to compare?.

Her count ace had changed and he could see that she was hurt by what he had said. The deal was to make her fall in love and not to get her to hate him so he thought of consisting her and explaining herself but it was late for that as her heart was pounding in her chest.

"You dared to tell me that I am jealous but of what and for what you girlfriend?. I admit I do not have a man but that doesn't make me a lesser person, not someone who can not be happy alone. Just because of you, I have encountered two serious problems just because they think you are flirting with me", she stopped and took some fresh air.

" Flirting? is that how you see me?", he asked hurt in his feelings because he knows he is not that good of a person but she affirms what she had just said bringing down his ego as a man and adding that, men like him so that just to get the attention of ladies and later lure them into their bedrooms to have a taste of them.

He could not bear the insults anymore, so not wanting to say or do something that might hurt her, he whirled his back and began walking away from her. But she's not being able to drive with her swollen leg, struggled to step out of the car, while making her way to him.

Losing her stamina, she fell to the ground and hurt the other leg too. Referring to him as a "stranger" simply because she did not know his name, he was so mad that he could not respond to her. She had struggled to call him but the hunger that she was feeling joined with the pain, had made her start feeling weak.

Not being able to withstand all of it, she passed out on the road. It was a deserted road that led to her house as she was living in a residential area filled with a lot of beautiful trees with big shades. He had walked for some minutes, and he could not listen to her calling out his name again.

Feeling happy that she had finally learned to keep her mouth shut, his spirit could not help but worry about her, because there was something that was attracting him to her like a magnet.

He exclaimed at the sight of her sleeping on the ground unconscious. His whole body trembling like a duck that was beaten by the rain. He rushed to her and brought her head up calling out her name.

Feeling her weak body on him, Warren could not think properly and did not get her address as he was mainly following the instructions on how to get to her building.

" Oh God, what do I do with her now?", he asked. Immediately, an idea came into his head and he was to take her to his house instead. But thinking out loud like a mad lesson on the road, he knew it was going to put his task in harm's way.

Taking her to the car, he called her phone but she was not picking up as her phone was on the divan where she was sitting while she went to get something upstairs.

"Pick her up, I need your help now", he mumbled but she was not still taking her phone. With a confused gaze at her, he started the car and made a turn in the direction of his house. She was still unconscious but looked beautiful in her sleep.

" He humiliated me in front of everyone and even slapped me, I can't still wake up from this slumber that I am inside and held her hair in disgust. The video had gone viral and as she walked in the neighborhood, everyone was just looking at her in a very funny way.

Not being able to explain why they were all staring at her like that, she started with her aggressive nature asking them what they were looking at and laughing. At that point, she listened to someone calling her name from behind and she turned almost at the same time.

"What happened at the beach, and why did he slap you?", one asked and the other bombarding her question, asked who the lady was defending was. Hazy about their multiple questions, she wondered how they came to know about what had happened to her at the beach.

" I don't understand what you girls are saying", her lips moved with her gaze looking at the ground.

"Liar, you know perfectly what we are saying but you just don't want to admit won't", and brushed it on her face.

" We knew that tour relationship with him was bad but we had no idea that it was that bad person", he added. She was feeling all small while the embarrassment that had covered her up was nothing she could ever forget.

Everyone seemed to be looking at their phone and pointing at her. She had always wanted fame but not in such an embarrassing way.

"Ok, say something why are you so quiet, I thought you told us that you had him in your palms and that no one could ever be able to take him away from you?", Her word added to it, and he could not take it anymore.

" I still have him in my palms you know and what happened was a misunderstanding", she yelled at both of them holding her tears from showing. She took up her phone, she played the video to him, who could no longer keep up with the slashes that were on her eyes. Letting out a deep sigh, she ran away in shame as she could not take the stigma anymore.

His mother sat on the veranda and lifted her head at the sound of a car that was approaching her yard, she could catch a glimpse of a car driving in. Stunned and confused at the same time, she could not make out who it was that had driven into her terrace. Looking closely, she stood up walking slowly towards the entrance.

The car stopped and the door opened up. He came down of it looking at his mother with worry on his face.

"Who's car is that son?", his mother asked.

" I need you to calm down mom, I can explain", he spoke out. His mother seeing so much fear in his eyes said,

"I hope that you are not in any sort of trouble, or did you steal this car because it looks expensive".

He narrated to his mom a little of what had happened and his mother asked where she was, he rushed to the car and brought her out.

" Oh my God she is still unconscious?", she raised a question taking off the curtain for him to get inside. The only seat in that house was clothed with old material.

"Put her there and get me a washbasin", his mother instructed. He was surprised at his mother's reaction but he did not regret carrying her to his house. He brought the washbasin and some hit water and the first thing his mother asked was,

" Who is this young lady and is that car outside hers?".

He did not know whether to say the truth or to lie, but he was aware that lying was not going to help him so he answered.

"Yes, it is her mom".

The stare his mother gave him was a bitter one and he knew that he was not going to forget it in a hurry. His legs were cold in his shoes while his back was covered with sweat.

" Mom, I will tell you everything I promise", He muttered and before he could complete his sentence his mother let out.

"Oh you do young man, trust me, you owe me a lot of explaining".

She tugged her head while taking a closer look at her, seeing how beautiful and flawless, she could not help but appreciate her glamour. Her body was so soft like that of a newborn baby and she was scared to press the clothing too hard on her skin.

" She looks so lovely, even with her eyes closed", his mother pointed out. With a smile on his face, he told his mom that he could see that she was liking her. Letting out a laugh, she asked where he had met a lady like her because, from her looks, she doesn't seem like someone who visits a place like theirs.

Just when he was about to respond to his mothers' question, his phone vibrated in his pocket. Taking it out, he saw her name on the screen, so he excused himself to go pick up the call outside.

His mother was certain that something was wrong with him but she could not say precisely what it was. She finished pressing her head with hot water and left her for a while as she went to make something for her to eat.

"Hello", he answered.

" How are you doing? I am sorry that I was now not close to my phone when you called. So what's new?", she inquired watching television.

He took in a deep breath and exhaled telling her that he had messed up their plans. Not understanding what he meant by that she said,

"You messed up, but I am happy that you did all these. But what I do not understand is why you had to bring the girl with you or is my friend already falling in love with you so quick?", she scrutinized.

" You do not get my point, what I mean by our plans are messed up is that she is in my house right now", he let out.

"What?", she screamed out. She called into question why and how did that happen and he told her to calm down explained what had happened and why he was calling.

" I needed you to come to take her to your house or better still give me the address so that I could take her to you, but your calls were not connecting".

"This is bad, so what do we do now, she is not supposed to know you are not a rich person", she talked but he could not find a better way to go about it. She passed her hands in her hair breathing profusely and inquiring from him how her friend was doing, He informed her that she was still unconscious but his mother was taking care of her.

" Wow, your mother must be a nice woman to take care of a stranger I guess?", she asked and he affirmed that is was the case.

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