Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 22

"I have a confession to make him, and please, for the love of God, do not stop me," she said in suppressed anger as she rose to her feet.

Each time he was close to her, all he thought like was losing herself to his gratitude, his over kindness and actions from his pure heart distracted her a lot.

With a lazy smile playing around his thin lips, he feigned a little bit of innocence on her ego.

"I beg your pardon?" he questioned his voice edgy, and his moist eyes squishing as he crossed his slender leg against the other, forming to be to interested in the subject.

"You heard me right, I have a big confession to make, and I do not want you to stop me while I open up to you because it will shred my heart into millions of pieces," She muttered out.

It took a very long while for him to come up with a word to describe what is going on, and even when he did, he wasn't sure if it was proper for him to talk ot just shun the thoughts behind him because it didn't make a lot of sense nonetheless.

"I promise to be as discreet as possible," he said to her.

He wasn't sure of that, but he was in no fucking mood to get into a mouth slashing battle with the young lady, that would not make the least of her, but damn, if improvising is a choice, then it is obvious that she has no point in letting out at all.

The young lady didn't either want to waste the young man's time, that would he totally bad doing so, thus, disclosing her true self would be the only way for her to find inner peace.

"I have been lying to you all this while that we have been together, and I have kept a very big secret away from you," she said softly.

He knew what she was up to but for the love of him, he didn't utter a word, rather, he raised his eyebrows quizzically while tugging himself straightforward, in a more comfortable position.

She didn't care at all, what she thought matters right now is spilling her guts to the man that was in front of her. When she had lost hope on hearing his voice, she finally heard a question pop out of his mouth.

"What is that about, darling?" his sweet voice came out as a whisper.

She covered her eyes and didn't look at him, she knew that it would be disgusting to even stare at her directly in the eyes, that is something she doesn't even want to meet his eyes because they hold some coldness, especially when they are so green that she feels like staring at it might make her penetrate into hades.

Constantly breathing in and out, she finally knew she had to speak out, and the more she does so, the best it would be for herself. As expected, she found herself narrating the whole tale to her, she wasn't ashamed that her actions might have dire consequences, all that matters to her is just to take a small chance to be set free.

"I am sorry that I had to bring my kid brother into your house, I know this is punishable by the law, but then, what more could I have done when you asked if I was the only child? I knew speaking the truth would mean that I am openly reducing the chances of getting paid by you. I felt so bad, and I apologize entirely for the discomfort I have caused you so much," the young lady muttered out faintly.

There isn't much to consider when it has to do with her, he knew perfectly what she was talking about, but it didn't do him much harm to act as if he was not guilty.

At once, she fell to the ground, weeping her heart away. She has every right to do so, she deserves it and more, and not titling matters that are gravely signed to her memories, she felt like motivating herself for a stronger lady.

Well, it is obvious that she is tired of fighting, the little things that even makes her better is fighting to adjust the sanity of her own toils, and even accepting the mild ways of her actions.

"I am so sorry, ok, and I understand if you don't ever want to see me again, that is my loss, you can throw me out to the gutters, I would willingly go because I know that I deserve it, and you do not gave to be sorry, because I brought all this trouble to myself," she said.

He who had just been staring at her for a long period of time decided that it was time that he spoke, at least, to say something, or more, put an idea or two in her own favor, it might not be easy, bit it is quite daring that a lot bunch of these personalities is enough to settle strong scorers.

"Honey pie..." he started saying but she just raised her hand up, stopping her from saying anything further.

"Not now, please," she let out.

At once, the humiliated gentleman made his way to his bathroom, opened it and gently closed it behind her. It was weird though, but damn, whatever he was thinking right now was filled and governed with fear and regret.

It was never in his plan to torment the young lady in this manner, and he had only kidnapped the boy because he felt like he needed to punish her for her deceit.

He walked to the sink that was quite close to the door, he opened the running tap and scooping as much water as he can in his hand, he gladly splashed it across his face. That was quite ridiculous, and setting a bridge up to maintain his stand, it was a cool and a meager way to settle up the ways she made it feel.

He heard the doors creak open, and then close at the same time, that literally made his heartbeat to accelerate in a typical manner.

He knew she had left, but he didn't want to pursue her, it was maybe her own way to settle her anger issues.

"Please, do not lock me out of the room, I am begging you," she said several times repeating her words.

He didn't know what to do, but with his heart controlling him to the best, he let the door open.

"I am no good for you," he shot out.

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