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A Feeble Breathe

Fifteen years later ~

Jessica pushed open the door and entered the cafe.

"Good evening Madam" immediately everyone alerted themselves.

"Good evening " Jessica sat on the table near the window. Ensuring everything was fine by looking around Jessica took out her phone. Soon her usual coffee arrived.

"Miami… where is Laura?" Jessica enquired.

"Mam… she didn't tell you?" Miami widened her eyes in shock.

"What?" Jessica frowned.

"Mam… Little madam said she was on leave today…" Miami said hurriedly.

"Okay… you may go…" Jessica excused Miami. Jessica's thoughts went wild thinking about where Laura went without informing her. Suddenly she gazed at her watch.

She grabbed her phone along with her bag and then ran out of the cafe. Miami and others blinked seeing their boss running impatiently out. Jessica drove off into the outskirts of the city.

"Shit… how could I forget that…" she yelled, hitting the steering wheel in frustration. The car headed down to the mountains. Jessica parked her car under a tree and walked into the woods. Quickly she turned into a wolf form and ran through the woods.

Listening to the noise of bushes behind Laura alerted herself. But soon she let her guard down sniffing the familiar scent. She wriggled her white tail gazing at the city lights.

Jessica joined her. As the moon brightened her eyes moistened. It took a lot of effort for her to bring up Laura. The last fifteen years were hard for both to survive. Being in a society which was not theirs was much more difficult to harmonize. Yet Jessica took care of Laura and trained her to live in this new world hiding their identity from humans.

After that day they didn't get any information about Elizabeth. Laura never complained about anything. Laura was determined to go back to her realm. She lived for the promise she gave to her mom. As it was the day Laura and Jessica separated from Elizabeth, Laura would be at the cliff top for the last fifteen years. Jessica escorted her for the last fifteen years. But today she forgot about that. But how can Luara forget the painful day in her life? As always she arrived to get a positive response from her mom. But the year went the same as last year. Jessica felt awful thinking about Laura.

"Jes" a voice brought Jessica back from her thoughts.

Turning around she saw Laura who had grown into a fine young lady. Her natural silky light golden long hair was coloured in dark burgundy colour. Her white smooth skin radiated a chillness to Jessica. Her eyes twinkled.

"Come… let us go…" Laura said and walked into the woods. Quickly Jessica turned her wolf form and walked behind her.

"Jes, Did I need to wait longer to go back?" Suddenly Laura stopped her track. Jessica gazed at her back and felt awful.

"Laura… can't you live for yourself for once… all these years you were working hard to make yourself strong to fulfil your mother's words… child… you have a life… in this age, you should enjoy your life." Jessica said. Immediately Laura turned back and faced Jessica.

"Aunt… I don't belong in this world… one day I need to go back to my place. I don't need any attachments here. Once I go from here I won't return. Then why should I keep exploring this life? My life only began after I moved back to my origin" Laura asserted her point of view and walked ahead. Jessica sighed hearing her. Jessica felt that Laura shutting her emotions within herself being scared. She was scared of being attached to this place as she needed to go back. Within a few minutes of walking, Laura stopped near Jessica's car.

"Let us go home…" Jessica got into the car. But noticing Laura standing still, Jessica frowned.

"Jes… I will come back later…" Laura mumbled. Jessica knew that she couldn't beat Laura's stubbornness. She started her car and drove off into the city centre.

As the car faded away Laura walked down to the mountains. She felt tiny raindrops dropping on her. Ignoring the scattering raindrops, she walked ahead in the dark path slowly. An hour later she reached the end of the mountain path.

Suddenly she heard a loud noise from far away. She raised her speed and dashed through the woods. Noticing a yellow light ahead she ran there but suddenly stopped seeing many cars. She hid behind a tree and peeped out.

Some people were holding guns and hockey sticks. She frowned and moved ahead hiding behind the nearest tree. She got shocked when she saw a man lying on the floor.

"Sir… I think he is dead…" a man said over the phone. Laura alerted her ears.

"Make sure and move away from there soon…" the other end instructed.

"Yes Sir…" the man hung the call.

"Guys… come… let's go… anyway he won't survive…" the man asserted and get into his car. Soon the place cleared leaving the man and his car alone. Making sure that everyone went off Laura moved towards the man.

She turned to the man who was lying on his stomach. She gazed at his body and spotted gunshots on his body. She scanned his face. For a while, she stared at his handsome face.

"Was he killed?" She muttered while observing his breathing. It was feeble. He was about to pass away. She sensed the scene where thugs shot at him while she was holding his hand. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and looked at Laura.

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