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Her Pain and Her Achievements

Theo’s P.O.V.

“Daniel”, I called him after deciding that I would ask about Rhea. I didn’t want to wait to reach the pack. We were alone in the car right now and I knew that he could keep secrets. “What is it, Theo?” he asked me in a normal tone. He was driving the car while I was sitting in the passenger’s seat. “Will you tell me what happened to Rhea after I left the pack back then?” I asked him in a calm tone concealing all my curiosity and eagerness to know everything about her. He took a deep breath and glanced at me before looking back at the road. “You know very well that the rogue attack back then was a huge disaster for our pack, remember?” he asked me and I immediately nodded.

I clearly remember that we lost so many pack members, including pups, in that attack. “Rhea’s parents died in that attack while trying to save her when rogues were dragging her almost lifeless body towards the border. No one knew what happened to her but what a pack member told the alpha later was that she was in severe pain and was writhing on the ground when those rogues approached her. She…. She was not in a state to protect herself at that time. Rogues took advantage of this and attacked her. Her parents reached there and fought to save her. The rogues killed her parents and were about to kill her too when Alpha Hunter reached there and saved her”, he paused and took a deep breath.

I was dumbstruck by his revelation now. I was there at that day and it was clear chaos. So many things happened on the same day and I was busy with my dad and mom of taking care of injured pack members and securing the borders. I left the pack the next day for the alpha training. It never occurred to my mind that something worse like that had happened to her. I was so overwhelmed by sorrow and pain due to the loss of our pack members that I didn’t realize the reason for that severe pain rising in my chest from time to time at that time. “She woke up after fifteen days and took almost one month to get back on her feet. She didn’t get her wolf at that time because she was only fifteen then”, he told me further in a sad tone while looking in front of him.

There was a thick silence in the car for a while. His face was cold and he was trying hard to conceal all his emotions right now. I was silent because I didn’t know what to say right now. She had gone through so much pain because of someone’s stupidity. She lost her parents and was on a deathbed for more than a month. It was not in my knowledge. “She didn’t get her wolf on her sixteenth birthday. I guess her pain and agony were too much to cause her wolf to stay dormant at that time”, his next revelation almost made me choke on my own saliva.

“You know her situation back then. All the pups of her age and younger than her started making fun of her and even some bullied her. She… she tried so hard to fight back but she was helpless because there was no one with her to defend her. At that time, Alpha Hunter and Luna Emily took her under their wings and Alpha Hunter instructed me to start her training. Gone was that chubby and happy-go-lucky girl when I met her after her birthday. She became the living example of a living corpse. She didn’t laugh like before after that. She trained hard herself and even started taking classes in martial arts. Things were very hard for her because she was no better than a human at that time. Still, she tried hard to keep herself on par with everyone”, he once again stopped to catch his breath.

Knight howled in pain after listening to Daniel. I could feel this pain once again rising in my chest. This shouldn’t be the outcome of what happened back then. “She got her wolf after her seventeenth birthday but due to some unknown reasons, Alpha Hunter prohibited her shifting in front of any pack member except him and Luna Emily”, he told me further and I knitted my brows in confusion. “What? She can’t shift?” I asked him in confusion and he shook his head negatively. “She can shift but not in front of others. Her run is monitored by Alpha Hunter himself”, he replied to me and I was now really confused.

“There is something wrong with her wolf. She is stronger than an omega wolf, Theo. I tried so many times to reach her but she can block me. I am an alpha yet she can block me. Even she managed to block Prince Henry’s block when he approached her too”, Knight’s revelation worked as the cheery on top of my confusion. An omega wolf is the lowest rank in the pack hierarchy. They are known for their fragileness and submissive nature. There was no way that Rhea’s wolf could block an alpha or a royal. “What do you know about her wolf?” I asked him in a low tone this time.

“Uhhhh… I don’t know much about her. It’s Alpha Hunter who trained her wolf and even today, her wolf only sparred with him in her wolf form. No one is allowed to see that training or sparring”, his revelation was now making me more confused than I was already. I could understand now why she was so cold. Everything that she suffered back then was too much for any wolf let alone an omega. She still managed to pull herself together and became what she is today. “”You won’t believe but she has finished her master's degree in business administration in this young age”, he told me in a prideful tone and I just stared at him.

“She has been helping both Alpha Hunter and Luna Emily in both pack and company matters since she finished her graduation at the age of seventeen. She is a born leader. It ironic that she is an omega or else she is a perfect Luna and a perfect mate for whoever her mate would be. She still hasn’t found her mate yet and I wonder who that lucky wolf is”, he was now praising Rhea for her achievement, but with his every word, I felt that someone was shooting arrows at my heart. A pang of jealousy hit my chest once again when I remembered her talking with Prince Henry. I was sure that I saw something in his eyes when he was staring at her.

“Theo”, I came out of my stance when I heard Daniel calling me in a concerned tone. “Sorry… I was thinking about something”, I muttered while looking in front of me on the road. “You don’t have to worry about the pack business because Rhea has covered everything for you. “At your birthday this year, Luna Emily is planning to call all the eligible unmated she-wolves into the party from all around our world. She wants you to find your mate as soon as possible”, he told me in a teasing tone and I frowned. “I will not have any other mate, Theo”, Knight whined inside my mind once again and I just sighed internally. “In fact”, he opened his mouth again and gulped down before resuming what he wanted to say. “It will be a huge party because Luna Emily wants Rhea to find her mate too. Although she is a great help, but she has to find her happiness too and she can’t find it in our pack as her mate is not from our pack”, he told me about my mother’s plan and I balled up my fists in anger now.

I crossed my hands in front of my chest, trying hard to conceal my anger and frustration. “Theo… what’s wrong with you?” Daniel asked me and I clenched my jaw. “Nothing… I am fine… just tired”, I made an excuse and closed my eyes as I was not in the mood of further conversation. Everything that he told me about her was still lingering inside my mind. I was trying to process everything. “She can’t go out of the pack. You have to amend your mistake, Theo”, Knight said in a serious tone. “But how… you already know the situation between us”, I said in a tired tone. “I don’t know how… I know one thing and that was that she can’t leave us and the pack”, he said in a cold tone and shut off the mind link between us. Now my wolf was also against me.

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