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What She Suffered

Theo’s P.O.V.

“You are kidding me, right?” I asked Nathan in disbelief when he briefed me about what I missed all these years. I was in shocked to know about Rhea’s involvement in almost all the fields related to finances and security. Not only in the pack, but she was also involved in the companies that we owned. She was not only PA to my dad, but also the security head of all the branches, including the main building. She is looking after the finances, training, and security of the pack too. How could this even possible for a human? This was a lot, and it meant that she would have no time for herself. She would have no time for rest, and to get a good sleep.

“She works for more than 18 hours a day, Theo. I… I don’t know why she became like this after she recovered from that rogue attack,” Nathan sighed and leaned back on his chair. He had a serious face and I could also see sympathy for Rhea on his face. “What exactly happened, Nathan?” I asked him in a serious tone because I was really curious to know what had happened when I left the pack. “Alpha Hunter found her almost on the verge of death when he reached there where her parents were trying to stop rogues from entering the pack, and from killing her. Their parents died on the spot because of their severe injuries. Rhea was injured too. Her body was almost torn,” he paused and took a long breath again.

“She took six months to come back in life again, and another six months to come back on her feet. She was completely devastated and broken. She has no one left as her family after that attack. After she recovered, she trained harder. She worn herself out to become what she is today. She shifted after six months of her eighteenth birthday, but no one knows how her wolf looks alike. All we know that your father, alpha Hunter, has commanded her not to shift in front of anyone. She only can shift in front of alpha Hunter,” he sighed again after finishing the whole story.

I stayed silent the whole time, just staring at him, not knowing what to say to him. “It was you who is responsible for her parents’ death,” Knight grumbled at the back of my mind. “What do you want to say?” I asked him angrily. I rejected her but it was not me who killed her parents. “You didn’t see at her even for once after rejecting her. She fell down on the ground and was writhing in pain, remember?” he said in an angry tone. My mind recalled the memories of that day. Her face completely covered in sweat appeared at the back of my mind.

The pain was written all over her face. She was clutching her chest hard when she fell down. “She couldn’t accept our rejection because of that pain, remember?” he said further and I gulped hard. “You ran away from there because of the attack. I told you… I pleaded to you to go back to her and assure her safety first…. But you didn’t listen to her. I am sure that her parents tried to save her by sacrificing their lives after you left her there vulnerable,” he yelled at me in the end and I closed my eyes.

“What happened, Theo? Are you okay?” I slowly opened my eyes when I heard Nathan asking me in a worried tone. He was looking at me with worried gaze. “Yeah… yeah.. I am okay,” I answered him with a sigh and looked in the other direction. “She is still our mate, pup…. Don’t let her go away from us this time,” Knight pleaded this time. I looked back at Nathan and found him still looking at me with worried gaze. “Where is she? She hasn’t come yet?” I asked Nathan when I realized that it was already late for our meeting. We had to go visit the construction site of our hotel tomorrow.

“Yeah… what’s taking her so long?” he answered me while taking to his wrist watch. I also looked at the time. She went to kitchen an hour ago. “Let me mind link her,” Nathan said and I furrowed my brows. “You can mind-link her?” I asked him and he nodded. “Yeah… O I forgot to tell you that you have to ask your dad about this. Not everyone can mind link her. Only those who have permission from the alpha can mind-link her,” he told me and I knitted my brows in confusion. “And why is that?” I asked him in a calm, but confused tone. “I don’t know about that. It’s a rumour about her wolf is that her wolf is very choosy and completely opposite of Rhea. She is short tempered, and a ruthless warrior,” he answered me and took a deep breath while thinking about what he told me.

He was right about her wolf being a ruthless warrior. I had witnessed that. A small smile crept on my lips when I remembered the bet that I lost to her wolf. Nathan was right about her wolf though. She was completely opposite of Rhea. I never saw Rhea smiling like her wolf was smiling at that time when she defeated me. “I will talk to dad about this later. Call her now,” I instructed Nathan and leaned back on my chair. I looked at the file in front of me on the table in which we had all the information about that site. I opened it and started reading again as I wanted to under the situation one more time.

According to what the site supervisor reported to us, a gang of goons was troubling us in our work. They were demanding some money to let the work go smoothly. Yesterday they beat up three of our workers there. Those workers were human and hence has serious injuries. The situation was critical there and I looked up at Nathan once again in confusion. “Tell me why we need to take Rhea with us there. According to this report, the situation is critical there and it may be possible that we may have a conflict with them again there?” I asked Nathan and he smirked.

“Rhea’s best skill is its negotiation skills, Theo. This will not be her first time to deal with this kind of situation. Furthermore, if…. If we have any conflict there, then we don’t need to involve ourselves. She knows very well what she needs to do,” Nathan said in a proud and confident tone that irked me this time. “He is talking about our Luna,” Knight roared at the back of my mind. I was also pissed how easily Nathan asked me to leave things on Rhea. I was about to say something when her pleasant smell hit my nostrils. “You can come inside, Rhea,” I instructed her before she could knock on the door.

She slowly opened the door and came inside. I sighed helplessly while looking at her. She still had that cold face. “Is everything okay?” Nathan asked her when she took a chair beside her when I gestured her to sit down. “Everything is okay, beta Nathan…. I think we need to change our supplier for the kitchen,” she informed him and I also knitted my brows. “Why did you take care of those things? If I am not wrong then mom takes care of these things, right?” I asked her in confusion. She looked at me coldly but lowered her eyes. “The supplier was creating some problem, and Luna is busy with your alpha ceremony, alpha Theo. So, she asked me to take care of things,” she answered me in a formal tone, still looking down.

“You should start looking for your mate, Theo,” Nathan joked with me but I looked at Rhea with a serious gaze. My Luna was sitting in front of me. I knew that I messed up a big time, but she was still my mate. I was a jerk back then, but now I knew what I wanted. I wanted her as my mate, and I was no adamant to make her accept me. After what she had gone through, it wouldn’t be easy for her to forgive me, but I was determined to make her forgive me.

“Let’s proceed with the problem that we need to solve tomorrow,” I said and straightened up my back. She nodded and looked at Nathan. “This is Bernard and his minion, beta Nathan,” she said to him and he groaned in frustration. “We should have taken care of him the last time,” he grumbled and rubbed the edge of his nose. “Will you two tell me what exactly the problem is here?” I asked them in an annoying tone, and they both looked at me. Nathan gave me a confused look, and Rhea's gaze was still as cold as it was always.

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