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Chapter 11: Sicavion, Ascella and Their First Night


WHILE looking at Adhara, I couldn't help but feel guilty for what I was doing to her. To be honest, I really don't want to help her because I don't want to go back to our world to interfere with the way things are going there. I don't want to associate with my fellow wolves and lycans who have bad intentions towards the power of Alpha.

It's not because we are of the same class that we understand each other. Just like humans, there are those who are greedy, there are those who are savage in power, there are those who are evil, there are those who are greedy for grace, there are those who kill and the rest of them will despise everyone just to stay in place no matter what that means, they had to kill their own family.

I was a general officer there in our world. I am the one who trains the wolves who want to learn warfare. I was in my position to protect our group and my bloodline because many are thirsty for the position of being the top wolf of all, many want to possess and conquer our group and overthrow our Alpha in his position. And that was my job then, to protect Alpha. Things that I left with Alpha's permission.

I overcame his test of me. In exchange for me staying here in the human world and giving up my position. And that's why I'm here today. I will just go back to our world just to absorb an energy that supports my age. I need to be slim and healthy.

I also have no plans to help Adhara in the tragedy that happened to her and her family. I have no intention of taking her from her home because I avoid having a deep connection with people. That's why even though I prefer to stay here in their world, I prefer to live away from the city. Far from people I can socialize with.

I am afraid of something... that is to deepen my connection with people and be loved by them. I'm afraid they might be scared of me when they find out that I'm a wolf.

That fear of mine was allayed by Adhara. I know that in the early days she was afraid of me because of what she found out. I know her feelings and reactions are normal. So when she found out, I didn't expect her to stay here. What I expect is that she will run away because I have released her from my home and at any time she can come out. But that's not what she did.

Instead, she drew almost the entire mansion to create a gap between the two of us. Even so, what she did made me happy that day. Because instead of leaving, she stayed. No matter what her reason is, like she has nowhere else to go. She still considers this mansion as her home and her shelter.

And now, because she needs my help, I will help her. Just not in the way she wanted.

I knew about her, her family and her twins before the tragedy happened. Sicavion wanted to burn down the entire town of the Citadel so that no one would ever recognize his wife Ascella.

Yes, he has Adhara's twin. He makes her a slave and raises her to be rich. I don't know about Sicavion's reason for doing that, but since I'm already here in the human world, I can't interfere with them.

It was only when I returned to Nefarious— the name of our world and our team that I overheard Sicavion talking with his daughter Everild to take over the Citadel town and kill them. Especially Ascella's family.

I intend to stop them in the human world because I have the right to intervene since I am no longer in the Nefarious world. But I arrived too late. Almost all the citizens of the Citadel were dead, nothing could be salvaged because the fire spread quickly and most of the houses there were made of wood.

And the worst part is, they managed to kill Ascella's family. They didn't even catch Adhara who came from nowhere and was not in that scenario.

They planned the event well. Since it was their celebration day, all the citizens of the Citadel were there and having fun. Only Adhara was absent. And only she survived.

Now, I don't know how to tell the woman about what I know. I don't know how to make her understand such things because she is innocent and knows nothing.

Adhara's dream was not just a dream. I just insist that she should not believe that as I don't want her to be harmed when she goes to our world. But on the other hand, it is her right to know the truth, her right to be with her twin again and her right to be with her again.

And I see only one way to make her determined in what she wants to do. That is to possess her.

I don't think she will defend herself, just believe in the dream that for her there is no certainty if it is true. I will only know that she is ready to do everything to see her twin again when she surrenders herself to me.

And in that case, I will help her.

I won't just help her. I will also destroy myself in what I do. I will sacrifice our agreement with Alpha that I will not interfere in the decision of the wolves that are still under his power because I have been released.

By the time the Alpha finds out about my meddling, my fellow wolves can kill me.

Fortunately, I killed one of the wolves under the power of Sicavion, who knew that Adhara was in my mansion. He intends to report this to that evil Lycan and I cannot allow that to happen. Because I can feel it.

That was the wolf that Adhara saw as my opponent the night she learned my true identity. I don't even know why I'm protecting Adhara. All I know is, I don't want anyone to get hurt again because of the bad wolves.

I couldn't help but laugh while observing the fear on Adhara's face.

But as I said, I don't know how to go back on my word, I don't change my words. And that is one of my principles that I cannot take back.

"Maybe we can talk more about this?"

I shook my head. "There's nothing I can do, Adhara."

And besides, there's something in her that interests me.


"Stand still and let me ravish you."

After I said that, I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me. I didn't give her a chance to protest as I claimed her lips right away. The surprise on his face was obvious because I didn't close my eyes, I looked at the reaction on his face.

I wanted to smile. I saw the protest in her eyes but she was too stunned to move. She let me claim her lips and moved as I deepened the kiss.

I guided her lips to be parted so I can move freely. There, I inserted my swirl tongue inside and before I closed my eyes, I saw her at peace, closing her eyes to get passionate about my kiss.

I can't name the excitement I feel. And it makes me want to taste her more.

Adhara is an innocent woman but after this, I don't think she is still innocent.

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