Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 14: Her First Training



I spun my body in the air using the strength of my leg to jump so that I could avoid Thiltran's kick. But I groaned in pain when he still reached me causing my body to hurt again and throw me to the ground.

That was painful!

"Argh!" I groaned because my whole body was in pain. I was holding my stomach that was hit by Thiltran's strong kick.

I can't imagine how strong he is. It was just a kick. But his impact was unbelievable. I am just his student but he treats me as his enemy.

We are just practicing for Pete's sake!

I winced in pain. I was bending down because I was looking at my stomach but I could hear Thiltran's footsteps coming towards me.

"You can't learn that if you do not want to carefully study my next move. How can you avoid the attack?" he asked and I heard his madness.

Is he mad again?

Tsk. Is it my fault that he is just too strong?

We have been training for a while and this is not my first day. We've been doing this for three days but I still can't get it. We are done with avoiding weapons. He gave me my own sword that I could use in battle.

At first, I was afraid to touch it because I might get hurt. That happened because I wasn't used to it happening. But now, I can say that I can somehow avoid myself and I can fight with it.

Not that good yet but I know I can defend myself somehow.

"Aren't you going to stand up or you still need my hand to force you?"

I took a deep breath and I was met with a sharp look when I looked up.

"I am giving up. Why do I need to do this shit?" I asked him, annoyed.

I stood up for a while even though I knew I was going to fall from the pain in my body. I managed to stand up without his help. He won't help me either because he says I need to be independent. But as I expected, I sat down because of fatigue. When I looked up, I caught him scowling as if he was losing patience with me.

I can't stand him! He is so merciless!

His words, his principles and beliefs. I can't imagine he is my friend now. He has no mercy for a friend!

I heard him ask. "Don't you want to survive with your twin? Where else are we going in our world?"

I glared at him. And snorted. He really did not feel sorry for me even though I had many wounds, scars and bruises on my body.

"Dammit!" I groaned as I scratched a part of my arm that had a deep wound.

I gave Thiltran another evil look. It is all his fault why I am weak, why I am hurting and why I am struggling.

When I die, I will blame him. I swear.

"Are you complaining?" he asked me.

I laughed softly, because I couldn't laugh out loud and my stomach hurt.

"Am I? Did I say something?" I asked him, pretending to be surprised.

"Then stand there and let's continue," he plainly said.

The edge of my lips rose in annoyance. And I raised an eyebrow at him. "Can't I rest?"

He shook his head. "Did I make myself clear that it is up to me if you're going to rest or not."

I took a deep breath and braced my sword to stand up. Because Thiltran's hand is not possible and I am sure he will pull me upright without caution.

"I am going to die before I graduate from this training," I whispered. It is still dark around because it is night. The breeze is still cold. But Thiltran had no mercy on me.

"No, you won't die. Trust me." I was in agony when he heard my whisper.

I looked at him. "And how do you say so? Can't you see that any moment, I am going to collapse here where I stand?"

"You're not kind enough to die early, Adhara." After that he laughed out loud.

So what are his jokes?

Yes, Thiltran was laughing. Since we became comfortable with each other, I can see a change in his behavior. Not always but occasionally I see him laughing.

Before, he was always serious and always seemed to be angry, so I am glad that somehow he's laughing.

We also eat breakfast, lunch and dinner together. I do not even see the girls coming here anymore because we are busy rehearsing now. But then, they still came. It is not like before, they do not go often anymore. I can even hear them wondering. But still I just let it be.

I smiled when I saw Thiltran looking at me who was starting to wonder because of my silence.

"Tsk. That's why you're still alive too," I answered him.

"Yeah. Hundreds of years more," I teased.

I already know some things about him. Because we've always been together and we're comfortable with each other, I know that he's only returning to the world of wolves to increase the span of his life he'll last here in the human world.

Because the atmosphere here is different, not like theirs. The flow of time is also different there, the flow of the sun and moon is different. Therefore, he must return there every year in order to maintain the strength of his body which in turn is directed by their Alpha.

I honestly do not know what Alpha is called. But when he explained to me about that, I immediately understood. That serves as the leader of their area or their group. That is what serves as the king, as it were, among the royal people in our world.

He told me many more things. Others I understand because I can compare it to our world. And the others are not just because it was there in their world before.

My heart is happy to have Thiltran as my friend. Even if he is not a real person, I think of him as a person. I also find it weird that I have a friend who is not normal like me. But I know he feels the same way about me. I know he's not used to having a human friend either. Especially since he is a wolf who lives here in our world and he did not live for it.

However, there is also fear in my heart. I do not know their culture. I do not know what their habits are. I couldn't guess what was going through Thiltran's mind so I had a little fear in my heart. But I did not let that fear ruin our budding friendship.

"You are spacing out again." My mind returned to reality when I heard Thiltran's voice.

I did not realize that I was still standing while I was facing him. He was studying my face because he was wondering what I was thinking.

I laughed to relieve the slight worry in his eyes.

Yes, he is more expressive now than before. It is not that often, but somehow he becomes free of what he reacts to, what he feels and what else.

And I am proud. Who doesn't? I feel that it is because of me that he is happy and I am happy for him.

"I will just take a rest for a while. Give me a minute." I walked into the mansion and did not wait for him.

I want to lie down and sleep on the soft bed but Thiltran won't let me. He immediately grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"You're not going anywhere, Adhara," he said. That's why I snorted.

"I'll just rest. When was it a sin to rest?"

Thiltran is so strict. I wonder if this is how he will teach the wolves he taught before. Who wouldn't give up on him? He doesn't want his students to rest. Is that fair?

"Come with me." He did not let me resist and he pulled me somewhere inside the mansion.

As usual, he opened one door and I was not surprised anymore when we saw a beautiful view from the top of the mountain. Therefore, I already confirmed that this mansion has its own portals. It is up to Thiltran and this mansion to decide where the door we will enter will take us.

I've known about that for a few days but I did not ask or confirm with Thiltran because it was already obvious.

I smiled when a nice breeze greeted us. It was cold because we were on top of the mountain.

I closed my eyes while feeling the taste of the air. Light feeling. I feel that my tiredness is gone. All the pain in my body disappeared.

Thiltran knows very well how to make my tiredness disappear.

I looked at him and I caught him looking at me then he smiled sweetly at me.

And I sincerely mouthed the word. 'thank you'.

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