What Do You Actually Know Of Your Witch???
Everybody in the Kingdom knew of Lycan King’s favorite child – Lady Jasmine. The stories of her origins were clouded and there were many rumors. We all knew she was adopted though – not his real blood, however, we also knew that she was his heir. A future Lycan Queen. King had gone through great lengths to ensure this – normally our customs dictate that the heir must be a blood born child – that of a fated or a chosen mate. Nobody existed to King Malakai, not even his born sons or his born daughters – he had a few. They were obviously none too happy about it, but they were also not on par with Lady Jasmine. Fierce as she was beautiful, her name was a terror in anybody who dared crossed the King or even think of it. She was loyal to a fault. You wanted Jasmine as your friend – everybody knew that. And you most definitely did not want her as a foe. She could be extremely cruel too – or so I heard. The legend has it that somebody tried to poison the King – hundreds of years ago – in fact one of his born sons. She found out and had the man tortured and flayed.. When she was done with him, she had wild horses rip his body apart and killed all his family, pups included. Not many dared do anything against the King after that. Surely, not all his subjects were loyal, but they feared her. To his credit King was extremely fair and kind. She was always the enforcer, always the strategist, a calculated cold mind. I know she had no offspring or family of her own, her father was everything to her, and she to him. A true family bond if ever was one.
A melodic voice belonging to a tall, slender blonde with very long hair and gorgeous almost purple eyes, dressed to perfection simply said.. “Miss me, Roman?”. Wearing a dress that was hugging her in all the right places, her slender figure accentuated, her hair bouncing off her shoulders she certainly knew how to make an entrance.
“Ah yes, of course Princess Jasmine.. It is always a pleasure to see Lycans on my territory.. Especially unannounced”, I said sarcastically, not getting up. This was huge disrespect on my part and I knew it, but at this point, I did not care.
“Where are your guards?”, I stated simply looking around... “And Princess, as much as it is pleasure to see you, what are you doing here?”
She scanned the room briefly, and moved closer to the chair across my desk.. Maps of the north have been scattered across, to which she gave a short glance.
“I see you are busy, Alpha King”, she said with a cold smile.. War not going the way it is supposed to? People doubting your abilities? Your rule? No son yet?”, she said mockingly, with a sly smile, her eyes cold as ice, never leaving mine.. “Also Roman, it is customary to bow to a member of a Royal Lycan family, especially the Crown Princess, the future Queen”, she said.
My wolf was enraged and wanted to kill her on the spot. Her words were salt to my wounds, and her demands of bowing were simply there to humiliate me. I had no patience with her or her father to be honest, but had to play nice…
“It is nothing I cannot handle”, I simply said curtly… “And as for protocols, you are not following them – you are intruding on MY territory, without formal announcement or permission” I said, again not getting up.. “And again and much more importantly, Princess, what are you doing here?”
“Can a girl just stop by and see an old friend, she said, sitting down crossing her long legs.. Besides, I was in the neighborhood, she said looking at her long manicured nails”..
“Neighborhood???? Your father’s palace is on a different continent!!! What are you doing here????????????????”, now I started to roar, Caleb unhappy and wanting control..
“Shush your puppy Roman, she said sternly. I am not here to fight, and besides, Alpha King or not, you would lose”… she said plainly. Unfortunately, I knew she was right. Hers was the royal Lycan bloodline, and she was one of the strongest warriors her father had. Her strength and ability were legendary, she had been in command of his forces for centuries now and we all knew that she was of the reasons why King Malakai was still alive.
“You have been hiding things from father and I… her eyes were watching me intently… “Father is not pleased, she said.. And you know, how he is when he is not pleased”, she said, her eyes never leaving mine.
“I have not hid anything from neither you nor the King”, I spat out, getting more and more pissed off…
She was studying my face and expressions..
Tss. Tsss.. “You do not know”, she started laughing, arching her eyebrows, looking at me pitifully.
“How is it that you do not know?” Her voice was echoing now everywhere with mocking laughter.. “Mighty Alpha King.. it appears Alpha King Jonathan retired way too early” she said in between laughter..
“What does my father have to do with this?”.. “SPEAK PLAINLY! You are not making any sense Jasmine!!!!What I all this nonsense and what am I supposedly hiding from you or the King??”
“What do you actually know of your witch”? her cold lilac eyes now met me with force… To this I was speechless.