Chapter 4

Emily POV

It has been a week since I arrived in Paris. A wonderful week of relaxing and going to the nightclub every night. Tonight is my last night here in Paris and I think it is time to go big. I have never felt this free in my life.

I walk into the Night owl, a nightclub that I have been visiting for the past two nights, and went right up to the bartender.

"Can I please have vodka and lime?" The bartender only nodded and came back seconds later with my drink.

I turn around and see a face that looks familiar. I think I have seen him before. His eyes are scanning the room when they landed on me. His smile says that he recognizes me as well.

He starts walking closer to me. His smile never left his face. He almost looks like he is up to something.

"Damn I didn't think that I will ever see you again." I gave him a smile while racking my brain on how he knew him.

"I don't want to sound insensitive, but do I know you?" I look at him confused while he starts laughing.

"I am not even offended. The day we met it did look like you have a pretty rough day. My name is Jason Turner. We met about a week ago in an alley. You were crying and I look you inside the coffee shop." I feel the blush run up my cheeks. I was hoping that I never run into the person that saw me at my worst.

"My name is Emily Miller. Thank you for the kindness you showed that day. To be honest I was having a pretty rough day that day." I gave him a kind smile.

"Yeah, I heard some of the conversations that you and that lady had. I sat at a table not far from you. I am so sorry that happened to you. Why don't you sit with me and we can just chat a bit? Not about your cheating husband that is."

That is how the night started. We spoke about our lives and what our plans were for the future. Halfway through Jason's brother joined us. This was the epitome of a sexy man. Just looking at him made me drool and my nether region ache. I have never been this drawn to a man before.

The three of us just kept drinking more and more.


I wake up with the sun in my eyes and that makes me confused. I do not remember my bed right in front of my window.

I try getting up but a hand around my waist. I freeze in fear with the knowledge of what happened. I look over my shoulder and I am shocked at what I saw.

I expected to see Jason behind me, but it was Mason in bed with me. I was in bed with Jason's brother.

I try to get up as quietly as possible. I did not want to wake up Mason and be even more embarrassed than I am already.

I practically ran out of the room as quickly as possible after I got dressed.

I cannot believe that I had a one-night stand. I am still married.

When I made my way down the corridor, I realized that we are staying in the same hotel. Mason must be loaded since he is on the top floor.

Looking at my phone I see that it is time for me to check out. My plane leaves in less than three hours.


Mason POV

Jason called me and asked me to meet him at one of the Nightclubs that he owns here in Paris.

Jason came to Paris almost five years ago hoping to get away from my father. We have been party animals since we left high school.

Being the two most eligible bachelors in London came with its own problems. You never know when the person likes you, for you or if they are only after your money.

I walk into the club and made my way to the VIP booth where Jason and I always sit.

Jason is already there with a lady. Damn, that was fast. The only thing that strikes me is that there is no sexual tension between the two of them. They are talking like friends.

I sit and stare at this woman. Her beauty is like none I have ever seen. Her brown eyes are almost a caramel colour. I feel this attraction to her that I never knew was possible in my thirty-five years on this planet.

I decided to join them in the conversation. The more they drink the more I drink. I finally found out that her name is Emily.

The way she is speaking to us makes me realize that she has no idea who we were and it is refreshing.

Emily stood up and said she is going to the bathroom I took this as my time to ask Jason who she is.

"You remember I told you about the lady that I found crying in South Africa? Well, she is that lady." I look at him surprised.

"What is she doing here? Is she following you?" I ask in distress.

"No, she is not following me. I heard her say to the owner of the coffee shop that she is going on her anniversary trip alone. She never said where she is going, but I guess now."

"So let me get this straight, you found a lady on the street crying, so you helped her. After helping her you listened to her conversation?"

"Yeah, kind of."

I gave him the 'this is not over look' as Emily sat back down.

I found out that night that Emily is a sweet woman. She looks so innocent, but the way she is flirting with me is anything but innocent. The more I get to know her the more I realize that I want to have her in my bed.

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