Chapter 5

Mason POV

I wake up with the memories of last night still fresh in my mind. I feel around for Emily, but realize that she is no longer next to me.

This has got to be a first. Usually, I need to be harsh and throw the woman out the next morning.

I take my phone and see that is time for me to get ready for work.

Luckily for me, I am the CEO and I am allowed to be late.

I took over as CEO about fifteen years ago from my father. I knew it was time for him to retire. My mother left when I was ten and that made my father a hard and resentful man.

He threw himself into his work and forgot about everything around him. I thank him for the man I am today. Thanks to him I have never fallen in love, so I had no distractions, with my brother, he was more lenient. My brother didn't have to live up to our father's expectations, but he always strived for our father's acceptance. It all came to a stop five years ago. Jason realized that no matter what, our father will never be happy. This is when we went full party mode. Drinking and sleeping around was our way of sticking it to my father.

I walk into the Paris branch of Turner incorporated. I see the fear in everyone's eyes and that makes me happy. I get a few nods as I made my way to my private elevator. It was great to be the boss.

Jason was already inside my office waiting for me. This is a first.

"Do we have a meeting I am not aware of?" I ask making my way to my desk.

"No, I am here to ask you how it went last night." I look at him with a scowl. Jason never asked me about my bedroom excursions before. "I guess it didn't go the way you planned? What happened? Don't tell me she shot you down?"

"Jason you never asked about my hook-ups before. What is different about Emily? And to answer your question, no one can say no to my charm." I reply with a smile.

"I don't know. I really like her. I was hoping that the two of you would have hit it off. I would like her as a sister-in-law" He looks guilty.

"Jason, what the hell have you done? You know I will never marry anyone." I try not to strangle him.

"I knew she was going to be at my club last night. She has been there for the past three nights. I knew you would like her so that is why I asked you to come to my club. I was just hoping that you will fall madly in love."

"Jason, what the hell were you thinking? You know I can get my own hook-ups. You barely know this chick. She could have been a psycho-killer. If you like her so much why didn't you just keep her for yourself." Jason rolled his eyes at me. That last sentence made the bile rise in my throat. What is happening to me?

"Yeah, and the other sluts are so much better. I really liked her, okay, but she will look better with you and she is older than I am. What I feel for her is brother love. I have no attraction toward her. " He stood up and walked towards the door. I sigh and called out to him.

"Wait, do you have any way that I can contact her?" He gives me a knowing smile.

"Nope. O, and she went home today." He snickered and walked out.

That bastard knew what he was doing when he called me to that damn club. I walked right into his scheme.

The only problem is that his plan worked. Why can't I get Emily out of my head? What makes her so special? I am a playboy and have never had this problem before.

I am only here for another week before I need to go back home. I need a major distraction.

Emily POV

Landing back at OR Thambo international airport is surreal. The past week has been amazing and really helped me relax. I also did upgrade to first class on the flight back.

I realized on the flight back that I didn't think of Damian once last night. I also made peace with the fact that last night with Mason was not cheating. I mean we are already separated and he cheated on me.

I walk out with my luggage in hand. I see my brother waiting for me in the pickup lane. I do not know when I asked my brother to come to pick me up, but I am happy that I did.

My brother spots me and walks closer. His eyes went wide at my new look. He pulled me closer for a hug.

"It is good to see you, sis. Wow, you look amazing. How are you feeling?" He looks at me with sympathy.

"I feel amazing actually. This week has helped me get over my hurt and anger." He smiled and together we climbed into his car.

"I went to talk with Damian." He looks at me to gauge my reaction.

"Why?" I asked him confused.

"Well, more like I beat him up." He chuckled at himself. "He told me why he did what he did." He finally sigh and came to the reason for this conversation.

"O, please enlighten me. What was his reason for completely destroying me?" I look at him with my anger already at the top.

"He told me that in the last couple of months, you stopped giving him attention and that you didn't want to give him a child." My anger finally boiled over.

"O for fuck sake. I knew he was going to use that as his piss-poor excuse. Firstly, it is not my fault that I travel for my job. I did tell Damian that I wanted to quit and look for another job, but all he heard was that I will not be bringing in as much money as before. Secondly, I did give him the option of surrogacy or adoption to have a child, but he was the one that said he will be happy even if it was only us for the rest of our lives. I wanted to go to a doctor and do a test to see who was the infertile one, but he always had an excuse. Do you know how it feels as a woman to take test after test just to realize you are not pregnant? It has been seven years." I feel the angry tears running down my cheeks. I realized that we have stopped in front of my brother's house.

My niece and nephew came barreling out of the house as I quickly wiped my tears away.

I crouch down and engulfed them in a big hug. I finally let go of my dream of ever having a child of my own. If it hasn't happened by now it never will.

Story Trailer: Emily's life will experience a big change. But will it be a surprise or a bomb?

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