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Chapter Sixty three: Kelvin Saves Sara

Sara got to Kelvin's house, she had a hard time getting Kelvin inside the house. She knocked at the door and a man in his early sixties came to open the door.

Must be his dad. Sara greeted the man. "Good day, can I please direct me to his room?"

"Second turning by your right." Mr. Owen directed. Sara muttered a thank you to the man and took Kelvin upstairs.

"Drunk again?" Mr. Owen before shaking his head.

Sara opened Kelvin's room and gently placed him on the bed. She knew guys weigh more but Kelvin's weight was something else. She stretched her tired muscles and helped Kelvin take off his shoes. She climbed the bed and pulled Kelvin nearer to the pillows. She didn't know when she started sweating and panting.

She was unbuttoning his shirt only for her to be blessed by his bare chest. She closed her eyes and cleared her throat. "This is nothing, Sara." she told herself as she contined to unbutton his shirt. She was about to pull the shirt off when she felt two hands grab her hands. She froze. She looked at Kelvin but his eyes were still closed. She tried to pull her hand away but the more she was pulling away, the tighter Kelvin's grip was around her wrist.

She tried to get down from the bed and when she successfully did, she tried pulling her hand away again. All of a sudden, Kelvi n pulled her hand and she fell on top of his bare chest.

The smell of alcohol and his cologne filled her nostrils. No one said these two would smell nice together. She thought. She shook her head after realizing how funny she sounded thinking that. She tried to think of a way to get out of his grip but she couldn't.

It was getting late and she needed to go home but with her hands hijacked like this, she wasn't sure she would. So instead of struggling, she decided to take note of Kelvin's features.

His furrowed eyebrows and long eyelashes. His pointed nose that she wished she could stroke which she would have done if her hands weren't tied. Her eyes went to his lips. She closed her eyes and cleared her throat to stop herself from imagining anything stupid but she couldn't stop imagining how those lips would feel on hers.

Shut the hell up, Sara's mind! She screamed within herself. Despite her trying to stop looking, she couldn't. Just one kiss. She told herself.

She pushed herself further and when she was close to kissing him, she saw two eyes wide opened staring at her.

Sara's heart almost jumped out of her mouth. "What are you doing?" Kelvin asked.

He let go of her hand as she tried to sit up when he felt a panging headache.

"Um, I was trying to um...smell your breath." She waved her hand close to her nose as if she was perceiving a foul smell. "You reek of alcohol."

Kelvin could tell she was lying but the pain in his head didn't make him argue with her.

"Um, where are your painkillers?"

Kelvin pointed to a first aid kit at the side of his wardrobe. Sara went to get it. "I will go and get you a glass of water." she didnt wait to hear his approval, she went out of his room and to the kitchen. She was filling the glass with water when his father approached her.

"Are you my son's girlfriend?"

The shock she received made her to drop the glass on the ground, smashing it to pieces.

"Um... I am just a friend," She answered.

She grabbed a towel and mopped the water on the floor. She was about to use her hand to pock the broken glasses when a hand pulled her hand away from them.

"Picking broken pieces with your bare hands? Who taught you that?" Kelvin pulled her aside as he used a broom and dust pan to pack the pieces. "Are you this clumsy?" He glared at her but Sara didn't say anything but her mind was saying a lot of things.

"She brought you home drunk, don't you think you are being harsh to her?" his dad asked Kelvin didn't say a word.

"I will get going. I just wanted to make sure you got home safe." She went to his room, took her bag and left the house.

Kelvin filled up another glass and took his drugs. He glanced at the time, the time was ten pm. After he had taken his drugs and the pain had relieved him a bit, he went inside his room.

Sara was walking alone in the dark alley. She didn't know why but she was wishing she didn't take him home.

If he hadn't raised his voice at her, she wouldn't have minded spending the night over but she was scared that he would be pissed at her. Or could it be because he saw her almost trying to kiss him?

"Hey, Beauty,"

Sara didn't turn back. She increased her pace but the voice seem to be following her at a more fast pace.

"I am not going to hurt you, I jusr want to have fun with you," the man laughed.

The man kept saying how it has been so long he had had sex with a woman and how Sara would be the perfect lady. It was then Sara knew she had to run for her life.

She started running but the man seems to be a fast runner and he caught up to her and grabbed her hand. He tried to kiss Sara but Sara did the one thing she could think off, she kicked him in his groin.

The man bent down to hold his groin in pain and Sara used that as a medium to run away.

As she was running, a hand caught her again, without looking at the face, she kept on beating and punching the person.

"Sara," the voice called and when she looked up, she saw Kelvin standing in front of her. Sara didn't know why she started crying. This was a side Kelvin hasn't seen and it made him smile. "Who told you to leave?"

Sara was surprised at his question. "You were angry at me for God knows what reason... i had to leave before I get you more upset. I don't even know what I did wrong to make you raise your voice at me. I know that I am bit clumsy but it was because your father appeared out of nowhere and was asking if I was your girlfriend, I was t..." He pulled her close and placed his lips on hers. Sara's eyes widened in shock. After the kiss, Sara became mute.

"You talk too much." Kelvin told her. Sara couldn't tell if it was real. Kelvin smiled at her reaction. "Just say thank you, I know you wanted that." Sara swallowed the saliva that had become a lump in her throat.

"" she touched her lips.

"Let's go home. You can spend the night over and leave tomorrow."

He interlocked his fingers with hers and they walked side by side with each other. Sara was surprised to see the man that tried to manhandle her was badly injured. She was more surprised when the man saw Kelvin and ran away.

"Did you...?" she closed her mouth and decided to enjoy the moment.

She wasn't sure this was real but she decided to enjoy every moment. If perhaps this was a dream, she didn't want to wake up from it.

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