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Chapter Sixty Eight: Austin Returns

Kelvin held Sara's hand as they took a walk down the street. After a few steps, Kelvin stopped and turned to face Sara. "Why did you hold my hand back there?" Sara knew Kelvin would definitely ask her that and despite knowing that, she couldn't think of a better excuse to give to him. "You said we are in a relationship when you clearly broke up with me, why would you do that?"


"What? You are sorry for holding my hand back there? You regret saying we are in a relationship?"

"That's not it, Kelvin." She shut him up and after a pause,  she moved closer to him and looked him straight in the eyes. "I don't regret holding your hand back there because I wanted to."


"Isn't it obvious what the reason is?"

"To me, it isn't."

Kelvin already knew what the reason was but he wanted to hear it from her instead.

Sara wrapped her arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his lips. She pulled back a little and looked at him and said, "Because I love you."

Kelvin held her waist and pulled her closer to himself. "Are you saying that you will..."

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend." Sara cuts in and immediately Kelvin locked his lips with hers.

The kiss was slow but passionate. Sara could feel herself heating up inside so she pulled away and smiled at him. "We should go inside now."

Kelvin nodded.  He held her hand and they went inside the house.

Diego was the first to notice them and when he saw how pink their lips had gotten, he knew something had happened and he smiled.

"I thought you both didn't want to come back." Nora said as she set the table.

"And miss my chance to eat that delicious meal? Definitely not!" Sara went to assist her to serve the food. "So,  who is she?" She asked Nora about Eleanora who was having a chat with the guys.

"She's Diego's girlfriend but she and Michael met when he traveled to Hawaii."

"Traveled or ran away?" Sara asked as they laughed. She looked at Eleanora and she could tell the young lady is very pretty. "I can't believe Diego found someone in such a short time. For a while,  I thought he would be stuck up to you to even get himself a girl but..."

"He accepted the fact that there is no us and he didn't want to ruin my relationship with Michael. I am even thinking that the reason he went home was to clear his head."

Sara nodded. "I am glad he is happy now. Look at the way she is making him smile so brightly."

Nora watched them and she was glad that everything turned out okay. "It wasn't easy but I am glad we've made it." Sara held her hand and smiled. "I am starving." She rushed to join others at the table and Nora followed after her.

White was in his house drinking some liquor, smoking and watching TV when he heard a knock at the door.  Who could that be? He asked. He dropped his drink and went to the door. "Who is that?" he asked but there was no response. He asked again,  still no response. He slowly opened the door only to find Austin standing in front of him.  "Austin?" he asked.

"It has been a while, White."

White opened the door wide for him to come in and when he did,  he looked at the house. "Have you been drinking and smoking?"

White ran to hide his drink and cigarettes but Austin caught him already. He looked at White and wondered how he had been surviving. "Are you okay?" he asked.

White shook his head. "I feel so alone with everyone gone. Michael got Nora back, Kelvin has Sara..."

Austin was shocked. "You mean Kelvin and Sara are..."

"They are a thing now," White cuts in.

"Sara and Kelvin?" Austin wondered. He never thought these two would fall in love or anything.

"Diego is back too with his girlfriend. It looks like they all found the love of their lives while I am here wallowing in sorrow."

Austin took a seat and White sat beside him. "I think it's time we give up this life too." White looked at him with no expression in his face as he listened to what Austin had to say. "Living this kind of life won't benefit us anything."

"But we will get to sleep with so many girls."

"True," Austin answered. "But I am not going to end up with any of them. All I will do is sleep with them and dump them but I also want to have a girl that I will love and cherish for the rest of my life."

"Are you saying that you will give up this life to..."

Austin nodded. "Look at Michael and Kelvin, who would have ever thought that they would have someone by their sides to call their own."

"What happened to you, Austin?" White asked. "Few months ago, you were against the idea of giving up on everything and now you are doing that,  what is going on? What happened to you?"

"I grew up and you should too."

"I don't want any girl in my life. I am okay with just messing around with some ladies and coming back home to relax and drink my liquor. Ain't got time for some bitches to have a happy ever after life with.  I am okay just the way I am."

"If you say so." Austin grabbed the liquor and drank it. His mind suddenly went to Sara and Kelvin. What if he had asked her for a second chance instead of leaving, would he be the one she is with now? Would she accept him? He wondered.

There was only one way to get the answers and that is if he goes to ask her by himself.

Why did it have to be my bestfriend? He asked himself.

"I need to freshen up. You know your way around the house, don't you?"

Austin smiled and nodded. "Yes boss" He saluted White.

White did the f**k you hand sign before leaving which made Austin smile. He relaxed with the bottle of liquor as he thought of what to say to Sara when he meets her again.

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