Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Pan to fire

I scrambled on my knees towards Darius. "Please do not let them take me away. Please I beg you." I pleaded,tears spilling from my eyes as I wept at his feet.

He did not move an inch and when I looked up at him,his eyes were red and I saw defeat in them. He could not save me this time.

I was dragged off his feet by one of the lycans. His large paws encircling my waist as he placed me over his hairy shoulder like a lamb for sacrifice.

I looked at my family and I felt a detest in my heart for them especially my father. Hatred for him was spreading in my heart like wildfire. Darius looked away from me unable to meet my gaze. He had saved me from the hands of Eli,but now he could not save me from the hands of this barbaric monster. No one could. I cried realizing my fate.

Cardonald, Glasgow

A tear finally slipped from my eyes as the rain drumming on the roof finally subsided. My tears did not drop for the fact that I was separated from my family. My tears dropped because no one could save me from the hands of my new tormentor. Lucifer.

I knew his name that very night when he returned with me here. His pack members had chanted his name ceaselessly and it was that very night I began to fulfil the obligations I had as his mistress.

He had stripped me of my purity and honor. Stripped me of the little dignity I had left and turning me into a whoreson.

It was time I stopped replaying the past. My present was hard enough. What more would my future be?

I walked away from the window and laid on the bed that had bequeathed Lucifer hours ago and the sheets soiled with his scent.

I closed my eyes shaking off further thoughts of him or the night he took me away and made me his. Not to love me,just to bed me.

To me,my family never loved me except Darius. There was no way I would expect love from a vulgar man like Lucifer. His name was the exact definition of him. He was the devil himself.

Lucifer's POV

The morning rays reflecting on my face forced me up. I groaned as I sat up. I was beginning to hate mornings and nights too.

At nights, I'm unable to sleep peacefully after leaving Ash's room and I was hating mornings because when I finally get to shut my eyes,the sun rays forces it open and then I'll have no choice but to awake.

It was all her fault. She was clouding my head at nights and now mornings too. It was also the goddess's fault for making her my mate.

But that was it. The goddess proposed her as my mate and I took her as my whore.

The goddess could chose who my mate was but she could definitely not tell me what to do with her.

I had wanted to reject her immediately that night but Steel got other ideas. We were both angry that we got a vampire as a mate. Of all the creatures in the supernatural, the goddess chose to give us a vampire as a mate! It was very repulsive.

She was quite attractive. Pale and fragile,not my kind of women but she was attractive. Attractive enough to have her in my bed and make her scream my name and watch her roll her eyes back and forth in ecstasy.

Her body was all I wanted and for a vampire,she had a very alluring body that sends signals down one's loins without even a touch.

Instead of letting such beauty pass by without having a taste just because I despised her being, Steel and I agreed to have her as a mistress. Please us and we were done.

Why she was crowding my mind was what did not go down well with me.

"Do not worry yourself too much Helldog. You just had her last night." Steel said to me.

I shrugged nodding. "You're right Steel. She was pretty good last night." I said to him with a smirk.

He chuckled. "And you pushed her away like you had the worst experience ever last night." He said.

I stood up from the bed stretching. "I'm not about to let her know she pleases me just so fine. I'll like her to think she's worthless in bed." I said pulling on a shirt.

He laughed out. "We're so much alike." He said as I pulled up my breeches.

I chuckled. "After all,we share one mind." I said to him and walked out of the room.

"Alpha." Killian,my second in command called the instant he saw me.

"Killian," I said to him as I walked into the living room. "Any information about the land Cromwell possessed?" I asked him.

He nodded. "The land was forcefully taken from us the lycans under your father's reign. Cromwell's pack believe it's their rightful property." He said.

The land in question belonged to us. All towns from the royal mile in Edinburgh down to Glasgow belonged to only us the lycans. Why other creatures of the supernatural derived joy in claiming our properties irritated me and always aroused anger in me.

Cromwell's pack was a flimsy pack of warlords that I could render to dust without effort. I was not my father who did things leniently. I give warnings only twice and the last is action.

"Did you send my letter?" I asked him.

"Yes Lucifer. He returned it. Pieces inside the envelope." He said and I grew in fury. The warlords knew not what I was capable of.

"The news of my dealings with the vampires must have not reached their ears." I said with a smirk. How I would love to see the surprise and horror on their faces when we take back our land.

"Do not issue another warning to them Kill. This is the highest insult a lycan can take." I said to him and he nodded and walked away.

Just then I saw Ash walking down the stairs. I could feel her emotions and I could tell she was sad. I do not care. I said to myself.

"Trying to take another town I see." She said to me.

"Who told you,you could come out of your room?" I demanded ignoring her question.

"Every wall is a prison for me. It does not matter if it's up there or down here." She said in that boldness I first heard that night I took her away with me.

"That room is your prison." I said to her with a frown.

"Yes it is my prison. Where you have your will with me." She said raising her chin.

I smirked. "You signed up for this." I said to her.

"I had no choice and I did not say yes." She said and I bridged up the space between us.

Grabbing her waist tightly as she pressed into me. Her eyes wide in shock.

"Technically,with your moans you said yes. I drive you to great heights of pleasures and you cannot deny that my pretty." I said to her as I drew a line down her arm. Why did I sound that way? I cleared my throat and pushed her away from me.

She's only been here for a few days and I was already losing my senses. Why would the moon goddess give me a dead soul as a mate? Why? I was not so cruel to deserve such fate, was I?

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