2__Newly mothered

There was no time to be horrified or tremble in shock. Being a doctor meant springing into action at moments when others would freeze from fear. Especially being a paediatrician like Amelia whose training included work as an ER paediatrician.

The child on the bed looked nearly lifeless, his small frame overwhelmed by the ghastly blood, the pipes and machines helping the doctors save him. He seemed around six years old, Amelia noticed.

“Vitals!” barked Dr Kruger, the head of Amelia’s department and the best paediatric surgeon she’d ever seen. She had just revived the child and would be damned if she lost him again.

“Still unstable!” responded the nurse watching the machine as she prepared the ventilator.

Amelia couldn’t even think, her automatic hands moving rapidly as she removed the bag valve mask to insert the oxygen pipe into the child.

Dr Kruger was screaming orders as she and the other doctors fought to end the bleeding that the paramedics had barely been able to stop as the nurses called in for more blood.

“He’s lost too much,” muttered Dr Colton, a senior ER doctor.

“We’ve got it,” said Dr Kruger, her hands moving in a blur. “We’ve got him.”

Amelia looked up. “He needs surgery.”

“Where’s the blood?!” demanded Dr Colton, his eyes glaring around him.

“We need to perform surgery, Doc!” said Amelia in mild panic. “There’s severe trauma to his head and abdomen, if we don’t control the damage now… What if there’s internal bleeding or brain damage? His… his poor little head!”

“Pull yourself together, Parker!” shouted Dr Kruger.

“Check for internal bleeding in the skull and abdomen,” added Dr Colton.

“We should be safe in that area, Jack, there are so signs of it,” said Dr Kruger. “Most of the blood’s coming from his external injuries.” ”She looked at Amelia and the other resident doctor. “But check to be safe, you two.”

“CT scan and X-ray once we get him stable,” added Dr Colton.

“Yes, Doc,” said Amelia, helping to move the child’s head as Dr Kruger checked the head wounds.

“There is trauma to the head…” Dr Kruger checked his eyes again. “A really bad concussion… but I doubt there’s internal bleeding. We need to suture.”

The child’s chest rose and fell with deep breaths as the ventilator did its job and Amelia watched his heartbeat spike up on the monitor, the numbers beside it giving her hope. “He’s stable!” Her heart soared with relief.

Dr Kruger looked at her as she personally wrapped the boy’s head up. “CT and X-ray, get it ready for him.”

“Yes, Doc.”

Peeling off her bloodied gloves, Amelia turned to run out of the ER and came to an abrupt stop.

There was blood dripping onto the floor in dark red drops, staining the ER in an ominous pattern.

In shock, she stared at the patient standing before her, watching as he bled. How was he even standing? The man seemed to be bleeding from every pore in his body!

“Sir?” she said, hurrying forward.

He was tall and large, his shirtlessness showing all his injuries and the place where his doctors had clearly put his now missing IV drip. His bandages were soaked through, he’d obviously ripped whatever stitches his doctor had managed to do before the patient escaped.

“Sir, I don’t think you should be here!” said Amelia, reaching for him.

He was staring past her at the bed where the child lay and then his sea-green eyes turned to her and she froze, her hands on his arm.

There was a deep emptiness in his eyes that chilled her, a darkness that seemed full yet blank at the same time.

“My… my son…”

She blinked her wide honey-coloured eyes, processing the dark voice that had just spoken to her.

“Your son?”

“Parker!” barked Dr Kruger.

Amelia jumped and spun around. “Yes, Doc! I’ll be right there, I’ve got a… a runaway patient here!” She spun back around. “Look, let’s get you back into bed, you shouldn’t be walking—”

“There he is!” someone called.

Amelia looked up to see two male doctors running towards them.

The man tried to push past her but, despite his bulk, she easily held him back, his injuries allowing her.

His large hand gripped her shoulder and he stared into her eyes. “Let me.”

She felt sorry for him. To see his little son in such a grave situation. “Sir, your son will be fine, I promise. You’re bleeding.”

“Mr Aryan!” called one of the two doctors. “Are you trying to get me fired?”

Suddenly, the patient lost strength and collapsed onto Amelia who squeaked and tried to hold his heavy body up.

The doctors reached her just in time to take him off her hands.

“Mr Aryan?” called one of the men. He looked at her. “You alright, Leah?”

“Yeah, I’m… I’m fine.”

With a nod, they supported the man and helped him onto a random gurney.

Amelia watched as he immediately lost consciousness, his green eyes disappearing behind his lids.

Mr Aryan?

“For God’s sake, Parker, get a bloody move on!” yelled Dr Kruger.

“Yes, Doc!” screamed Amelia, racing out of the ER. Their hospital was small enough that she quickly reached the Radiology department.

With her heart pounding as she quickly got the sessions booked and prepared for the tests, she allowed a stray thought to creep in. Those doctors called the patient Mr Aryan.

She paused. Marc Aryan.

It was two in the morning and Amelia felt like her muscles were actually screaming, she could hear their muffled cries of agony.

Slowly, she trudged into the ladies bathroom, her first break since the car wreck victims were brought in.

Stopping at a sink, she reached down and sighed in relief when cool water filled her waiting hands. A few splashes over her face brought a bit of life back into her and she raised her head to look at the mirror with a quiet sigh.

She stared at herself. God, she was exhausted! Her tired honey-gold eyes blinked and then she watched her pink lips curve into a wide grin. Their boy had pulled through!

A laugh escaped her and Amelia fanned her warm face, trying to get rid of the pink that tinted her cheeks and nose. She was exhausted, but couldn’t be happier. The scans all showed no internal bleeding, the child had taken quite a blow to the head, but the damage wasn’t too bad so far. They would carry out more tests once he regained consciousness, but for now, he was stable even though he was in a coma. He would be okay.

The relief and joy she felt reminded her just why she’d put up with the hellhole that was med school. For moments like this.

Reaching up, she dragged off the silk hair tie and then gathered her curly, brown hair together, wrapping the long locks into a bun to control them.

Her actions paused when she remembered once more. Marc Aryan.

Amelia lowered her arms and stared at her reflection thoughtfully. It was nearly too unbelievable that the very man all the ladies had been talking about had landed in their ER this very same day. With a son too. The child had been in a far worse condition than his father, but their driver had been worst of all.

She tilted her head. She was sure they would be transferring to a bigger, fancier hospital the second Marc Aryan woke up. Heaven forbid someone of his stature be confined to their humble little hospital.

The look in her eyes deepened and darkened. The Aryans…

With a harsh exhale, she waved the thoughts away. There was no use in thinking of the past.

She had better go take a nap before she collapsed from exhaustion.

The press had descended upon their cozy little hospital like vultures on a corpse for the past two weeks.

Amelia quickly scrapped the simile as she turned away from the flock of reporters outside the windows. It was bad luck to use the word corpse around here. Especially with what happened recently.

It wasn’t every day their hospital got patients with such severe injuries, that was one of the reasons Amelia had chosen to work here. Suddenly, in one day, they got three severe cases who also just happened to be from a billionaire family. It was too much excitement for the peaceful little hospital.

“I still can’t believe it,” said Dr May. “He’s got a son!”

Dr Preston, or Michael, as he’d told Amelia to call him, raised a dark brow at Dr May. “That’s all you got from that? The child nearly died, Lilly!”

Dr May huffed. “Goodness, o-of course, I know! It’s… horrible. I just find it shocking that he’s got a son in the first place. Besides, the child’s alive and well! Right, Leah?”

Amelia drained her coffee cup and nodded. “Mm-hm. Dr Kruger and Dr Colton saved him like the gods they are. He’s recovering well, breathing on his own and is expected to wake up at any moment. Thank God we had blood for him.”

“His father’s already awake and can barely leave his side,” said Michael.

“Argh, you’re so lucky!” said Dr May, pursing her red-coated lips. “To be directly involved in his son’s care, it’s a great chance to get Marc Aryan’s attention!”

Amelia grimaced. “Yeeaah, no. All I’m interested in is Jamie’s recovery.”

“Jamie?!” exclaimed Dr May. “Already know the boy’s name?”

“He’s my patient.”

“Already fancy yourself his step-mother, do you?”

“God, Lilly,” groaned Dr Preston. “You’re awful to be around.”

Dr May gasped. “Michael Preston, you take that back!”

He stood as his pager buzzed. “Make me.”

She scoffed as Michael made his way out of the room and turned to Amelia. “Never mind him, love. You can trust me, you’re hoping this gets you Marc Aryan’s attention, aren’t you?”

The hawk-like look in the older woman’s eyes made Amelia chuckle awkwardly. “First of all, I prefer someone the same age as me, he's older.”

“Gah!” Lilly waved the water bottle in her hand. “As if I don’t know how you Gen-Z-ers have a “Daddy” thing. Isn’t that the love of older men?! You can’t fool me.”

“Oh, God,” muttered Amelia in plain shock as red sprung into her cheeks. “Not all Gen-Z are the same!”

Lilian May laughed like she were the queen of England. “Come off it, love! I’ve seen how you look at Dr Colton!”

“Ma’am?!” squeaked Amelia in wide-eyed shock.

A nurse popped her head into the room just as Amelia’s pager went off.

“Dr Parker? He’s awake, hurry!”

Relieved by the distraction and the good news, Amelia excused herself and ran out of the room.

“How is he?” she asked.

The nurse shook her head. “Something awful’s happened. Dr Kruger wants to run more brain scans.”

Amelia felt her heart pound as they neared the ICU. “What? Why? He was doing so well?!”

The nurse looked at her. “The kid’s got amnesia as a result of the head injury.”


“He doesn’t know his own father.”

There were two bodyguards outside the room and Amelia felt their heavy gazes scan her before they let her in. Of course, this was the room of the future heir of Aryan Gold, this much was expected.

Hurrying into the room, she came to an abrupt halt at the sight before her. The child, James, was surrounded by a few nurses who were trying to calm him. It was painful to watch, his hands pushed them away from him as he cried and moved his head from side to side.

His father was being held back by Dr Kruger and being led away from the child’s bed. He jerked harshly away from her touch.

“James,” he said, watching his son with eyes full of concern. “James!”

“Sir, getting worked up will only further frighten him. We’re running tests, we’ll find out what’s wrong…” Dr Kruger said.

“Why won’t he look at me?” questioned Marc Aryan. “Why won’t…? Why doesn’t he know me?”

The two male nurses in the room stood uneasily around him, Amelia could tell he must have flipped out when his son didn’t recognize him. They’d had to calm him down.

The child looked around with tired eyes full of confusion, tears running down his pale face.

He was scared. Amelia felt her heart soar and break at the same time. He was awake but… amnesia? The poor child.

Hating how frightened he looked, she started across the room to his bed.

That was when Jamie looked up and saw her. His weak thrashing stilled and his painful crying quietened.

He started trying to get up, reaching for her.


Amelia froze.

The room became as silent as a tomb and Dr Kruger turned around to look at her.

Amelia stared wide-eyed at the child.

He sniffled, his breaths coming in short gasps as he stared directly at her. “M… mummy…”

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