Chapter 3

His lips lingered on her lips as he passionately declared his love for her. He tenderly cupped her cheeks and gave her a sweet kiss on the forehead, eyes, nose, and cheeks. "How is it possible that my love for you has grown today compared to yesterday? Tomorrow, I'm sure I'll love you even more.

Elise rolled her eyes and laughed at his corny remarks, which never fail to give her stomach butterflies.

He didn't pause. "You are everything to me, my sweet Elise. If I lose you, he thought, his eyes growing fearful. He squeezed her close in an attempt to prevent someone from stealing her from him.

His eyes began to glow eerily, as if he were about to carry out a brutal massacre. "If I lose you, I'm going to end the planet forever," he said.

She could see by the look in his eyes that he really meant what he said. It made her laugh. "You idiot, I'm staying here. I am completely and solely yours. Now, kiss me passionately as never before.

He touched her cheeks once again, as if waiting, before joining their lips in a soft yet frothy kiss.

“Elise! Be awake already! ”

When her body hit the hardwood floor, she experienced a severe ache in her arm. As she attempted to process what was going on around her, she muttered an expletive.

When Kayla rambled on and caused her to slip off her bed, she had just discovered that it was all a dream.

She grumbled and glanced up while caressing her aching arm. Why have you entered my room? Just how did you enter? ”

She shook her head and sat down on Elise's bed, saying, "No one was home and your door was open so I let myself in."

Elise sighed and sagged back onto her bed, her skull splitting in two from the pain. Thanks to her parents—or more specifically, her father. God alone knows when, after hours of thinking about Hunter and his risky suggestion, she managed to finally fall asleep after overthinking the events of last night.

Congratulations to Umbria's newest Luna, we received the wonderful news.

Elise jerked her head in Kayla's direction and stared. Her eyes quickly becoming crimson instead of their typical brown tone.

"Whoa... hello there, take it easy. I... I simply believed you..."

I'm not sure how or who informed you guys previously, but I'm certain it was the Alpha. Just so you know, I turned him down. I don't have to join another Pack as a Luna.

She got to her feet and Kayla gave her a sharp glare. Elise turned to face the woman before saying, "I don't need my father to choose a spouse for me. I can do it on my own. Kayla, I'm not a little child. I should be able to select who to mate with and have a happy ending, not him.

For a little while, Kayla remained silent—but not because she was thinking. Elise rejecting Hunter astounded her. He was well-known and understood by everybody. Since his pack is 10 times larger than theirs, he could provide for them for a whole year without getting hungry.

"You are my closest friend, and even though I adore you, I think you are crazy to have rejected Alpha Hunter. Do you realise how strong that guy is? Do you know what would be nice for Umbris if you accepted him? Are you aware of what he could do if you continue to reject him? ”

Elise shook her head and rose from bed. I can't devote the whole day to this,


A visual type of poetry, one read by the bare soul, is created by the waterways of the woods, the blues and white lace amid the earthy colours, amid the dance of green.

As she sat on the medium-sized rock and gazed down at the lake, she hugged her knees to her breast. Even though she knew her father would be upset if he discovered she was in the woods, near to the people they had been warned about, it felt peaceful to be here.

Although she has never dealt with one of them, she has heard that there were negative rumours. Many of her species have been slain by them.

She gave a damn...

She cherished her time alone out here. Particularly on terrible days. She wanted some time to herself to gather her thoughts after the last twenty-four hours of craziness.

Before coming here, she and her father had another argument. He overheard her disparaging Hunter and the prospect of becoming his mate as she was giving her mother a pep talk.

They said things to one other that they didn't intend to. She hated arguing with her father, but occasionally his rules and over protection got in the way. She wanted to take charge of herself for a variety of reasons, and this was just one of them.

She had grown weary of living under her father, Alpha Burto's, control. She loves him deeply, yet she often despises his controlling behaviour. It sometimes gave her the impression that she wouldn't be able to leave his prison, as she refers to it.

She brought a tattered book along and crossed her legs. Before she passed away, her grandma gave it to her. It was a chronicle of their offspring and how they changed through time.

Every time she read it, she pondered how they managed to survive given how near to people they lived and how often they were assaulted, barely living as a result.

Her favourite section—where her grandma first met her grandpa, the veteran Alpha of their pack, before her father was even born—was on the final few pages, which she turned to. Only she survived when her grandmother's pack was attacked and slaughtered. She was rescued by her grandpa, who then accepted her into his pack. Together, they became powerful and unbeatable once he adopted her as his Luna.

She would prefer a family member that was similar to her grandpa. He was kind and compassionate. He embodied what a perfect spouse should be. Before he departed for a war and she became pregnant with her father, Alpha burto, he loved her grandma terribly. He disappeared and was slain by someone.

"Hey there."

A strange voice came from the back.

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