Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Fallon jogged off of the path, back towards the boxing ring. I continued to walk along the path, now out of earshot of Luca and Blaine's conversation.

Wondering who had been tracking my phone, I tried to think of anyone I knew that was tech savvy enough to be able to do something like that.

I couldn't think of anyone.

The path led me around the edge of the clearing and back towards the parking lot, just in time to see a bright red Jeep without a top or doors pull in next to Luca's.

Bates hopped out and pushed his sunglasses on top of his head, watching me suspiciously.

"Are you lost?" He asked.

My eyebrows furrowed.


Lincoln stepped out of Bates' Jeep on the passenger side. I immediately noticed my phone in his hands.

Bates hummed, grabbing my attention again as he walked around the Jeep to where I stood.

"Odd" he commented.


Bates shrugged.

"I thought you were somewhat normal," he said.

"I don't know very many normal people that intentionally end up here at Satan's Playground."

"Satan's Playground?" I repeated.

"That's what we call it," he said, gesturing around us

"Interesting." I noted.

"I've yet to hear anyone say that."

"Just take my word for it," Bates said.

He looked around us for a moment before turning back to me. "Where is Luca?"

"Talking to Blaine," I answered, pointing over here the two men still stood talking.

Bates began to walk that way with Lincoln and I following.

"So, you met Beefcake, huh?" Bates asked me.

"Blaine?" I asked laughing.

He nodded.

"The dude hasn't skipped a shoulder day since second grade and his idea of dessert is a chocolate-flavored protein shake."

I laughed.

"Glad to know someone else thinks he's in abnormally great shape," I commented.

As we walked past the climbing wall, I pointed that way.

"So how long does it take you to complete the course?"

Bates responded by throwing his head back and letting out a bellowing laugh

"Jesus," he said, still laughing.

"I'm offended you think I'm dumb enough to do that stupid course."

I turned to Lincoln in an effort to include him in the


"Have you ever tried it?"

His eyebrows furrowed between his thick-rimmed glasses as he scowled. I could already tell Lincoln was a man of few spoken words, but he certainly knew how to get his message across.

"Thankfully, the two of us have more cerebral jobs," Bates said. gesturing between himself and Lincoln.

"What does Blaine do?" I asked.

"He is Luca's Gamma."

I raised an eyebrow.


"Yeah, third in command," Bates said, looking at me.

"You've never heard of a Gamma?"

I shook my head.

"We don't have one in my pack."

"Oh. Well, he basically helps Lincoln run the entire security team They report to him directly. He also acts as Luca's right-hand man when it comes to more... how should I say it? Aggressive negotiations."

I wondered if he was referring to the territory Luca's pack had forcefully acquired in the past few months.

We were quiet as we walked over to where Luca and Blaine were standing, still talking in muffled tones.

"I found your mate," Bates said, interrupting their


"She wasn't lost the second time," Luca remarked.

"Or the first time," I added under my breath.

Luca shot me a wink before noticing Lincoln.

"You have her phone?" He asked.

Lincoln reached out and tried to hand it to Luca, but I caught it before Luca could grab it.

"Thank you," I said to Lincoln, turning the phone over in my hands.

As I turned it on, I noticed all the missed calls and texts. My heart dropped to my feet as a scrolled through all the missed calls and texts from teachers I worked with, my boss, Mady and my mom.

"Shit," I whispered.

I had forgotten to call my mom when we arrived.

Backing away as I tapped the screen to call her back, Luca grabbed my arm.

"Wait," he said quickly.

I shot him a sharp glare before he let go of my arm.

"Calls shouldn't last longer than about a minute and a half," Lincoln told me.

"It's my mom," I defended.

"He's right," Luca said.

"Keep it short."

I turned on my heel, feeling my feet stomp against the gravel path as I walked away from the group of men and down towards the water.

Finding a spot where I knew I was out of Luca's earshot, I sat down on the bottom of a flipped canoe and held my phone to my ear as it rang.


"Hey, Mom, it's me. I'm so sorry I didn't call you," I apologized quickly.

"Things got kind of crazy here."

I heard her sigh.

"Mom?" I asked after a few moments of silence passed.

"I'm still here," she said.

"I'm happy to hear from you."

Something about the dull tone of her voice made me think otherwise.

"Everything okay?" I asked, eyebrows furrowing.

"Everything's fine," she said quickly.

"Okay, well.

I awkwardly tried to think of something else to say.

"Is Dad around?" I asked.

"He's busy right now."

Too busy to speak to the daughter he was ready to die for two nights ago?

"Oh, okay. Well... could you tell him I called?"

"I will"

"Thank you. Love you, Mom. I'll talk to you soon, okay?"


With that, the line went dead before I could even say goodbye. I stared at my phone as I pulled it away from my ear. Trying not to think about the weird conversation that I'd just had with my mother, I dialed Mady's number.

It rang a few times before I was sent to voicemail.

I then made another dreaded call: to the school.

The conversation between myself and the vice principal only lasted a few minutes.

She very politely informed me that I had would be removed from my position both as the assistant elementary librarian and art teacher due to my sudden change of address and inability to carry out the duties of my employment contract.

When I hung up, I dropped my phone on the ground in front of me, wishing Lincoln had never given it back.

I stared at the phone until a pair of black boots came into my peripheral vision.

Looking up, I saw Luca standing close, watching me.

"Can I help you?" I asked him.

He seemed taken back by the attitude before his surprise was hidden by a cold expression.

"Time to go home." I stood up, grabbing my phone off of the ground.

"I'm five hundred miles from home," I told him.

I brushed past him, my shoulder knocking his arm as I walked back to the car.

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