Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I woke up the next morning cuddling one of the pillows that separated Luca and I, the other pillow having disappeared under the sheets.

When my eyes opened to see him laying next to me, I couldn't help but stare for a few moments. Hands and arms tucked under his pillow, Luca laid on his

stomach with his head turned towards me. His olive skin was a stark contrast against the pure white color of the sheets and his dark hair stood out even more so.

Luca's facial hair had grown out a bit since I'd met him a few days prior. It added to his masculine aura and I decided that I liked it.

After laying there for a few moments, knowing I wouldn't fall back asleep, I sat up in the bed slowly before getting up to walk quietly across the bedroom floor. It was still early in the morning, the room cast with blue hues of the twilight.

I closed the door behind me softly and walked into the kitchen to make tea.

Barely catching the kettle before it began to whistle, I had nearly dozed off standing at the counter waiting for the water to warm up. After pouring the steaming water over the tea, I carried the mug outside on the deck and sat down on the bed swing.

So far, my favorite part of Montana was the sunrise.

It was something I didn't see much of in Oregon. I was used to getting up early, but never to take my time waking up. Rather, I would rush to get ready to be at school on time. Watching the sunrise as it came over the mountains and lake in the distance was almost enough to make me forget about the tea in my hands and the man sleeping in the bed I'd just left.

Almost enough.

There was part of me that felt guilty for letting him sleep with me the previous night. Although, I wasn't sure why.

I was a grown woman who was certainly capable of making that decision, but for some reason I kept hearing my father's voice in the back of my head: "Get away from my daughter."

The closer I let Luca get, the louder that voice got. I felt almost disobedient. And then I thought about what Mady had said. Maybe if I could just call him and let him know that I was okay he would feel :

little better.

Maybe I would feel a little better.

My thoughts were interrupted by the backdoor opening. I turned to see Luca looking around, his gaze softening when he saw me.

"Why are you awake so early?" He grumbled, walking over to where I sat with sweatpants hanging low on his hips, the band of his boxers barely visible.

I pulled my knees into my chest, giving him room to sit next to me on the bed swing. Luca laid down on his back and put his legs next to my body.

He pushed a pillow under his head and looked at me with drowsy eyes.

"Good morning to you, too," I said.

I took a sip of my tea and looked back out at the sunrise.

"Don't you think it's so pretty?" I asked him.

"I've woken up to prettier things."

I looked at him to see his gaze still on me.

"Too cheesy?" He asked.

I shook my head as I blushed and took another sip of tea. After a few moments of silence, my eyes still trained on the sunrise and Luca's on me, he spoke again.

"What are you thinking about?"

"My dad," I answered honestly.

His jaw clenched for a moment before he looked up at the roof over our heads.

"Have you talked to him?"

I shook my head.

"My mom said he wasn't able to talk when I called her yesterday and he didn't answer when I tried to call his phone."

I thought back to that odd conversation.

"You're scared he's mad at you," Luca guessed.

"My dad got mad at me after he found out I'd backed into his truck when I was seventeen because I was running late for school. I'd say this is a little past that, wouldn't you?"

"It doesn't matter what he thinks," Luca said, looking at me.

"We're two grown-ass adults."

"While that may be true, I'm still going to call him today and explain things.

"As long as you can do it in less than a minute and a half," he said.


"Seriously," he answered, sitting up.

"I don't need anyone to be able to trace calls to your location."

"This is my dad you're taking about," I reminded him.

"Who is a rival Beta that didn't like me before I took his daughter away from him," he pointed out.

"My pack's security and my mate's safety are my two main priorities and I'm not willing to compromise them just to ease his worry."

We were quiet for a few minutes as I tried to find a way around Luca's reasoning.

But I couldn't.

"I just want closure," I admitted.

"I feel guilty."

Luca sat in closer and leaned in, placing a hand on the side of my face. Electricity danced from the tips of his fingers, traveling down my body.

"You have no reason to feel that way," he assured me in a low voice, looking at me intently.

My gaze dropped from his eyes to the mug in my hands. A few moments went by before he tilted my chin with the pad of his thumb, earning my attention.

His green eyes trapped mine.

"Can I tell you a secret, amore?"

He leaned in closer until I could feel his nose brush mine.

My breath hitched in the back of my throat.

"The only thing I could think about this morning when I woke up was that I didn't kiss you even once yesterday," he whispered.

Luca gently tugged at my chin, pulling me closer towards him. I couldn't stop my gaze as it dropped to his lips, barely catching a glimpse of them before they were pressed to mine.

My eyes closed as I relished in the feeling of the kiss.

His hands moved up to tangle themselves in my hair as my lips parted, allowing the kiss to deepen. Luca pushed me back towards the pillows propped up behind me and I fell against them.

I suddenly remembered the hot cup of tea in my hands when it spilt on me, the searing hot pain spreading as it ran down my torso and thighs.

Jolting up from the bed swing, I swore with clenched teeth as I placed the mug down on the ground.

"Sorry," we both mumbled at the same time.

I pulled my t-shirt away from my stomach and twisted it out, watching the tea spill from between my hands onto the floor.

"You're okay?" Luca asked

"I'm fine."

My hands were stinging from the heat as I let go of my shirt.

"Did it burn you?" Luca asked, concerned.

He got up off of the bed swing and stepped towards me, hands outstretched. He grabbed the bottom of my shirt and lifted it barely, looking at the patchy redness that covered stomach.

I watched his reaction as he touched the skin gently with two fingers.

"I'm fine," I repeated, tugging my shirt from his grip and yanking it down.

The last thing I needed was a man with washboard abs poking at my loose jiggle that persisted no matter how many carbs I cut.

"Do you want some more tea?" He offered, picking the mug up from the ground.

I took it from his hands.

"No, I'm fine."

I began to walk towards the backdoor. Once inside the house, I put the mug in the sink and grabbed a dish towel before walking back out onto the balcony to see Luca staring off at the distant rising sun.

I began to dry the mattress where the tea had spilt. Thankfully, my t-shirt had absorbed most of it.

"Amore," Luca said, earning my attention.

He turned to face me, leaning back against the balcony railing as he did so.

"Lincoln has a way of securing calls for longer than two minutes on his phone. I can arrange for you to meet him at his office first thing this morning if it's that important to you to speak with your  father."

I was shocked by this concession.

"What time?" I asked.

Luca raised an eyebrow.

"You have other plans?"

"I told Fallon I would meet with her this morning at the training field." I said.


I wanted to ask him how many other Fallons he knew but I refrained, nodding instead.

"Be careful of her," he warned. "I don't trust her any more than I do a stranger."


"Her ambition is unbridled. She steps on whoever she has to to get where she wants to be with no regard to consequence."

"Is that kettle a little too black for you?" I asked.

Luca shrugged.

"I don't make impulsive decisions. I deliberately and carefully plan my every move. She rushes in at the first glimpse of opportunity and seizes it, throwing caution to the wind. It makes her a great fighter, but a terrible soldier."

When I didn't say anything else, Luca sighed.

"The reason I'm telling you this is because I want you to be careful. If my gut is right, she's using you. She wants Blaine's position as Gamma."

I scoffed.

"Like I would be able to give her that... I have no influence here."

"Baby, you could have whatever you wanted and all you would have to do is ask. Fallon isn't an idiot, she knows this."

I felt my stomach lurch.

Luca walked towards me.

"Just be cautious."

I nodded absentmindedly, still replaying the mental recording I had taken of him calling me 'baby'.

"Thanks for the heads up."

I turned quickly and walked back inside the house, leaving Luca to watch the sunrise by himself.

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