Read with BonusRead with Bonus


"You know him?" Blaine asked.

I nodded.

"Waylon, what are you doing here?" I asked him.

He ignored me and I sighed, walking closer.

My eyebrows furrowed as I noticed how thin his pale skin was. could see every blue vein running up and down his arms and chest. He had dark circles around his eyes that made his blue irises pop.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

He didn't turn to me and I noticed then how still he was. No rise and fall of the chest.

I gulped as I began to back up slowly.

"What's wrong?" Bates asked.

"Is he dead?" I asked panicked, backing away until I ran into Luca's chest. He steadied me with a hand on either side of my waist.

Bates held up his hands.

"Don't look at me, I'm not touching him."

Blaine stepped forward and placed two fingers to his neck.

"When was the last time you checked in?" Luca barked at the guard.

"Thirty minutes ago," the guard answered immediately, coming to the door.

"We're on an hour rotation."

"He's dead," Blaine confirmed.

I couldn't do anything but stare at Waylon's body before Luca pulled me out of the room.

"How the fuck did that happen?" Blaine asked rhetorically.

We all stood there for a moment.

Luca was fuming.

"His eyes were blue," I said finally.

Bates turned to me with a scowl.

"That's all you can think about?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"No, I remember his eyes being green in high school."

"That's a weird thing to think about when someone dies," Bates said.

I turned to Luca.

"Where's Johnathan?"

He shook his head.

"You're not seeing him."

I looked down the hallway and began to walk over to where the next guard was sitting. Before I could reach out to open the door, Luca was standing

between me and the handle.

"No," he reiterated.


I reached around him and he blocked me again.

"Luca," I warned.


We stared at each other for a few moments before he moved out of the way and put his hand on the door handle.

"You have two minutes," he said sternly.

"If he moves, he dies. If he's disrespectful, he dies. If he tries to negotiate, he dies. Clear?"

I nodded.

No pressure.

Luca typed in a six digit PIN on the handle and it opened with a 'click'.

He looked at Bates and Blaine.

"Stand by the door."

He opened the door slowly and I stepped around him to walk inside.

Luca hooked a finger around my belt loop and tugged me back to keep me from moving forward any further. Johnathan was sitting cross-legged on the floor, staring up at me with such interest that I immediately wanted to retreat back into the hallway.

Dried blood caked his neck, shoulder and chest. I could see the ribbons of flesh hanging off his shoulder where Luca had bitten him. The wound was still open, but didn't appear to be actively bleeding.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, my shaky voice revealing the sudden loss of confidence.

"I told you," he said slowly and calmly.

"I'm here for you."

"Well you can't have me," I told him, trying to sound firm.

"You need to leave!"

He looked around me at Luca before returning his attention to me.

"Doesn't look like that's an option for me."

"Did my father send you?" I asked.

He tilted his head to the side.

"Why would you ask that?"

"Don't gaslight me," I threatened, feeling a surge of anger.

"You told me he told you that you could have me if you came."

"He did," Johnathan said.


"He wants his daughter back," he told me.

"I should think that seems innocent enough."

"Why didn't he come for me himself?"

"Because he had someone who was willing to do it for him. My reward was worth the risk."

My eyes narrowed.

"Listen, you creep. Tell me how he knew where to send you. How did you find me?"

Johnathan's jaw clenched.

"Ask your friend," he growled.

"She's the one who gave your father the address."

"She wouldn't have given it to him," I said.

"She had no reason to think I was in danger."

"I didn't say she gave it to him voluntarily," Johnathan corrected me.

My eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"Coercion is an art your father has mastered," Johnathan continued.

"Threatening someone's life typically gets results."

"He wouldn't..."

My voice trailed off as I remembered the voicemails.

Would he? Johnathan shrugged, wincing as he felt the pain in his shoulder.

"You'll be home soon enough," he told me.

"Your questioning can't prevent that."

He looked over my shoulder at Luca.

"You'll be out from under his murderous reign eventually."

Luca stepped around me.

"Would you like to find out how murderous I can be?" He asked Johnathan.

I grabbed Luca's t-shirt and pulled him backwards.

"Waylon's dead," I told Johnathan.

Johnathan stuck out his bottom lip in an exaggerated way.

"Oh no," he said, his voice flat and free of emotion.

"Why did he come?" I asked.

"I'm assuming my father didn't promise me to more than one man."

"Waylon was here for my benefit," Johnathan said, eyeing Luca, who was still standing next to me.

"He hasn't helped you much," I noticed.

Johnathan's gaze returned to me. "You know so little."

"Inform me," I said.

"Why should I?"

"Because I'm the only person within five-hundred miles of this place that thinks you should be left alive," I told him.

I saw a fire ignite behind Johnathan's eyes.

"I can't die," he told me.

"I'm part of a much bigger organism that cannot be killed. Even if my body were to fade, I would be

feeding the next, just as Waylon as provided for me in my injury."

I heard Bates groan.

"Can we please kill this guy so I can go to lunch?" He asked, breaking the tension that was left hanging in the air after Johnathan's dramatic monologue.

I shook my head, my gaze still on Johnathan.

"I'm not leaving," I told him.

"Get that through your thick skull. You're going to die because you believe so desperately in a lost cause."

"I can't help but notice you're not marked," Johnathan said, catching me off guard.

"You don't carry Luca's scent... why is that? You've been here for over two weeks. You won't let him

touch you?"

I looked at him incredulously.

"What does that have to do with---"

"Don't lecture me about lost causes when your own relationship is one," Johnathan said, interrupting me.

I didn't even have time to respond before Luca ripped away from my grip and tackled Johnathan back against the ground. He began to pound into Johnathan's face with his fist, landing blow after blow.

Blood was dripping off Luca's knuckles when Blaine and Bates both pulled him off of Johnathan, who now lay motionless.

I couldn't help but to stand there, stunned.

It wasn't that Johnathan didn't deserve it, but I hadn't expected him to get under Luca's skin so easily.

"Feel better?" Bates asked Luca sarcastically.

"I'd feel better if you'd tell me I killed him," Luca said

breathlessly, watching Blaine lean down to check on Johnathan.

Bates pushed Luca and I out of the room, Blaine following.

"Keep an eye on him," Blaine told the guard.

The guard nodded before closing the cell door.

"I think we should go find Lincoln, see if he has any updates." Blaine suggested to Luca.

Luca nodded and turned to me, eyes wild.

"You need to call your friend."

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