Read with BonusRead with Bonus


"I need to change the code to get into the gate," Luca said, his frustration evident.

As we got out of the truck, Bates came out through the front door.

"Welcome back to reality," he said with a beaming smile that I couldn't help but emulate.

He stopped as he saw the mark on my neck.

"Jesus Christ, dude," he said to Luca, reaching out to brush my hair away from it.

"Were you trying to decapitate her?"

I pushed his hand away.

"I'm fine," I assured him.

"What are you doing here?" Luca asked Bates.

His tone didn't hide the fact that he wasn't pleased.

"I've got news to share," Bates responded defensively.

"You're pregnant?" I joked.

"No, that's just the big breakfast I had," he said, rubbing his belly.

"Get to the point," Luca told him

"I believe I have solved the riddle of our jailbird friend," Bates told us proudly.

My eyebrows furrowed.

"I'll explain inside," Bates said, taking my duffle bag from me.

Luca and I followed him in through the front door, where Blaine and Lincoln were sitting in the living room.

"Make yourself at home," Luca told them dryly.

"I had to be here to see your reaction when Bates feeds you hit theory," Blaine defended.

Bates cleared his throat.

"I've been thinking.." he started.

"You know I've warned you about that," Luca interjected.

Bates rolled his eyes.

"Let me finish. Okay, little backstory: I was raised in a

cult," he said.

My eyes widened as I turned to him.

"Might want to sit down for this," Lincoln offered to Luca and I.

"I can't get to my theory if you don't stop interrupting me," Bates said pointedly.

"Please continue," I said, taking a seat.

"So my mom left my dad when I was a toddler-around three or so-and we went to stay with her sister, who was part of this weird church out in Arizona, and she got my mom hooked on these rituals that they performed. Anyway, whenever you said that thing about Waylon's eyes being blue, but you remembered them being green, that got me thinking about how my mom's eyes turned blue a few weeks after we got to Arizona."

He stopped to gauge our reaction. Seeing that he had successfully engaged his audience, he continued

"So, whenever my sister came and visited the other night, I asked her if she remembered any of the other stuff that happened, because she's older than me and remembers more. Crazy thing is: she told me that Mom actually started participating in the rituals because they offered protection. You see, one of the incantations they performed actually caused you

to lose your scent, meaning no one can trace you. She was hiding from my dad, so she thought this would be beneficial, right? Well, I was thinking... you know how we couldn't trace Johnathan and Waylon's scent when they got over the fence? What if that was the reason?"

We sat there in silence, looking at Bates like he was deranged.

"You think they joined a cult?" I asked him.

"No, no, no," he clarified quickly.

"My mom's cult all drank the Kool-Aid like fifteen years ago, so your pack definitely didn't join. I think maybe they know the shit the cult was performing and are doing the same thing."

"Magic?" Luca asked incredulously.

Bates nodded.

I put my head in my hands and began to giggle.

"I'm being serious!" Bates defended, watching everyone else begin to laugh as well.

"Dude, get real," Blaine told him, shaking his head.

"I am!" Bates said.

"My sister said-"

"Where is your sister?" Luca interrupted.

"She came all the way out here from Maine just to tell you this?"

"No," Bates said.

"She started another chapter of the cult, of course she can't leave. She visits me in my dreams."

"I'm losing brain cells," Lincoln said, taking off his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Those must be some weird dreams..." I said, trailing off, my face falling suddenly as I registered what he'd said.

The room went quiet.

"Amore?" Luca asked, noticing my sudden stillness.

"She visits you in your dreams?" I whispered to Bates. He nodded.

I felt realization wash over me like cold water.

"What's wrong?" Luca asked me.

"I've had two dreams," I said.

"One was with my dad, the other was with Johnathan. They both felt so real. They were in the

room with me, where I was sleeping. I just thought they were nightmares.

"You don't actually believe him?" Blaine asked me.

"Could you feel it when they touched you?" Bates asked, ignoring Blaine.

Luca's body went stiff next to me as I nodded slowly.

"My dad had blue eyes," I said.

"The same as Waylon's."

I leaned back into the couch with my hands over my mouth, shaking with disbelief.

"Please tell me this is a prank," Blaine said, looking between Bates and I.

Bates looked at Luca.

"You need to be concerned about a raid if they're practicing this shit," Bates told him.

"They can do some weird and crazy things

if they are."

I felt a headache forming as my mind ran at a hundred miles per hour.

"That's what Johnathan was saying," I whispered to myself. I looked up at Bates.

"Can they tie lifelines? Is that why Johnathan brought Waylon and Waylon died? Because Johnathan needed him to heal?" I asked, rapidly firing off questions.

Bates shrugged.

"I can ask my sister. I'm sure she'd know..."

Luca turned to Blaine.

"Have your men we sent to Oregon come back," he said.

"And have them report to you immediately."

Blaine looked around incredulously.

"You don't actually think---"

"Don't question what I think. Follow orders," Luca said sternly, cutting him off.

Blaine stood up from the couch, pulling his phone from his pocket and walking outside to make the call.

Luca looked at Bates.

"Call your sister. Figure out what we're up against. Have her connect with Lincoln so we can figure out how to take preventive measures."

Turning to Lincoln, Luca leveled a stern gaze.

"Until we can rule it out, treat it like a valid security threat. But keep it under wraps. I'm not comfortable with the pack knowing we're entertaining the idea of necromancy."

Lincoln nodded curtly, standing up to leave.

"I need to talk to Johnathan." I said, as soon as he was gone.

"And do what?" Luca asked, standing from the couch.

"Ask him to confirm our suspicions? Tell him we think we know what's going on? Beg him to tell you what your dad is planning? You know as well as I do that he won't give away any of that."

"Yeah, I wouldn't mess with him," Bates agreed.

"There's no telling what he's conjured up to lie to us while he's been stewing alone all week in that cell."

"What am I supposed to do, then? Just sit here?" I asked.

"This is my dad and my pack we're talking about."

"Just because you're connected doesn't mean you're

responsible," Luca said.

"We'll handle it."

"Is this how it's going to be with every problem that comes up?" I asked.

"How am I supposed to be a Luna when you won't let me in on any of this? Am I supposed to just sit here like some ornamental piece of furniture for the rest of my life?"

Luca turned to Bates.

"You can leave." he told him.

Bates nodded, looking between us awkwardly.

"Gladly," he said, walking to the front door.

I waited until he had closed the door behind him to speak again.

"What is my purpose here?" I asked him, standing up.

"I thought I was supposed to be a Luna, not just some sugar baby that you keep locked up so you get to fuck when you want."

Luca's jaw clenched.

"You're not," he said.

"You are important and you do serve a purpose that doesn't involve me whatsoever."

He held up a hand to keep me from interrupting him.

"But this is your dad and your old pack we're talking about," he argued.

"You aren't able to detach to deal with this. I have to

make decisions based on your safety and my pack's security right now. I can't be gentle so as not to hurt my in-laws' feelings. If you get involved, emotional decisions will be made and it will result in people dying. Trust me on this, please, amore."

I felt hot tears burning behind my eyes as I ran a hand through my hair, wanting nothing more than to yank it out in frustration.

"I'm so scared," I admitted.

"I don't want this to happen and I don't want anyone to get hurt."

"I am too, baby, but we have to take offensive measures if we need to. There's no reasoning with anyone at this point. You tried to, remember?" Luca said softly.

"We're going to be okay, but you have to let me make decisions that are best for us and this pack."

Before I could say anything else, the front door opened and I turned to see Norah walking inside, stopping when she saw Luca and I.

"Everything okay?" She asked warily, eyeing my red, puffy eyes.

I nodded quickly, wiping them with the bottom of my tank top.

"What are you doing here?" Luca asked her.

"Why does everyone think they can just show up?"

Norah looked visibly offended by this.

"You told me to come over today, jackass," she sassed.

"You wanted me to help you get the twins' birthday present?"

"Shit," Luca said, closing his eyes.

"I completely forgot."

He looked at me.

"I'll need your help too," he said.

I nodded, taking a deep breath in an attempt to compose myself. Norah insisted I ride with her as I followed her and Luca out to the driveway. She pulled Ben from the passenger seat of her car and made him ride with Luca.

The two men followed us in the truck as we left the house and started driving out of the pack

"What was that all about?" Norah asked me.

I just shook my head.

"Still getting used to being useless," I admitted.

We were quiet for a few minutes before she spoke up.

"Luca's not used to the help, I guess," she offered.

"He doesn't even let Bates do anything for him and that's literally Bates' job. I promise he'll get more comfortable working as a team the longer you're here. I think he just wants you to feel comfortable

before he starts loading on responsibilities."

"I feel like I might need the distraction of responsibility, though, I said.

"I hate sitting around and watching other people make decisions for me."

"Me too," Norah nodded, agreeing.

"I talked to my friend for you, by the way. The one who keeps all those kids? She said she would love for you to stop by. Maybe that will be a good distraction."

I nodded eagerly.

"I'll take you tomorrow," she offered.

I looked out my window into the rearview mirror to see Luca driving behind us. I wish you could be my distraction, I thought, watching him.

One more week.

God only knew what would happen in a week.

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