Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I woke up the next morning on top of Luca, my bare chest pressed against his. Feeling the breeze of the ceiling fan on my back, I shuddered- realizing soon after that the chills I felt came from the long traces up and down the length of my back by Luca's fingers.

They ran up to the base of my neck and down the curvature of my spine to the last vertebrae, stopping just above my panties.

"Good morning," he said, his deep voice still hoarse with sleep.

I hummed.

After laying there for a few moments, I finally placed my hands next to his body and pushed myself up.

"Don't move," he told me, putting both hands on my hips. I gave him a hard stare as I felt his boner pressing against my thigh.

"It's morning," he said defensively, despite the slight smile on his lips.

Pushing myself off of him, I rolled over to get out of the bed.

"You're one sexy ass woman," Luca told me, watching as I walked to the bedroom door.

Blushing, I opened the bedroom door quickly to go upstairs and change into clothes before the day started. I gasped and immediately covered myself upon seeing Bates sitting at the kitchen counter on his phone, eating cereal. He saw me at the same time, eyes going wide as he spit out the milk in his mouth.

"Oh my God, my eyes!" He yelled, putting both hands over his face.

I backed into the bedroom with a hand over my mouth. Luca looked at me in confusion before hearing Bates choking over his cereal.

"Bates!" He bellowed getting out of the bed, nearly tripping as he struggled to pull on his sweatpants and run at the same time.

He slid past me, into the hallway.

"You've got ten fucking seconds to explain why the hell you're in my house!" he yelled.

I heard the barstool slide backwards.

"Not thinking, clearly," Bates said defensively, panic in his voice.

"I swear to Betty Crocker I was just trying to see if the scent covering thing worked!"

I quickly went into Luca's closet and found a t-shirt and boxers. Putting them on, I walked out into the living room to see Luca had tackled Bates to the kitchen floor and had him pinned with his arm around his neck.

"Uncle!" Bates yelled with a dying breath, smacking Luca's elbow.

"Would you let him go?" I asked frantically.

"He's turning blue."

Luca released Bates, who gasped for air in between coughs.

"I promise I didn't know you were naked," he said to me. "I thought you were still sleeping upstairs."

"It's okay," I assured him, Luca shooting me a glare that said he disagreed.

"What are you? Superman?" Bates asked Luca incredulously.

"Your mate just walks around in her underwear and you still haven't screwed her?"

"You're on thin-fucking-ice," Luca warned him.

Bates waved his hands in surrender.

"Fine. Whatever. Jesus, you're both weird," he told us, standing to his feet, using the countertop to support his weight.

"Well, now we know how Johnathan got past security if I was able to get past you," he said.

"You performed the ritual?" I asked him.

He nodded.

"Don't ask me what I had to eat, though," he said grimacing.

He gagged at whatever thought was running through his mind.

"What did your sister say?" I asked him.

"It was totally possible for Johnathan to tie his lifeline with Waylon's," he said.

"She thinks that's what he did. I gave her number to Lincoln. He said he would reach out to her to get

more information."

Luca nodded, though he still stared at Bates like he wanted to punch a hole through his head.

"So what are you guys going to do?" I asked.

Bates just shrugged.

"Nothing much we can do now except prepare and wait. Blaine's guys were getting back in from Oregon late last night, so he was meeting with them this morning to see what they found out."

We all stood there for a few moments, digesting the information.

"So are you guys going to the twins' party later?" Bates asked.

"Get out." Luca told him.

"You've run out your usefulness."

Bates' eyes widened as he heard this and he immediately ran out of the kitchen and through the front door.

"Wouldn't have happened if you'd have let me keep my tank top on last night," I quipped.

Luca shot me a glare. "I want to forget he's seen your tits," he said, shaking his head.

"He probably does too," I laughed.

"I don't like it," he said, pulling me closer to him by the waist.

"Those are mine."

I pushed him away.

"They're actually mine," I told him.

He rolled his eyes and lifted me up onto the countertop. Lifting the bottom of my t-shirt up, Luca put his head underneath and took one of my nipples into his mouth, beginning to suck.

"Luca, stop," I said, reaching under my shirt to grab his face.

He pulled away reluctantly, the shirt causing his hair to get frizzy as he emerged from underneath it.

"I'm so horny," he admitted, beginning to kiss my neck I pushed him away again.

"Go take a cold shower."

He groaned loudly and began to leave the kitchen.

"Think of me while you're in there," I said provokingly.

"Amore, you're all I can think about."

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