Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Norah came and picked me up just after I had finished lunch. Luca had wandered over to the apartment above the garage to get some work done after his shower and I hadn't seen him since.

I met her at the door, walking with her back out to her car.

"Oh my God, your neck," she said gasping, stopping in the middle of the driveway to push my hair away from my shoulder so she could see the mark better.

"It doesn't hurt," I told her quickly, knowing that the bruising made it look pretty gruesome.

I knew this because Fallon had a similar reaction that morning when I had gone to the fields to train with my hair in a ponytail; although she had thought I had been attacked by something.

"Damn," Norah whispered, followed by a laugh.

"I didn't notice it last night."

She wouldn't have, I thought. I had covered the mark with my hair after we had gotten home from the cabin and Bates saw it. I would wear it proudly after it had healed, but for now I didn't want anyone to see it.

"Wait," Norah said suddenly, "does that mean you guys... you know?"

I shook my head as we resumed our walk to her car.

"No, we haven't," I sighed.

Her eyebrows furrowed.

"So Luca just marked you?"

I shrugged.

"I mean, we were doing other things…”

"Like what?" She pressed.

"I'm not answering that. He's your brother," I said, laughing.

"Oh," she said, the realization hitting her.

"Never mind. Yeah, I don't want to know."

We laughed as we got into her car and began to drive off to another side of the pack.

"So," she said, "this woman's name is Cristina. She keeps quite a few kids full-time. Some of them get dropped off every day whenever their parents go to work, but others stay with her. Her mate passed away a few years ago before they were able to have

any children, so I'm guessing she started taking in foster kids so she could start a family on her own."

"So she hasn't met anyone else? She raises all those kids by herself?" I asked in awe and disbelief.

She nodded.

"Yeah, which is why my mom started sending us over to help her out. But with me passing my nursing boards and starting at the clinic and the twins still being in high school, we just weren't able to go over consistently. Hanna still goes after school sometimes because she doesn't do too much extracurricular

activities. Mom will go over when she has time, but she stays pretty busy with work."

"What does your mom do?"

"She's a chemist for my dad's pharmaceutical company," she answered.

"She actually worked with Cristina. That's how they


I nodded, impressed.

"But I did tell my mom that you have a background in the school system and she definitely thought you would be a good fit working with Cristina," she continued.

"I'm happy to help," I said.

"But I'm not letting her pay me."

"Well, she'll certainly try to," Norah warned.

I just shook my head.

"There's no way I'm taking money from her. If anything, she should be getting paid," I said incredulously.

Norah nodded in agreement.

We drove for a few minutes until we reached a neighborhood on the outskirts of the border. She pulled up to a two-story brick house that had a garage off to one side with a minivan parked out on the driveway. It was a beautiful house, but the grass was overgrown and desperately needed to be cut. I immediately made a mental note to ask Luca if he knew anyone who would be able to help her

maintain it. She was raising kids by herself, she shouldn't have had to be responsible for her lawn too.

We walked up to the front porch and Norah rang the doorbell. The door opened a few moments later to a woman holding a baby on her hip. I immediately noticed the distinction between their skin tones; hers a deep, rich brown and his a flat, pale white.

She was dressed smartly with a button-up blouse under a gray cardigan and jeans, loafers on her feet. She had a scarf wrapped in her hair, revealing the perfectly clear skin of her face. He was in a onesy that exposed a chunky thigh, his fist in his mouth that he gnawed on with teething gums.

She beamed with a bright smile as he stared at us blankly with big, brown eyes.

"Norah! I'm so happy to see you," she said, reaching out to hug her with her free arm.

Norah smiled and tickled the feet of the baby.

"Hi Devin," she said, smiling.

The baby immediately withdrew and put his face into his guardian's shoulder.

"Cristina, this is Carrie," Norah said, introducing us.

Cristina turned to me and smiled warmly, reaching

out to give me a hug as well.

"It's nice to meet you," I said genuinely.

She nodded. "Likewise," she said, smiling.

She backed away from the door, allowing us to walk inside.

"Sorry it's such a mess," she said.

"If I had known I would be having guests, I would have cleaned up a bit."

Cleaned up what? thought.

I looked around and saw a perfectly spotless house.

I thought she kept kids? My mom wasn't even that clean with me and I was her only child. There were cube shelves on the wall behind the couch with

baskets of toys that were stowed away neatly. The TV was playing a cartoon that entertained two toddlers who sat on a blanket in front of it.

"Leesa, Alaïa, say hi to Norah and Carrie," Cristina told them as she closed the front door behind us.

Both girls turned to look at us and waved politely before turning their attention back over to the TV.

"What brings you out here?" Cristina asked.

She sat down in the chair across from the couch where Norah and I took a seat.

"Carrie was interested in helping out with the kids, if you'd have her to," Norah said.

I smiled, nodding.

"Or helping out at all," I added.

"Even if you needed me to run errands for you, I'm willing to help out where needed."

"That sounds amazing," Cristina said, nodding enthusiastically.

"There's always things to be done around here. My to-do list is a thousand miles long."

The baby in her arms started to lean away and she placed him down on the carpeted floor to rock back and forth on his knees, attempting to crawl.

"Do you like children?" She asked me.

"Yes," I smiled.

"I actually worked at a school in Oregon until a

few weeks ago. I miss being around them."

"You just moved here?" Cristina asked.

I nodded.

"She's Luca's mate." Norah told her.

Cristina looked at me with wide eyes.

"You're a Luna and you want to babysit kids?" She asked.

I just shrugged.

"I'm not doing much of anything else right now," I laughed.

Cristina took a deep inhale, still surprised.

"I would certainly appreciate any help I can get," she said. "But please don't feel obligated. I'm sure there are better things for you to be doing."

"Don't worry about me," I said.

"I wouldn't be offering if I didn't want to."

She smiled.

"Thank you."

I heard a succession of thumps before looking over to see a young boy laying at the bottom of the staircase with a half-dressed Barbie in his hand.

He sat up and looked at us with a dazed expression before looking back up the stairs and then back to us, like he was trying to understand how he'd just fallen down a flight of carpeted stairs.

"Are you okay?" Cristina asked him.

He broke out into a huge smile before running back up the staircase on all fours, causing us to laugh. Norah and I stayed over for almost three more hours. We helped Cristina prepare lunch and then lay the younger ones down for their afternoon naps.

While there, I learned Cristina's mate had passed away after a short, gruesome battle with cancer. She had used almost all of his life insurance money to pay off medical bills after his passing.

She worked for a while to support herself, but said she quickly realized she was lonely. She began to foster kids and fell in love; so much so that she quit her job to do it full time while babysitting to help with the mortgage.

I left that day feeling nothing less than inspired.

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