Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Looking around the room, I saw Hanna sitting with girls and boys that looked to be her age; they were playing some kind of board game that was set up on their table.

"So what did you think about Cristina?" Norah asked me, earning back my attention.

"She's wonderful," I said, smiling.

"I really hope I can help her as much as possible."

I meant to ask Luca earlier if he knew someone who would be able to help her with her lawn. I looked around Norah to see Bates standing there awkwardly poking at a balloon that hung down in his face.

"Bates," I called for him, earning his attention.

"Do you have a lawn mower?"

He looked at me warily.

"I feel like I'm going to regret answering that question," he said slowly.

"Do you?" I asked again.

"No, I cut my lawn with scissors," he said sarcastically.

"Of course I have a mower"

"Would you mind lending it to a good cause?"

"If the cause is Luca Ronan, no," he said.

"He can hire someone else to mow his big-ass yard."

I rolled my eyes.

"What about a single mom?"

His jaw dropped. "Are you pregnant already?"

"Oh my God," Norah mumbled.

"She's talking about Cristina Amherst."

"Oh," Bates said.

"Yeah, I can do that. I can probably go out there

tomorrow afternoon."

"Thank you," I told him, smiling.

He nodded and took a sip from his beer, having no doubt stolen the bottle from Luca's case. Norah, Bates, and I walked over to a small, round table where we sat down. Ben and Luca joined us shortly after.

"Where'd you get that?" Luca asked Bates pointedly, nodding at the bottle in his hand.

Bates smiled sheepishly.

"I took it as payment for driving the Jeep over here," he explained.

"I think I deserve something for rescuing you," Ben told Luca pointedly, holding his hand out.

Luca nodded back over to the refreshment table.

"It's under the table."

Ben got up and walked in that direction, returning with a beer in his hand. As the night went on, the party only gained momentum. The girls had a blast and danced to their hearts' content.

Norah and I talked most of the evening, with Ana stopping by occasionally to join the conversation before being pulled away by someone with a question.

A number of people stopped by our table to inquire with Luca and Bates on different topics. It was funny to watch Bates try to answer serious questions without a sarcastic response.

Later in the evening, when Luca was preoccupied by a rather obnoxious man who was complaining about the cracking pavement on the road outside his home, I felt a hand touch my shoulder.

I turned to see Torrey, a worried expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked quickly.

"Can you come here for a second?" She whispered, watching Luca to make sure he wasn't paying any attention.

I nodded and stood up, Norah following us.

We walked outside the tent, where no one could see us.

"What's wrong?" Norah asked her, repeating my question.

"I need your help," Torrey told me.

"I have this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach."

My eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you mean?"

"I think I found my mate," she said slowly.

"Torrey, that's a good thing," Norah reminded her, still confused as to why she seemed upset.

Torrey shook her head slowly, a tear escaping from one eye. She reached up quickly to wipe it away.

"I think it's one of the wolves from your pack," she told me.

My jaw went slack.

"Why do you think that?" I asked her quickly, trying not to outwardly show my internal panicking.

"I don't know," she admitted, holding a hand over her stomach.

"I just feel it in my gut."

"What's going on?"

I turned to see Luca standing behind us, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Girl drama," I lied.

"It's nothing."

He looked at Norah and then to Torrey before turning back to me.

"Just give us a minute," I said.

Luca nodded slowly, his expression telling me he didn't believe the lie I'd fed him. Despite this, he backed away and turned to go back into the tent.

We waited a few seconds before speaking again.

"What do you want us to do?" Norah asked Torrey.

"Can you get me into the Cellar?" She asked.

"I passed there this morning on my four-wheeler, that's when the feeling started And I heard my dad talking to my mom last week, I know they're being held there."

I shook my head.

"The Cellar is sealed off," I said, remembering how Luca needed to use his handprint to open the doors.

"We have no way of getting you in unless we tell Luca."

Torrey shook her head fervently.

"No, please, you can't tell him," she said, eyes wide.

"Please, just... ask Bates if he can open it. I'm sure that if I could just be there and know which wolf it was, it would make me feel so much better."

I looked at Norah apprehensively.

Neither of them knew this, but there was only one wolf from my pack still alive. If her suspicions were correct, I knew exactly who her mate was...

We went back into the tent after I told her I would ask Bates about getting us into the Cellar. This promise didn't come with a guiltless feeling, though. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to keep Torrey's secret from Luca.

I sat down at the table, Luca immediately turning his attention to me.

"What was wrong with her?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"Just girl drama," I repeated.

He hummed, though I could tell he still had his doubts.

"I got you a cupcake," he said, sliding a pink plate over in front of me with an equally as pink cupcake on it.

I smiled.

"Thank you."

I reached out to unfold the paper from the bottom of the cupcake, hoping that if I kept my mouth full I wouldn't be able to blab the secret that now weighed heavy on my mind.

As I picked the cupcake up from the plate, I felt the soft touch of fingertips tracing up my thigh. I looked at Luca out of the corner of my eye, trying not to draw attention to the hand that was now sliding up my inner thigh, pushing back the hem of my dress.

He stared off at the party going on around us, but I noticed the trace of a knowing smile on his lips.

I crossed my legs, trapping his hand and keeping it from venturing farther north.

He bit his bottom lip before leaning over towards me.

"Don't cause a scene," he whispered, his lips almost touching my ear.

"Your mother is standing fifteen feet away," I mumbled through gritted teeth, trying to keep a neutral expression.

I took a bite of my cupcake as Luca pulled his hand from between my legs and slung his arm over the back of my chair.

"How are the cupcakes?" Norah asked me, peeling away the paper from her own.

I smiled, nodding.

"They're delicious, actually. The icing is really sweet."

I heard Luca snicker beside me and I kicked his shin.

"Alpha Ronan." someone said from beside us.

We both looked over to see a man approaching. He squatted down next to Luca's seat and began to talk to him about a loan for a business venture he was planning.

Uninterested, I looked over to Bates.

"Can you do me a favor?" I asked.

He looked at me, unamused, with a mouth full of cupcake.

"Do ah hah to wehd wac how do?" He mumbled through the cake.

My eyebrows furrowed as he held up a finger, swallowing the cupcake.

"Do I have to weed-wack now, too?" He said again.

"Classy," Norah commented.

"I need you to meet me at the training fields tomorrow morning at eight," I told him, my voice low so Luca couldn't hear.

His eyebrows furrowed. Why?" He asked.

"Just do it, please," I said quickly, Luca's attention returning to us.

Bates just nodded, still looking confused.

Luca turned around, his arm returning to its spot behind my chair.

"I'm ready to go," he said, sighing.

I could tell he was, he looked exhausted. I was sure he was sick and tired of everyone talking to him all night.

I nodded.

"I'm ready when you are."

I looked at Bates as we got up to leave, silently telling him not to say anything further.

How am I supposed to keep this from Luca?

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