Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I woke up to a bright light in my eyes.

Squinting, I pulled away from the light, pressing my head further back into the pillow.

"Good morning," a voice said softly.

I opened my eyes back up to see Dr. Witt's face hovering above me as she put her flashlight into the pocket of her scrubs.

Sitting up, I immediately felt a wave of nausea wash over me before a hand against my shoulder pressed me back down onto the bed.

"Take it easy," she said.

"You're going to give yourself a headache.

I already had one. It felt like it was splitting my skull in half.

"Can you remember anything?" She asked.

I nodded slowly as the recollection began, playing in my mind like a movie reel. I could remember what had happened, just not why it had happened.

Gulping, I winced as the saliva slid down my throat; burning the whole way as if I'd taken a shot of hard liquor.

"You likely have minor tracheal trauma," she told me, noticing the pain that registered in my expression.

"It doesn't look like you have a concussion, but we're monitoring you closely to make sure we haven't missed it."

I opened my mouth to speak, regretting it as soon as the hoarse words passed through my throat. I immediately began to cough, pain squeezing in my chest with each convulsion.

It felt like I had a boulder the size of an elephant sitting on my sternum. I was nearly gasping for air, feeling myself begin to drown in anxiety as I was transported back to that moment in the Cellar, fighting for air.

"Let's calm down, okay?" Dr. Witt told me, her voice faint compared to the loud ringing in my ears.

I tried to sit up, nearly falling over the side of the bed I laid on. Completely disoriented, the room was spinning around me as I was pushed back onto the mattress.

I felt two hands grab mine and cross my arms across my chest, pressing down. This caused me to take a deep, but painful inhale.

Though my vision was clouded, I could barely make out the blurred figure above me. His green eyes cut through the panic, my mind coming to a screeching halt.

"You're okay," he said firmly, his voice echoing inside my mind.

After a few painfully deep breaths, I felt myself begin to return to the world around me, feeling my body against the mattress I laid on and Luca's hands holding mine.

I noticed the ceiling fan spinning above him, realizing then that I was in his bedroom. Luca leaned down, his lips pressing against my cheek as he held

a kiss there.

"You're okay," he repeated against my skin, his voice softer.

As he stood up, I saw Dr. Witt standing there in shock. She looked at him briefly before holding out her stethoscope to his chest.

"So you do have a heart?" She asked incredulously.

He pushed the instrument in her hands away, rolling his eyes.

"As I was saying," Dr. Witt continued, turning to me.

"Your throat is going to be pretty sore for a few days, so try and give your voice a rest. Eat soft foods. It's also worth mentioning that your intercostal muscles, the ones around your ribs, will probably be really sore as well. I've left you some pain medication that will help with this."

"Thank you," I wheezed out, nodding.

She smiled, placing a hand on my upper arm.

"You'll be fine. I'll make sure of it."

I nodded again, giving her a tight-lipped smile as she leaned down to pick up her tackle box that sat next to the bed.

"I'll show myself out," she told Luca.

"Thank you," he said, still standing next to the bed.

She walked around him and through the bedroom door. I heard the front door open and close shortly after she had disappeared from sight.

I looked back to Luca to see he was already staring at me. I broke the eye contact, looking up at the ceiling in shame for the next few moments.

Using my hands to push myself up slowly, I leaned back against the pillows that were propped up against the headboard.

He shook his head as I opened my mouth to speak.

"I've already decided that I wouldn't argue about this when you woke up," he said.

"There's no point in it. Me berating you for a lesson you learned the hard way would just be a waste of breath."

I closed my eyes and let out a shaky breath.

"I don't know what I was thinking," I whispered with a scratchy voice.

"My mind just went blank after we talked and the next thing I remember were his hands were around my throat and then I remember you picked me up and nothing else."

I looked down to where Luca's hands were resting on the side of the bed, remembering then how they had been coated in blood the last time I'd seen him.

"It's over, Carrie," Luca assured me with a solemn expression.

"He's dead. It's done. Let's move past it."

I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief hearing Johnathan was dead. His presence in the pack had been something that weighed on me since he'd been locked away and I felt somewhat freed by his death.

I looked down at my own hands to see they were still dirty, Johnathan's blood still trapped beneath my fingernails.

I began to pull back the covers, Luca stopping me.

"I need to shower," I said hoarsely.

I need to get rid of every reminder of that moment as possible, I thought. He hesitated in letting me get down from the bed, his arm around my waist as he warily watched my feet touch the floor.

"Thank you," I said as he offered an arm to keep me steady.

I let Luca guide me into the bathroom, leaning against the vanity as he walked over to the shower to turn on the water.

I stood there for a moment, watching as he reached out to monitor the water temperature before grabbing a towel for me to use and draping it across the hook that sat outside the shower


"Can you help me, please?" I asked, gesturing to the t-shirt I wore.

Luca nodded before walking over to where I stood and helping me pull the t-shirt over my head. I tried not to wince as my arms lifted above my shoulders, a sharp pain in my side as I did so.

He reached behind me to unclasp my bra. With his assistance, I tugged off my shorts and panties.

Luca watched warilv as I walked towards the shower and opened the glass door that enclosed it. I slid down the marbled wall to sit on the floor, not having the strength to stand.

Luca leaned against the doorway, watching as I reached out to grab the bar of soap that sat on the ledge. I began to rub it between my hands, the suds slipping between my fingers and across my palms.

Picking under my finger nails, I watched the dried blood run down my hands as it washed away. Feeling exhausted with the movement, I dropped my arms and leaned back against the wall to catch my breath.

I looked up to Luca to see he was still watching me.

"You don't have to stay," I told him. "It might take me a while at this rate."

Sighing, he reached over his head and pulled his shirt off before unbuckling his belt and sliding off his jeans as well.

Luca stepped into the shower in his boxer briefs, leaning down to take the soap from my hand. He helped me stand to my feet and kept me steady as I leaned back against the wall.

Rubbing the soap between his hands, he placed it down behind me on the shelf before running his hands down my arms, leaving a trail of bubbles behind.

I couldn't help but react to his touch, an ache forming between my legs as he moved across my body, massaging the skin under his hands.

He bent down, his hands washing up and down the length of both my legs. When he stood, I caught his gaze and he immediately dropped his eyes to the floor.

"Don't look at me like that," he pleaded, pulling me into the stream of water.

I closed my eyes as the water rolled down my face, opening them again when I felt Luca place the soap into my hand.

"You can do the rest," he said, backing away.

I watched as he left the shower, grabbing another towel that hung on a hook. He wrapped it around his waist and left the bathroom. I looked down at the soap, wishing he hadn't avoided the intimate areas on my body as he had helped me wash off.

After a few more minutes in the shower, I got out to dry off and wrap my own towel around me. Reaching out to wipe the steam from the mirror, I gasped as I

noticed the hand-shaped bruise on my neck. Raising my hand to touch it gingerly, I traced its outline.

I almost died.

I would likely have to stare at the bruise for several days, reminded each time I looked at it what a fool I was. How naive I was. How absolutely idiotic I was.

What was I thinking?

Why did I do that?

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