Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Morning sex was everything it was cracked up to be.

Luca cuddled me onto his naked chest afterwards. I could hear his rapid heart rate slowing as my ear pressed against his skin. I looked down at where my hand was resting against his torso, seeing the diamond ring. Wiggling my finger, I watched the sparkle of the radiant-cut gem in the morning light that filtered in through the window behind the bed.

"Do you like it?" Luca asked me, his voice drowsy and deep.

Those were the first words he'd spoken that morning, despite the fact that we'd been awake for several minutes.

I looked up at him and smiled, nodding my head before looking back at the ring.

"It's mesmerizing," I admitted.

"Now you know how I feel when I look at you."

I poked his abs at the cheesy comment, making him chuckle. Just before he could say something else, we both heard his phone vibrating on the nightstand where it was. He turned over to look at the screen, putting the phone back down unanswered.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"Bates," he sighed.

"You're not going to see what he wants?"

"If it's important, he'll text me. He only calls when he wants to talk my ear off."

I hummed, laying my head back down against him.

The room was silent for a few moments before the phone began to buzz again, causing Luca to let out a sigh of frustration.

"Answer it," I told him, seeing that it was Bates calling again.

He shook his head stubbornly and I reached across to him to grab the phone myself.

"Hi Bates," I answered, putting the phone up to my ear.

"Hello Carol," he said.

"How has your morning been?"

I laughed nervously.

"Good, yours?"

"Peachy. Can I talk to Luca?"

I handed Luca the phone, who took it from me begrudgingly.


I heard Bates's muffled mumbling on the other line as Luca rolled his eyes in reaction to whatever Bates was saying.

"I changed the code," Luca said defensively.

"Everyone got a little too comfortable coming over unannounced."

His eyebrows furrowed as Bates continued.

"What do you mean you've been sitting outside for twenty minutes?" He asked, sitting up in bed.

I sat up with him, pulling the blanket up to cover myself.

Luca groaned.

"Can it wait?"

He paused as he listened to Bates respond.

"Fine, give me two minutes to change."

I couldn't help but frown as he got out of bed.

Luca let out a long sigh as he turned back to look at me.

"I'm sorry," he said sincerely.

"I'm going to deal with this and I'll be back, okay?"

I nodded.

"Everything alright?" I asked.

"Of course," he replied, winking.

I watched as he walked into his closet and changed into a sweatshirt and gym shorts. As soon as he had left the bedroom, I got up to change as well, before walking out into the living room. I tried not to make the soreness I felt throughout the entire lower half of my body obvious.

Luca was unlocking the side door for Bates when I walked into the kitchen to make my tea. Bates stepped in, eyeing Luca cautiously.

He walked into the kitchen, stopping dead in his tracks as he saw me. I knew as soon as I made eye contact with him that we'd been found out. Bates's jaw dropped as he lifted his arms and pointed a finger at Luca and I. He looked between us in shock for a few moments, eyes wide.

"You didn't?" He asked incredulously.

"Bates," Luca warned.

"You are in such deep shit!" Bates hollered, looking at Luca.

He let out a bellowing laugh, his mouth still open in surprise.

"I mean, it was about fucking time. Don't get me wrong.. "

He cleared his throat.

"No pun intended," he added quickly.

Luca closed his eyes as he drew in a deep breath and I turned away to fill the kettle with water, hoping Bates couldn't see that I was holding back a laugh.

"Duuuuuuude," Bates said, turning back to Luca. "Is that why you changed the password to the gate?"

"I changed the password because you do shit like that," Luca said, starting to get irritated.

"What do you want? You said you were dealing with a crisis."

"Well, there is a crisis. But, it's more on Blaine's side of things, so you should go talk to him. I just came to deliver the message and to check up on her."

Bates turned to me.

"Obviously, she seems to be doing just fine," he said pointedly, wiggling his eyebrows.

Luca groaned as he grabbed his truck keys from the hook next to the door.

"Where is Blaine?" He asked.

"With Lincoln, at the tower," Bates responded.

Luca went to leave, stopping as he realized Bates had made no move to follow him.

"Are you coming?" He asked, patience running thin.

"I've already been updated," Bates said, waving his hand dismissively.

"I'm sure you don't need me to make any decisions."

Bates turned to me.

"Besides, it sounds like we have a lot to catch up on," he added.

Luca started to say something but I interrupted.

"He's just joking," I told Luca.

"You should go see what's wrong. We'll be fine here."

He hesitated before walking out the side door, Bates immediately turning to me with a hand held high.

"Up top," he said, prompting me to high-five him.

I shook my head as I did so.

"Atta girl," he praised, laughing.

I started the kettle and began to pull out a frying pan to cook breakfast as Bates took a seat at the countertop.

"I'm surprised you're on your feet," he said honestly.

"I would think dealing with Luca's third leg would leave someone your size bedridden for a few days."

I turned to look at Bates, shocked at his boldness.

He laughed at my expression.

"What?" He asked defensively.

"I've seen it before and I'm secure enough in myself to say that I was rather impressed. However, I am curious as to how-"

I held up my hand to prevent him from asking what he was thinking.

"I'm not answering any questions."

Bates crossed his arms.

"Fine, keep your naughty secrets," he replied.

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