Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I made breakfast for the both of us, reigning in the conversation by venturing too far as we ate. Bates laughed at me as I winced at the ache in my hips getting down from the stool. This caused him to have to defend himself against the fork I tried to stab him with.

He caught my hand mid-air, stopping the assault to stare at my ring.

"I liked the one I picked out better," he commented, observing it.

"That's not what you say upon seeing someone's engagement ring for the first time," I laughed.

"Oh, sorry," he said, clearing his throat.

"Oh my God, it's so gorgeous, I can't even," he said in a high-pitched voice.

"How did he do it? Did he get down on one knee?

Oh my God...''

I laughed.

"Yes," I answered. "He did, in fact, get down on one knee."

His eyebrows furrowed

"Assuming this happened between yesterday morning and today," he guessed.

"Did he propose here?"

I nodded.

"Where?" He asked, the crease between his eyebrows deepening.

"In his closet," I answered, giggling.

Bates raised an eyebrow.

"His closet?"

Just as he'd asked this, the side door opened and Luca walked inside, Blaine following him.

"You proposed in your closet?" Bates asked him.

Luca gave me a hard stare.

"How many details did you give him?" He asked me.

"She was conservative, to say the least," Bates assured him.

Blaine looked between the three of us, confusion marking his expression.

"They had sex and are now engaged," Bates clarified.

"Congratulations," Blaine said dryly.

Bates rolled his eyes at Blaine's less than enthusiastic tone.

"We've got to get going," Luca said to them.

He turned to me.

"I've got something to take care of," he said.

"I ‘Il be back a little bit later, okay?"

I nodded.

Luca went to change into jeans and a t-shirt before grabbing his backpack off the barstool next to me; planting a quick kiss on my lips as he walked to the door where Blaine and Bates were standing, cringing. After cleaning up the breakfast dishes, I drove Luca's Jeep over to Cristina's house. I was over there the majority of the day as I played with the kids and helped clean her house.

I decided that I thoroughly enjoyed Cristina's company. She reminded me a lot of Mady, very smart and decisive. She was also full of wisdom and I didn't mind the thought of that rubbing off on me after the past few days.

I enjoyed the interaction, but it made me miss my best friend. I wished Mady had been with me. I wanted her to be able to meet Luca. I wanted to fill her in on everything that had happened. It was the longest I'd ever been without seeing her.

While I knew I couldn't drive to Oregon, I did the next best thing: I drove to the water tower.

It was late-afternoon when I got there, the sun just disappearing behind the tops of the trees that surrounded the tower. I walked inside and climbed the staircase to the top floor, where Lincoln was sitting behind a desk, hunched over as he stared into the glow of his computer monitor.

"Hi Lincoln," I said, earning his attention.

He turned to me and smiled briefly.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

I nodded.

"I was wondering if I could use your phone to call my friend," I said sheepishly.

"Oh, yeah, of course," he said, standing from his seat.

"I actually have the phone Luca ordered for you. I just haven't been able to set it up yet with all the craziness going on."

"No worries," I assured him quickly.

"I'll have that set up for you before you leave," he told me, walking over to the desk where the landline was hooked up.

He pulled out a laptop and plugged in the USB drive to pull up my contacts.

"I'll be a few floors down if you need anything," he said, walking towards the spiral staircase.

I thanked him as I dialed Mady's number, watching him descend the stairs. She answered on the second ring.

"Guess who?" I asked.

"Oh my God, you don't know how many telemarketer's calls I've answered thinking it may be you calling," she laughed, sounding relieved.

"Sorry, things have been crazy here."

"No worries," she quickly assured me. "Are there people listening?"

"Nope, just us."

"I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever," she sighed. "I don't even know where to start."

"I know, same here. How are you? How did your finals go?"

"Not too bad. I did well in the ones that I've gotten grades for. I'll get the rest of my grades back next week."

"How are you?" I repeated.

Mady was silent for a few moments before I heard her let out a long exhale.

"Honestly?" She asked.

"Yes, honestly," I prodded.

"Not great, Carrie. Things are so weird here. My parents made me move down into their shitty basement. Dad even put a deadbolt on the door for me to lock when I'm down here. He's scared shitless and it's making him paranoid."

My eyebrows furrowed.

"Scared of what?"

"Your dad," she answered flatly.

"He's... so strange now, Carrie. I can't even explain it."

I gulped the knot in my throat, debating on whether to tell her about the suspicions we had.

"Do you feel unsafe there?" I asked instead.

"I'm not going to lie. I'm a little freaked out. I didn't start feeling that way until my dad started to panic, though," she admitted.

"He gave me a damn curfew. I haven't had a curfew since high school."

"What does he think my dad is going to do?" I asked.

"It's not just him," she sighed.

"There's a few people in our pack that have gotten on board with his stupid plans. My dad is scared they would try to use me to get him to authorize the raid."

"I'm so sorry, Mady," I said, feeling helpless.

"No, stop it," she said sternly.

"This isn't your fault at all. Somehow, I think this has more to do with Luca and his pack. I get the feeling something else is going on."

"Like what?"

"I don't know," she said honestly.

A few moments of silence passed.

"Do you want to come and stay here?" I asked her.

"You're joking," she said slowly.

"I'm being one-hundred percent serious. I could leave right now and you would be here by tomorrow morning."

"I don't think that would help," she said.

"My dad is already losing it. I doubt me disappearing suddenly would aid the situation.

"But if you don't feel safe there-"

"I'm okay, Carrie. Really. Besides, I can't imagine Luca's pack would be any safer. Especially if my dad agrees to the raid."

"What do you mean if?" I asked.

"He's not going to, right?"

"I don't know anymore. I see his resolve diminishing a little more every day. I'm not sure what your dad is telling him, but he seems to be convincing," she said.

"Mady, that's a bad idea," I warned.

"They can't do that. Luca's wolves here... they're not like our wolves at home. They actively train for things like this. They're prepared."

"I know that. My dad knows that. He's tried to tell your dad, he's just not getting through to him. I guess your dad thinks that because Johnathan was able to get through, so will they."

"Johnathan is dead, Mady," I said slowly.

"Everyone else will be too if your dad doesn't end this, now."

I heard her sigh.

"We've got to stop talking about this," she said quickly. "Let's talk about something else. Tell me about how you've been? How's life with your father's arch nemesis?"

I couldn't help but smile.

"It took a while," I admitted.

"But I'm actually really happy."

"Hm, I'm assuming that means you've fucked Luca, then?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes, laughing.

"Well, if you must know-"

"Ha! I knew it!" She said.

"Tell me everything, every nasty detail."

I glanced warily at Lincoln's phone, remembering how he said every call was recorded.

"How about I wait until I see you next?" I offered.

"Fine," she huffed.

"I suppose those conversations are always better over margaritas anyway."

"I can tell you that I got a ring, though.," I said, looking down at the diamond on my finger.

"Bitch, if you get married without me, so help me, God..."

"I won't," I assured her quickly, laughing. " promise."

"Good," She laughed.

We were silent for a few moments before I spoke again.

"I miss you," I admitted.

"I wish you had been here."

"Me too," she agreed, sighing.

"When all of this is over, I'm going to come and stay with you for a week."

"I'm looking forward to it already."

We talked for a while longer, until I noticed it was getting dark outside. Promising I'd call again soon, we ended the conversation and I hung up the phone. I looked over to where the USB was still plugged into the laptop, seeing all the files Lincoln had moved over from my old phone. I sorted through them, looking through my photos and messages. Then I came across another file folder. They were audio files, all dated the same day, around the same time.

I immediately recognized them as the sixteen voicemails my father had left as I clicked on the first one, hearing his voice spill through the laptop's speakers. For the next few minutes, I listened in dumbfounded shock as my father ranted into the recording all the ways he would torture Luca when he saw him next, giving graphic details.

He growled into the phone his grotesque desire to see Luca suffer and die, even claiming he would mount his head on our wall.

I had tears in my eyes, my hands trembling as the last voicemail began to play.

"You should have died. You should have died at that hotel. I should have killed you myself. I will kill you. You should have died. You will die. I won't mess up again. I won't send anyone. I'll do it myself. You will die. I will kill you. Did you hear me, Luca Ronan?!"

His voice got louder.

"I will kill you!"

I quickly shut the laptop, the audio stopped.

My heart was racing as I sat there, trying to process everything I'd heard.

I turned in my seat and nearly screamed in fright seeing Lincoln standing behind me, leaning against the table in the middle of the dark room.

"Luca wouldn't be very happy if he knew you heard all that," he said quietly.

"What the hell was that?" I asked.

"What was he talking about?"

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