Read with BonusRead with Bonus


"How about this one?"

I held up the hanger to my neck, the dress it held splaying across my body.

"It's too Laura Ingalls," Norah commented, waving her hand.

I put it back on the rack, continuing to sort through the dresses. Letting out a long, exasperated sigh, I pulled out another dress.

"This one?"

"Too J-Lo," she said, shaking her head.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Not if you're looking to be Carrie from the Pack, but I thought we were looking for dresses appropriate for Luna to be inducted in."

I rolled my eyes, laughing, as I put the dress back on the rack. We had been looking all day for something I could wear to the induction ceremony the next night. We had been to five different stores and still had no luck. We were digging through racks at a high-end store in a last resort to find something.

"What about this one?"

I turned to see Hanna standing a few rows down in the store, holding up a long, mint green satin dress.

"That one's pretty," Norah said.

I nodded, walking over to her.

Hanna handed me the dress, shoving her hands into her pockets after she'd done so.

"I just like the color," she mumbled.

"Good find," I assured her.

"I think this one is perfect." Norah nodded in agreement.

I looked down at the price tag and felt myself begin to get sick. Norah, seeing the look on my face, smacked the tag from my hand and yanked the dress from my grip.

"We're getting it. Luca has already told you he was paying for it and it was nonnegotiable," she said firmly.

"So go try it on and don't give me crap excuses. I'm ready to be done shopping and go get lunch."

I couldn't help but laugh at her outburst as Norah dragged me over to the fitting rooms, handing the dress to the associate who led me to a curtained room.

Thanking her, I closed the curtain behind me and began to undress. The dress slid over my head and down my body like butter. I ran my hands down the material, feeling the softness of the satin beneath my fingertips. It fell just above my ankles and the satin tie around my waist accentuated the curve of my hips. I stared anxiously at the thin straps along my shoulders.

Opening the curtain, I stepped out to see Norah and Hanna waiting just outside the room. Both of their jaws dropped as they saw me, making me smile.

"I really like it," I said.

"But do you think it'll be too cold to wear something sleeveless? The ceremony is at midnight."

"You're getting that," Norah said.

"It's perfect. I don't care if you freeze, it looks great on you."

Hanna nodded in agreement.

I shrugged as I turned to look in the mirror once more.

"Okay then."

I stepped into the dressing room to change back into my clothes just in time to hear my phone buzz in my purse. I pulled it out to see Luca's name on the screen and opened the phone to read the text he'd sent.

I love you.

I felt a smile immediately rise to my lips.

He couldn't stop saying it. He'd said it more than a hundred times in the past two days. And I couldn't help but say it back. I wanted to scream. Get it tattooed on my forehead. Print it on a t-shirt in big, bold letters that read 'He loves me! And I love him!'

I returned the text with an identical message.

Putting my phone down, I began to take off the dress. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, noticing the matching bra and panties I'd put on that morning. My smile turned to a smirk as I picked my phone back up and snapped a picture. Before I could scrutinize the way the lighting made my cellulite stand out or the way I'd forgotten to suck in my stomach for the picture, I sent it and then shoved the phone back into my purse.

I changed back into my clothes, my stomach lurching as I heard the phone buzz with Luca's response. I couldn't work up the courage to open the text as I left the changing room. After we had paid for the dress and left the store, I tucked the dress and its bag into the Jeep before we walked over to a restaurant to get lunch. My phone felt like it was burning a hole in my purse. I was dying to pull it out and read Luca's text, but I knew I couldn't do it in public.

There was no telling what that man had said.

After ordering my food, I went to the bathroom, pulling out my phone as soon as I was locked away in the stall. I felt a blush rise to my cheeks as I read his response.

Jesus Christ.

I wish you could read my fucking mind right now. I smiled as I typed my response. Don't think I have to read your mind to know what you're thinking. I watched the text bubbles pop up as he responded.

You better be on your way home if you're sending shit like that to me.

Still in Missoula : ( Probably won't be home until later.)

You're a tease.

As I was typing a flirty response, he sent another text. Call me. Before I could tell him no, he was calling me.

I immediately declined the call and sent him a text.

I am not having phone sex.

I'm in a public bathroom.

Go to the car.

I shook my head at his persistence.

Sorry, baby. Gotta go eat lunch. I'll see you later though ;)

I walked out of the restroom as he typed a response.

What is my name on your phone?

My eyebrows furrowed.

Deciding I would tease him further, I responded with a nickname I came up with on the spot:


What am I? Twelve?

Change it.

I laughed, sitting down at the table where Norah and Hanna were talking.

To what?


I felt a blush creep to my cheeks and Norah leaned over to see what I was looking at on my phone.

I immediately turned the phone face-down on the table.

"You don't want to read my texts from your brother," I warned her.

Hanna scowled from where she sat across the table, getting my hint.

The phone buzzed again and I lifted it to glance at the screen.

Did you change it?

No. I like Lulu better.

I could practically hear his voice when I read his response.

You've never called me that and you're not going to

start. I smiled as I replied.

Never call you Daddy either.

That'll change tonight.

I laughed as I put my phone down, trying not to look as flustered as I felt.

Norah took my phone and read the texts.

"Oh my God," she said, laughing.

"If my fourteen-year-old sister wasn't sitting here, I'd tell you what I call Ben for... ya know."

"I'm going to puke," Hanna said, faking a gag.

I shook my head, turning to look out the window of the diner we sat in.

I felt my heart drop as I saw the man who was sitting at the bus stop across the street, watching us.

"We have to go," I whispered quickly, already standing in my chair.

"What? Why?" Norah asked.

"We just ordered."

"The Alpha from my old pack is here."

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