Read with BonusRead with Bonus


"And your father is..."

Clara trailed off as I nodded again, slowly.

"When was the last time you saw him?" She asked me.

"A month ago," I answered.

"Bates mentioned that you noticed his eyes were blue in the dream you had. Do you remember them being blue when you saw him one month ago?"

I shook my head.

"No, the dream was the first time."

She nodded thoughtfully.

"That means, likely, that you have about eight or nine days before anything super potent could be in his system."

I remember what Alpha Reid said: one week.

"Do you know of anyone your father may have known to introduce him to these practices?" Clara asked me.

I shook my head.

"No, I honestly didn't know this existed until Bates was telling us," I said.

"That's the way it should be," she said firmly.

"Only those within our chapters are privy to this kind of information. I've tried to find someone in your region of Oregon that was within the church, but was unsuccessful. Have you lived anywhere else? Where is your father from?"

"We lived in Twin Falls for as long as I can remember before we moved to Oregon twelve years ago. Both of my parents were born and raised in Idaho," I told her.

She nodded, making a note of this.

"I'll look into it," she assured me.

"But for now, I want you guys to know two things..."

This caught the attention of Lincoln and Blaine, who leaned into the computer closer.

"One: don't make eye contact with anyone you don't know. It doesn't take long for the incantation that will open others' minds to settle in, especially if they're familiar with your scent."

My eyebrows furrowed.

"Open others' minds?" Luca repeated.

"It's mind control basically," she admitted.

"We don't like to call it that because the whole point isn't to exercise control. It's to aid us in helping others work through various traumas, allowing us to see their thoughts. But there are those that use this incantation to peel back the mind and distort reality. It can be very dangerous."

"And all it takes is making eye contact with someone?" I asked.

"The more prolonged eye contact, the more control they can exercise. I would suggest watching out for those with icy-blue irises.

This is typically a side effect of the incantation," she warned.

I leaned back in my chair as I allowed for this information to sink in.

"Does someone have to be in the room with you for mind control to work?" l asked.

Clara shook her head slowly. "Once they've got you, they've got you. That's how I am able to visit Bates from time to time from so far away."

"She likes to read my mind," Bates said, chuckling.

"It's not hard," Clara quipped.

"It's a rather empty space."

Bates faked offense and she smiled.

"How do you know if someone's in your head?" I asked.

Clara shrugged.

"There aren't very many indicators initially. If this person is actively exercising control over you, you might find yourself with holes in your memory or acting irrationally. Typically, episodes of control are followed by a pretty nasty headache."

Feeling my stomach drop, I turned to look at Luca.

"Do you think that's..." I trailed off as he nodded.

"Probably," Luca admitted.

I closed my eyes and put my head in my hands.

I couldn't help but feel somewhat relieved. Maybe I wasn't being as irrational and crazy as I thought I had been going into that cell...

It made sense that Johnathan would have had that kind of control over me, especially since I had seen him twice before Luca and I went to the cabin and then he had appeared to me in my dream. I was mortified at the idea that he was reading my thoughts, a pit forming in my stomach at how violated it made me feel. I was even more grateful then that Luca had killed him than I was before.

"I gather my warning came too late," Clara deduced, her voice pulling me from my thoughts.

I nodded as I opened my eyes, sitting back on the chair.

"The only way to get someone out of your head-"

"He's dead," Luca said, interrupting her.

Clara let out a sigh.

"I guess that works too," she said.

A few moments of heavy silence rolled over us before Lincoln's voice cut through it.

"What else do we need to know?" He asked.

"Their scents will likely be covered," she said.

"Bates had mentioned that was the case for the two wolves you've already captured. But if there are going to be any further assaults on your pack, you need to have measures in place to detect them that don't require their scent."

"Like body heat detection?" Blaine asked.

Clara nodded.

"That will work perfectly," she assured him.

"In fact, we find those who are involved will likely have a higher body temperature than normal. A fever usually accompanies the majority of incantations that are performed on the body and mind, as the body is trying to defend itself against the foreign substances used."

"Would checking for a temperature be a good way to determine who has been hexed?" Bates asked her.

She nodded.

"If you're anticipating any kind of raid or assault on your pack, I would recommend letting all of your pack members within your gates for the maximum protection available. At least until this all clears up."

Luca nodded.

"Is there anything else we should know?" He asked her.

Clara shook her head.

"I don't think so," she sighed.

"But if anything else happens or comes up that you have questions about, please let me know."

"Thank you for your help, Clara," he said.

She smiled briefly.

"I'm glad I could offer it. I only hope it was enough."

I had a sinking feeling in my stomach that it wouldn't be.

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