Read with BonusRead with Bonus


After Clara disconnected the call, we all sat in silence for a few moments, letting her information settle in.

"I'll go ahead and connect with Ben so we can get the remainder of the infrared cameras set up along the gates," Lincoln said.

"I'll order more motion sensors," Blaine added.

"We can get those up and running by tomorrow evening, at the latest. I've got a guy in town who can get them to me by morning."

Luca nodded before turning to Bates.

"Call an Elders meeting for tomorrow morning at five," he said.

"We're going to figure out a way to get everyone within the gates. Let them know we're going to start daily temperature checks and to be brainstorming ideas to acquire and log the information."

Bates nodded.

"Keep everyone on high alert for the next twenty-four hours,'' Luca continued, speaking to all three of them.

"We'll convene again tomorrow before the elders meeting."

They all nodded, pulling out their phones to contact the necessary people.

Luca stood up, turning to me.

"Let's go."

I wordlessly followed him down the staircase and outside to his truck. I, again, opened my door for myself as Luca climbed into the driver's side of the cab. We drove home in silence, the awkward tension between us suffocating.

I knew he was likely thinking about the meetings and responsibilities he would be attending to the next morning, so I remained silent. As Luca pulled into the garage, I got out of the truck and began to walk towards the door to go inside.

I stopped as I realized he wasn't following me.

Turning to him, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

My words pulled him from deep thought and he looked over to me from where he stood on the other side of his truck.

"I'm fine."

I began to take a step forward.

"Are you sure?"

Luca nodded curtly.

"I'm going up to my office to get a few things done," he said, walking towards the door to go upstairs.

He opened the door and slammed it behind him quickly, leaving me to stand in the garage and wonder what his problem was.

I tried to think back.

Was he upset about what Clara had said? Has it made him nervous?

I shook my head at the thought.

No, he was upset before we got there.

Then I remembered what happened at the gate.

He had started acting cold as soon as he'd smelled Alpha Reid's scent on me.

I lifted my t-shirt to my nose, sniffing.

I could still not smell Alpha Reid's scent, but I wouldn't deny that Luca's sense of smell was likely much more keen than mine. He was an Alpha, after all. Taking a deep breath, I went into the house and showered. I made sure to wash my hair and body thoroughly before getting out. After towel drying my hair, I wrapped myself in a robe and gathered my dirty clothes from the floor.

Although my laundry had just been done, I took what clothes I had-including those I had worn that day-and threw them into the washing machine. I could only hope that would be enough to wash the scent out. I wandered around the house for a few moments, looking to see if Luca had come inside from his office yet. When I couldn't find him. I made my way over to the garage.

The door leading up the staircase creaked as I opened it slowly.

Might as well announce yourself now, I thought.

I walked upstairs into the lamp-lit room. Looking around, I saw the bedroom suite on one side and the living area in the center of the room, exactly the way it was the last time I'd been up there. He sat at his desk, the farthest point from me in the room.

Luca looked up at me from over his laptop before his gaze returned to the screen.

"I thought you'd be in bed by now," he said.

"I expected the same from you," I admitted.

"It's nearly midnight."

Luca sighed, eyes still glued to the screen.

"Just have a lot to get done," he explained shortly.

"A lot to get done? Or a lot to distract yourself from?" I asked.

Luca looked at me briefly, his eyebrows furrowing.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

He began to type something on the laptop keyboard as his attention returned to the device again.

I reached out and closed the laptop, taking a seat in front of him on his desk.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Luca drew in a deep breath, realizing I wasn't giving up.

"I assume you know already since you showered," he said.

I tilted my head to one side, taking a guess.

"You're upset about me hugging Alpha Reid?"

He thought about it for a moment, as if he were contemplating over whether what he was thinking was worth saying.

"I don't know why I'm fucking pissed," he said quickly.

"I'm just-"

He stopped himself and took a deep breath, his eyes on the wall next to us, not on me.

"You're just what?" I persisted.

I saw his jaw tighten before he turned to me.

"I don't know how to say it."

"Angry?" I guessed.

Luca was quiet for a few moments.

With clenched hands that rested on the arms of his chair, he bounced his knee anxiously.

"I don't know how to say it without sounding like an obsessive prick," he admitted through clenched teeth.

"Well, since I know you're not an obsessive prick, why don't you say it and I'll try to take it the way you mean it and not the way it sounds?"

A few moments of silence passed.

"Luca..." I prompted slowly.

He stood from the desk chair abruptly, kicking it backwards to land on the floor. I flinched away, hearing the loud noise cut through the silence.

"You fucking call me to tell me that bastard's in Missoula and I'm a whole fucking hour away from you and I can't do shit about it and I can't get to you in time if anything happens. But then you come back and he's all I can smell all over you and my wolf goes

fucking nuts because you're my mate and my scent is the only one you should be carrying and it makes me feel crazy. And then we get to that goddamn water tower and fucking Clara has all this shit to say and all I can focus on is you sitting next to me

smelling like another fucking Alpha!"

Luca stopped his rapid pacing and turned away from me, running a frustrated hand through his hair. I watched the rise and fell of his shoulders as he struggled to calm himself down. I couldn't help but be shocked by the outburst, having never heard Luca raise his voice in anger before. My expression morphed from one of shock to concern as I reached out to put a hand on his back, seeing his hands shaking by his side.

I pulled him backwards by his t-shirt, wrapping my arms around his torso and resting my head against his back as he got closer to me.

"I'm sorry I scared you," I said. "I called you so you would know, I didn't mean for it to make you feel helpless."

"You did the right thing," he said, shaking his head.

We stayed like that for a few moments as I felt Luca's heart racing against my palm that was pressed to his chest.

"I wouldn't have hugged him if I'd known it would make you feel like this," I whispered finally.

Luca drew in a deep breath.

"In my head, I know he's a father figure to you, it's just... I feel something different. It's like something primitive in me just snapped. I haven't been this blinded by my emotion since l found your scent in Vegas."

I let his admittance sink in for a moment before I spoke.

"But you know it didn't mean anything?" I asked.

He nodded slowly.

"I know it... I just wish I could feel it."

I turned him around and placed a hand on either side of his face.

"I'm sorry you've had to deal with this all night," I said.

"But this could have been resolved if you had told me sooner."

"And what? Cause a scene in front of my sisters or Lincoln, Bates, and Blaine?"

"We had plenty of time to talk about it in the car after we dropped Norah off," I pointed out.

"What were you going to do about it? You can't shower yet, you didn't have a change of clothes..." he countered.

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