Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I needed a nap.

After a full day, filled with training with Fallon and babysitting with Cristina, I had just enough time to get home to make myself dinner before Norah came over that evening to help me get ready for the induction ceremony.

She had Hanna and Aubrey in tow, who immediately went into the pantry for snacks.

"You couldn't at least say 'hi' first?" Norah asked them, pointing to me.

I just laughed.

"Where's Torrey?" I asked.

Norah rolled her eyes.

"Still up Nathan's ass... or, rather, he's up hers," she laughed.

Luca, who was sitting on the couch with his iPad, gave her a perturbed look, putting his hands over his ears.

"I didn't want to hear that." he said sternly.

"She's my sister."

"She's mine too," Norah argued.

"You just need to come to terms with reality."

He just shook his head and got up to scroll on the tablet elsewhere.

"So," Norah said, turning back to me.

"Where's the dress?"

I led her into our bedroom where the mint green dress was hanging on the back of the closet door in its dust cover.

"I forgot to get a strapless bra while we were out the other day," I said, seeing the thin straps.

"What did you wear with the dress you wore to the twins' birthday party?" She asked, eyebrows furrowed.

I grimaced and she shook her head, causing both of us to laugh.

"Okay, let's get this on you and we'll see how bad it is," she said, taking the hanger down.

I changed into the dress, Norah zipping it all the way up for me in the back. We both looked at the dress in the mirror. The draped fabric in the front hid the fact I was braless well, but I knew as soon as I was hit with a cool gust of wind, it would be obvious.

Just as I was about to point this out, Aubrey and Hanna walked into the bedroom with a shared bag of chips.

"Are you not wearing a bra?" Aubrey asked.

I laughed.

"So it's noticeable?"

Hanna nodded.

"You should probably wear pasties," she suggested.

"How do you know what pasties are?! You're fourteen!" I heard Luca shout from somewhere in the house.

Hanna just shook her head, rolling her eyes.

"Men," she said in an exasperated tone, making us all laugh.

"You're probably right," I told Hanna, my attention returning to the dress.

"I've got a pair at home," Norah said.

"I'Il go and get them later. For now, we should probably steam the wrinkles out."

I nodded in agreement, looking down to see how the dress had wrinkled at the bottom where it had been stuffed in the dust cover. I heard a whistle behind me, turning just in time to see Hanna pushing Luca out of the room.

"You perv," she said, slamming the door in his face.

I laughed as she shook her head, her hand diving aggressively into the bag of Doritos that Aubrey held.

I went into the closet to change back into my clothes, Norah following me so she could help me unzip the back. I heard her gasp dramatically behind me and turned around quickly, expecting a spider or snake.

"What the hell?" I asked.

"Your back," she said shortly, her fingers poking at the bruises left on my skin by Luca's teeth.

I shushed her quickly.

"I didn't want them to see it," I whispered, pointing into the bedroom where her teenage sisters were.

"What is that from?" She asked.

"Luca," I said as if it were obvious.

Norah's eyes narrowed in on me.

"You guys had sex?" She asked.

I nodded.

"And rough sex at that," she added, her gaze falling back to the bruises.

"I'm not sure you want the details," I laughed, stepping out of the dress to change back into my t-shirt and shorts.

Norah just shook her head.

"Can I do your hair?" Aubrey asked me as I walked out of the closet with the dress over my shoulder.

I warily eyed her bright orange fingers that were stained from the chips.

"As long as you wash your hands first."

"Duh," she laughed.

After two hours of pampering, the sun had set behind the mountains off in the distance and the full moon took its place on the opposite side of the sky.

As Aubrey straightened the last strand of hair, I stood up from the stool that I sat on in the bathroom to see Hanna passed out in a food coma on Luca's bed. Norah just laughed silently as she walked out of the closet and saw her.

She held up the dress for me to take.

"I steamed it," she said.

"It should be cool enough now for you to change into."

"Thank you," I said smiling, taking the dress from her.

"I'm going to get my dress out of the car to change," Aubrey said, walking around me to the bedroom door.

"Can you get mine too?" Norah asked her.

Aubrey nodded as Norah walked over to wake Hanna up.

"We've gotta get ready," Norah said to her, tapping her nose.

Hanna's eyes opened and she groaned, rolling over on the bed. Norah just shrugged, grabbing a pillow to smack her with.

"Wake up," she said.

"You're going to make us late."

I laughed at the two of them before I noticed my suitcase sitting on the floor in the closet.

"What are you doing with that?" I asked Norah, nodding in the direction of the closet.

Her eyes widened before she pushed me into the closet.

"You can't tell Luca you saw it," she whispered harshly.

"He'd kill me."

My eyebrows furrowed.

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