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I didn't have time to let anything sink in before Luca was pulling me away.

"That was the single weirdest thing I've ever done in my life," I said, following him down the moonlit path back to the truck.

"That man is not marrying us."

Luca laughed.

I turned to look behind us, seeing Norah wave. I returned her wave, Bates waving back to me as well.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

"We're going away for a few days," Luca said.

"Back to the cabin?"

He shook his head, smiling.

"Where are we going then?" I asked.

Luca turned to me.

"Am I not allowed to be spontaneous?" He asked.

I leveled a hard stare.

"The last time you did something spontaneous at midnight, I ended up being scared half to death on the floor of my patio while a stranger pinned me to the ground," I said bluntly.

Luca rolled his eyes.

"I'm never living that down, am I?"

"Not anytime soon," I assured him, causing him to laugh.

When we got to the truck, Luca opened my door for me. As I sat down, he reached around me and pulled a small box from the glove compartment.

I watched as he opened it, pulling out a few gauze pads and a bandage. Pulling my hand towards him, he covered the bleeding cut with a gauze pad.

"Keep pressure on it," he said.

"We can wrap it once it's finished bleeding."

I nodded as I gripped the gauze firmly around my finger. Luca put the box in my lap before closing my door and walking around the truck.

"When are we leaving?" I asked him.

"Right now."

I stared between him and the clock on the truck's dashboard.

"You've been awake since four this morning," I told him.

"Why don't we go home? You can get some rest, and then we'll leave in the morning?"

Luca turned to me with a lifted eyebrow.

"Why are you so concerned with my sleeping schedule?" He asked.

"It's weird."

I nearly answered him before I realized he was mocking me, using the same words I had spoken only a month earlier.

"You're annoying," I told him.

He smiled as he started the truck's engine.

"Can you at least tell me how long it will take to get there?" I asked.

"So many questions," he groaned.

"So little answers," I countered.

He rolled his eyes.

"We're driving to the airport now, it will take about twenty minutes to get there. The plane ride will be about six hours, including the stop we'll make in Denver to fill up."

I tried to think of all the places within a six-hour plane ride of Northern Montana but came up blank when I tried to guess where we would be going.

"Whatever, keep your secrets," I told him, waving my hand dismissively.

"I could be convinced to share them," he said suggestively, his voice dropping.

I turned to him with my eyebrows furrowed, letting out a laugh.

"I could convince you of almost anything," I said.

"It's not hard."

"I am not easily manipulated," he retorted, seeming offended.

I scoffed

"You only think with your dick. You're so easily manipulated."

"You only think with your dick," he mocked in a high pitch voice.

"You do," I repeated.

"If I told you that I'm naked under this dress and I wanted to go back to the house for the night because I'm horny, you would turn this truck around so quick."

He turned to me.

"Is that true?"

I laughed.

"No, I have on underwear."

"What about the last part?"

"So many questions," I said, shaking my head.

We drove for a while longer before we pulled into a private airport where a jet was waiting on the brightly lit runway.

"You chartered a private plane?" I asked, eyes wide.

"No, I own it."

I turned to Luca, trying to figure out if he was lying.

We got out of the truck and Luca pulled both of our suitcases out of the backseat, handing them to a man who walked over to loaf them onto the plane. I assumed that Norah must have snuck my suitcase into his truck while I wasn't looking.

Luca kept a single duffle bag in his hand to carry towards the runway, taking my hand in his as he led me over to the plane.

As we walked along the tarmac, the pilot met us at the top of the stairs.

"Nice to see you again, Alpha Ronan," he said, extending a hand to shake Luca's.

"I was surprised when you asked me to fly your bird. I've always heard you liked to do it yourself."

"Not tonight, Bradley," Luca said, laughing.

Bradley turned to me, introducing himself.

"I'm Carrie. It's nice to meet you," I said, smiling.

He held the hand that I shook his with, turning it over to see the diamond ring on my finger.

"Well done, Ronan," he complimented Luca.

Luca just laughed as he pushed Bradley out of the way to pull me inside the plane. He opened the duffle bag and handed me a folded stack of clothes.

"You can change in the bathroom, if you'd like. Might as well get comfortable," he told me.

I bit my lip, smiling as I contemplated my next words.

"I think we should wait until after takeoff to go into the bathroom."

Luca froze as he was digging through the bag to get his own clothes out, turning his head to the side slowly to make sure no one had heard what I'd said.

I could have sworn he was blushing and it made me giggle. But as bashful as he was acting then, as soon as we were safely in the air, he was basically pushing me into the cramped bathroom.

And it didn't take long for the moment to turn heated.

Pulling his lips down to mine, I wasted no time in pushing my tongue between them, raking my bandaged fingers through his hair.

Luca's hands pulled the satin dress up to my waist and yanked down my panties before setting me onto the counter. I unbuckled his pants and pulled down his boxers, letting them pool at his ankles.

As soon as he had wrapped my legs around him, Luca pulled away from me, cursing under his breath.

"I forgot fucking condoms," he muttered.

I laughed as I reached up around his neck and pulled his lips back to mine.

"I think now would be a good time to tell you I started birth control," I said, between kisses.

He pulled away, eyebrows furrowed.

"You're just now telling me this?"

"It's only been a week since Dr. Witt prescribed them," I said.

"I just wanted to make sure they had enough time to get into my system. I had anticipated waiting until today to have sex so I timed it perfectly. We just got a little impatient."

He hummed.

"Fair enough."

Luca leaned down to kiss me again, one hand pressing against my back to pull me flush against him while the other guided his tip between my wet folds to push inside me.

My moan was muffled by his kiss. I pulled him closer with my legs, pushing him inside of me further. Gripping the edge of the countertop with both hands, I tried to hold myself steady with each thrust he took.

Luca reached between my legs with his free hand and used the tip of his index finger to massage me, prompting me to finish quicker.

He came first, his warm release filling me; and I followed quickly behind with my own orgasm. My legs were shaking as I unwrapped them from his waist.

We both struggled to control our labored breathing as we cleaned off to change into our clothes.

"You've had quite the day," Luca said, chuckling.

"Inducted into the pack and the Mile High Club."

I smiled, blushing.

As soon as I had changed, I walked out of the bathroom to immediately make eye contact with the stewardess. Oopsie daisy...

I awkwardly walked away and over to a couch that lined one side of the plane, covering myself with a blanket. I fought against the urge I felt to hide under it completely.

Luca followed me and took a seat across from where laid, laughing to himself.

How mortifying.

He glanced my way, throwing a wink. I immediately pulled the blanket over my head and didn't come out until a hand against my shoulder woke me up. I sat up quickly, my eyes opening to look around the cabin of the plane, which was now brighter with daylight streaming in from each window.

Luca stood next to me.

"We're here," he told me, before turning to walk away.

I turned to look out the window and saw nothing but a small private airport. But, I did catch a glimpse of a row of palm trees behind a shack that sat on the side of the runway.

I followed Luca off the plane, immediately hit with a blast of hot air and sunshine.

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