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The two men left us standing in the kitchen, closing the side door behind them as they walked out.

"I feel like I'm going to puke," I admitted, feeling so overwhelmed.

Mady just laughed, nodding in agreement.

"This is crazy," I wheezed out, putting my hands on my head.

I smelt something burning and looked over to see my stir-fry was smoking, quickly turning off the stovetop burner.

"Lunch?" I asked, sarcastically.

Mady shook her head, laughing at me.

I went into the pantry and grabbed a box of cereal, encouraging her to take a seat at the countertop as I pulled out the almond milk along with a pair of bowls and spoons.

"What the hell," I said slowly, still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that she was actually there, sitting next to me.

"You and Blaine?" I asked again.

"I can't believe it."

"Me neither," she said, taking the spoon in her hand.

"What happened at home?" I asked her.

"It was so weird when I left. I just felt like I needed to be here. My dad completely disappeared a few days ago and my mom left to go stay with her family without telling anyone, even me. I had to call to ask if she was there when I couldn't find her," she continued.

"I couldn't stay in that house by myself. I just wanted to be with someone familiar. You're the first person I thought of."

I nodded, understanding.

"I'm so glad you came," I told her.

"I've missed you so much."

Mady smiled.

"I've missed you too.."

We sat there for a few moments, my brain still processing the sudden turn of events.

Mady is here.

Mady is with Blaine.

I shook my head.

"I cannot believe Blaine is your mate," I repeated.

"I mean, what are the odds of that? That your mate and mine were in the same pack?"

She laughed.

"I really couldn't believe it either," Mady admitted.

"He's so perfect. And his body... God, what good deed did I do to deserve such a blessing?"

I could have sworn she was drooling into her cereal bowl.

I scrunched my nose in disgust, having never thought of Blaine in that way.

"So you've fucked?" I asked.

Mady turned to me like it was a stupid question.

"So many times," she assured me.

I laughed at her bluntness.

"Why did you and Luca wait again?" She asked.

"I mean, I know you didn't do it immediately because he, quote-unquote, kidnapped you. But it seems like you waited quite a while."

Her sass prompted me to roll my eyes.

"His stupid Elders tried to make us wait until I was inducted into the pack three nights ago," I told her, taking a big spoonful of cereal into my mouth.

Mady gasped.

"But you didn't, right?" She asked quickly.

I shook my head.

"Made it nearly a month though," I said, feeling somewhat accomplished by it.

"I can't imagine," she said, shaking her head.

Mady took a bite of her cereal before turning to me.

"Luca is really hot in person, though," she laughed. "Hotter than that damn picture you never sent me."

I rolled my eyes.

"I kept forgetting," I said defensively. "And then I didn't have a phone, sol couldn't."

"Whatever," she said, giving me attitude.

"At least now I've got my own man to lust over."

I laughed.

"I still can't get over it.."

"How many times are you going to say that?" She asked.

"Probably several more," I sighed, spooning cereal into my mouth.

"I'm so shocked."

"Well, just imagine how I felt the morning after you'd left with Luca to hear your dad come busting through my front door at the crack-ass of dawn, yelling about it."

"You think you were surprised?" I asked incredulously.

"How did it happen?" She asked.

"It was never clear to me how he found you after we left Vegas."

"That damn sketchbook," I told her.

"I had my old address written on the inside cover. He found it when he found our hotel


Her eyes widened.

"I bet your dad wishes he'd have let you go back to get it now," she guessed.

"Thank God he didn't."

I just shook my head at the thought.

It was crazy to think about how different things would be if my sketchbook hadn't been in that hotel room. If we had slept in that morning and hadn't gone to the Mandalay Bay. If we hadn't gone out to dinner when we'd first gotten there.

If we hadn't gone with our dads at all.

Would Luca have found me in the cafe that morning if I had decided to stay and finish the sketch of the skyline? Would he have found us in the restaurant when he retraced Bates's steps the night before if we hadn't been starving and eaten quickly?

There were so many possibilities and I couldn't imagine what it would have amounted to if any one thing had happened differently.

I snickered and Mady looked at me strangely.

"Luca came to the house in the middle of the night and snuck up on me while I was on the patio drinking tea," I told her.

"He scared the living shit out of me and I threw my mug at him."

I was nearly in tears, beginning to laugh hysterically as I continued.

"And then he tackled me and we literally wrestled on the ground for like five minutes before I figured out who he was."

Mady's jaw dropped as she laughed.

"I actually told him to leave," I said between laughter.

"And then I got mad at him because he was walking on the carpet with mud on his boots."

"Some introduction," she laughed.

I shook my head, wiping tears from underneath my eyes.

"I wish desperately someone had been recording it. I'm sure it would be so hysterical to watch it over again," I said.

"I wish I had been there," she admitted, laughing.

"I wouldn't let Blaine live it down if he did that to me."

"It took Luca a long time," I told her.

"But he's done well."

I showed her my ring, her eyes widening as she gasped and took my hand in hers to inspect it.

"Jesus Christ!" She exclaimed.

"It looks heavy. How do you wear this all the time?"

I just shrugged.

"I've gotten used to it, I guess," I admitted.

Mady smiled as she dropped my hand, propping her elbow up on the countertop.

"Isn't it crazy?" She asked.

"How quickly things can change? We had no idea how different our lives would be in a month when we went to Vegas."

I nodded, agreeing.

"I don't know what I'm going to do," she admitted.

"I've got two years of school left, my dad wants me to take over as Alpha when he retires... but all I want to do is stay here, with Blaine."

She just shook her head, not wishing to think about it.

"You better not drop out of law school," I said firmly.

"I mean it Blaine can suck it up."

Mady laughed.

"I'll be sure to tell him you think so," she said.

"You can," I said.

"l'Il be happy to tell him myself if I need to."

She smiled.

"I'm jealous of your determination," she said.

"I'm so quick to want to give up on things for something better."

"I think you mean stubbornness," I corrected her, laughing.

We finished our cereal, still catching up as we migrated to the living room to talk on the couch.

"How did you lose it?" She asked bluntly.

"Missionary. You?"

Mady thought about it for a second.

"What position would it be in the back of an SUV?" She asked curiously.

"You couldn't wait until you'd at least gotten to a bed?" I asked.

She laughed.

"It happened a few times before we made it to the bed." she admitted.

My eyebrows furrowed at her revaluation.

"Did you start birth control?" I asked, not remembering her ever being on it before.

"Or was he just ultra-prepared?"

I watched as the blood drained from her face.

"Mady," I gasped.

She put a hand over her mouth, letting it sink in.

"Please tell me you weren't that stupid," I begged.

"You're not that stupid!"

"This is the first time it's even occurred to me," she admitted.

I stared at her incredulously.

"Oh my God..." she whispered, seemingly to herself.

"What the hell?" I asked her, shaking her shoulders.

"You can't get pregnant in law school!"

She stopped me, holding her hands up.

"It's not a guaranteed thing that I'll get pregnant if I've had sex a few times without protection," she told me.

"How many times is a few?" I asked pointedly.

Mady grimaced, the faked confidence in her statement falling flat.

"When is your next period?" I asked.

"Should be in the next week," she answered.

"I hope you suffer through the next few weeks before you find out." I told her earnestly.

"That was stupid as shit."

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