Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Long after we had gone to sleep, I was woken up by a loud noise.

It woke Luca as well and he immediately rolled over me in a protective embrace, my body pressing into the mattress beneath him.

I realized after a few seconds of the repetitive sound that it was someone, or something, banging viciously on the front door.

My heart was in my throat as Luca got off of me, turning back to me immediately after his feet hit the floor.

"Stay here," he said firmly.

With the adrenaline rushing through me, I couldn't find the courage to be angry with him after he used his Alpha tone.

I watched nervously as he approached his bedroom door and opened it, venturing bravely into the living room.

My ears strained to listen as I heard the banging stop and the front door unlock and open.

I could barely hear the sound of muffled voices, one sounding panicked. I wanted to get off the bed desperately and see what was going on, but I was frozen in place by Luca's damn command.

"Luca," I called out, my voice breaking.

"Come in here," he called back.

My body immediately obliged and I got off the bed and threw on his t-shirt that laid on the floor.

When I walked into the living room, I saw Bates standing next to Luca, wearing an alarmed expression.

"What's wrong?" I asked immediately, my concern deepening.

"Your dad is here."

"No, it hasn't been a week."

The words tumbled out of my mouth quicker than I could form them, my mind racing.

This isn't possible, I thought.

Alpha Reid said we would have a week. It's only been a few days.

Bates just shook his head and I felt my heart sink to my feet, my worst fear confirmed.

Alpha Reid hadn't been able to hold off my father any longer.

"Where is he?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"They're camped out outside the gates," Bates told me.

"I don't know how much longer border patrol can hold them off."

"I'll go," Luca said.

"I'm going with you," I said immediately.

He shook his head, turning to me.

"No," he said. "Bates is taking you to the meeting house where your scent will be hidden."

I tried to argue as he grabbed my upper arm and pulled me back into the bedroom.

"Luca, I'm not going into hiding," I said.

"This isn't right. I'm part of this pack now, too."

He pushed me against the wall, holding me eye-level with him under my armpits.

My eyes widened as I came face to face with his stony expression.

"Listen to me," he said, his voice low.

"This is serious. You're going to do exactly what I say. I don't have time to argue with you. I have a pack to protect and you're going to go to that house with Bates and you're going to stay there until I come to get you. Do you understand?"

I gulped, nodding.

Luca let go of me, letting my feet return to the floor as he went into the closet.

"Go downstairs and get into the pool," he told me, emerging from the closet with clothes in his hands.

"Bates is going to give you something of his to change into when you get out and that's going to help mask your scent so you can get there safely."

I found myself nodding again-unable to speak with the adrenaline running through me-and I followed Luca out into the living room where Bates was waiting.

"Meeting house," Luca told him, shoving the clothes into his backpack.

"You're going to stay there until you hear from me."

Bates nodded curtly.

Luca turned to me and placed a quick, soft kiss on my forehead.

My eyes closed as I tried to remember everything about that moment: how he smelt, how his lips felt against my skin, the softness of his t-shirt under my fingers.

Pulling away from me, Luca ran out onto the porch through the open front door and shifted mid-air as he leapt over the staircase to land in his wolf form.

He took off running, the backpack secured between his teeth.

"You heard him," Bates said, closing the front door and pulling my attention from Luca's departing wolf.

"Time for a dip."

He followed me downstairs quickly as I opened the backdoor to the dark pool. I dove into the frigid water without a second thought, soaking Luca's shirt that I wore.

Bates was removing his own shirt as I resurfaced from under the water. He held his hand out to pull me from the pool.

"Turn around.," I said, taking his shirt from him.

Bates did as he was told, his broad shoulders turning away from me as I peeled Luca's shirt from my soaking wet body and put Bates's dry one over my head.

Bates pulled me away from the pool, towards the gate that would lead us up to the driveway.

"Do you have anything else I could put on with this?"

I asked him, feeling the cool night breeze against my naked skin under the t-shirt.

"I have a gym bag in the car," he said.

Bates and I ran up to his Jeep as a bone-chilling howl split the silent night air, making us both freeze in our tracks.

"What the hell was that?" I whispered, my heart racing.

"It was one of ours. It's just a warning." Bates assured me.

He reached into the back of his Jeep and pulled out a duffle bag as I got into the passenger seat through the door-less opening.

Bates tossed the bag in my lap as he started the car, immediately backing down the driveway at a high speed. I buckled as he whipped out onto the main road and drove quickly towards the meeting house.

I sorted through his bag, pulling out a pair of boxers and basketball shorts to slide on under his shirt.

My hair flew into my face, drying quickly in the night air that whipped in and out of the Jeep as we drove.

Bates turned off his headlights and pulled off the road into trees that lined the side of the pavement, hiding us from any passersby.

He got out of the Jeep and circled around the front, coming to stand next to my side of the car.

"C'mon," Bates said quickly, unbuckling me as he pulled me from my seat faster than I could stand.

I felt somewhat numb, like my mind was struggling to wake up and realize what was going on.

Wincing, I walked behind Bates cautiously as twigs and sharp rocks cut into my bare feet.

He turned to see this and offered to carry me on his back.

Just as I was about to hop on, we heard another howl. This one was much closer to us.

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