Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I put a hand over my mouth to keep myself from screaming as Bates shoved me behind a tree, facing away from the direction the sound came.

We both held our breath for a few moments, listening for something, anything to indicate if the wolf was getting closer or moving farther away.

Bates was so close to me I could feel his heart pounding against his ribcage, or maybe it was mine. I couldn't quite tell.

After a few painstakingly slow moments passed, Bates pulled away from me slightly and peeked around the tree.

I lowered my voice, speaking as softly and as quietly as I could.

"Is someone there?"

I saw him hesitate to answer, like his eyes were still searching to make sure.

I heard a twig snap a few feet away behind us and my whole body jolted in surprise. Closing my eyes tight, I began to pray whoever it was, whatever it was, friend or foe, would go away.

Bates began to press me into the tree further, his large, muscular frame completely encompassing mine.

Then, he did something I wouldn't ever have even imagined: Bates kissed me.

My whole body froze in shock.

My eyebrows furrowing deeply as his lips pressed into mine, a deep pit formed in the bottom of my stomach. I put my hands against his chest, trying to push him away but he held me tightly by my arms.

I felt a gust of wind against my side as a shadow passed us, hearing leaves crunching under paws a few yards away as it ran in the other direction.

When Bates pulled away slowly, he quickly placed a hand over my mouth; obviously anticipating the onslaught of curses that I planned on spewing.

He picked me up and began to walk quickly through the trees.

It wasn't until we reached the edge of the tree line that I saw the brick meeting house, illuminated by moonlight.

Taking a moment to gather his courage, Bates took off running across the lawn, out from under the cover the trees provided exposing us for a brief moment to whoever may have been watching.

I could only hope and pray that no one was.

Bates put me down on my feet as he dug up a spare key in the flower box hanging next to the front door and unlocked it for us to walk inside.

He securely locked the door back behind us before guiding me through the dark house to the study where the hidden entrance to the basement was still concealed by the bookcase.

He opened the door and pushed me inside, locking it behind us with two steel bars coming down to secure the door from the interior.

We walked down the staircase and Bates flipped on a light switch to illuminate the empty room and it's cold, concrete walls.

I turned to look at him, the shock of his kiss still settling in.

He looked at me warily before pushing past me.

"That wolf was closing in. I did it to cover your scent," he said with a low voice.

"You covered my scent with yours," I said, confused.

"Shouldn't he still have been able to smell us?"

"Cedarwood and pine," Bates reminded me.

"I wear it to mask my scent. Besides, that wolf was from your pack, he wasn't one of ours. Even if he could smell mine, he was likely just looking for your scent."

We were silent for a few moments as I let his excuse sink in, realizing it was valid enough. I couldn't get too mad at him for doing what he needed to do. It worked, after all.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore or ever again," Bates said

"Let's just forget about it."

I nodded slowly, knowing that was probably best.

I just had to figure out how I was going to keep Luca from killing Bates when he inevitably found out.

My body slumped down into a chair that sat around the large, empty conference table.

I could feel every heartbeat in my chest, my hands shaking with adrenaline that I didn't anticipate would calm anytime soon.

Letting out a shaky breath, I tried to compose myself. I closed my eyes, counting to twenty and back down.

But it was all too much.

My mind immediately wandered to Luca.

To the pack border. To my father. The scenarios my imagination was playing out before my mind's eye tortured me.

Was Luca okay?

Was there a problem at the border?

Is that how the wolf from my pack got within the gates? Are there other outside wolves in our pack land as well?

Does our pack know?

Are there measures being taken to protect people? Does Cristina know?

Are the kids okay?

Does Norah know?




I opened my eyes to see Bates standing in front of me, his hands pressed against my shoulders.

He looked at me with eyes full of concern.

"You need to calm down," he said firmly.

I looked down to see my hands shaking violently and I slid them under my thighs to make them stop.

"I'm so scared," I admitted.

"Hey," Bates said, making me look at him.

"We're going to be fine. This will all be over by morning. We're safe here-"

He was interrupted by the lights flickering out.

Safe, my ass, I thought.

"Shit," he whispered.

"They cut the fucking power."

I could feel the hair on the back of my neck call to attention, goosebumps covering my arms as a chill ran down my spine.

The lights turned back on suddenly and my eyes were immediately drawn to the figure standing across the room on the other side of the table.

I turned my head slowly, my heart dropping in my chest as I saw him.


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