Into the Unknown
I opened my eyes, darkness staring back at me again. I lay there and thought about how I missed our old home and our eucalyptus tree. It wasn't long after I began spirit talking that mom and dad decided to move us as far away from other people as possible. One thing remained constant, however. My guardian made the trek to this isolated place. He, however, seemed better suited for the snow than the rest of us were when we arrived. I've grown accustomed to it myself, it doesn't seem to affect me anymore.
I noticed that the snow stopped, more stars now visibly dotted the sky. Five years have passed since the day my gift revealed itself. Alma taught me everything she knows about spirit talking and I have done my best to hone my skills. The trees adore me as much as I do them and over the years, I've learned so much from them. As I lay in the snow, the trees were leaning down to watch over me. All of them are connected to the next by their roots, allowing them to talk to each other in the forest. I wonder what they're saying about me right now. I giggled at the thought of them gossiping about me. Not much happens in the forest that interests the trees, so they watched me intently.
The wind was starting to pick up, It was now nipping at my nose and cheeks. I didn't want to get up yet, but the whispers of a warning were a courtesy that I should heed. For about a year, the elements have been at my command but only when I have called them to be, otherwise I am at the mercy of the elements.
"I'm going inside now." I peered into the evergreens and whispered to the wolf, who I knew was nearby. I've grown so fond of his presence and am always met with a familiar scent when he is nearby; the smell of our first home, the only home I long for in my heart. He smells of hibiscus and sandalwood on a gentle sea breeze, so amazing and pure. When a touch of it wafted through the air, I knew he was nearby. For just a moment, I saw his emerald eyes through the branches, finding myself yearning for the freedom that he has, to run through the darkness without fear, paws one with the earth below him. My heart pounded as if it could leap from my chest at any moment, when suddenly and to my dismay, he broke our gaze and then disappeared.
Hearing the wind whispering always reminds me of the first time it came to me. My discovery of these abilities happened by surprise, similar to my spirit talking. I had been sitting alone in the garden, and heard whispers that I had suspected were from the trees, yet I wasn't touching one. I wasn't even close enough to the trees to hear them. Minutes passed as I sat, listening. Each time the wind blew across my cheeks, the whispers grew louder. I couldn't decipher what I was hearing, so I closed my eyes to focus. Neither masculine, nor feminine, but breathy and certain, and somehow in pieces, like a puzzle; I listened with every bit of my being but still couldn't quite pick it up. It was when I opened my eyes that I saw Ella, standing in front of me, watching me.
"Can you tell what it's saying, Master?" I hated when she called me that. She knew how much she meant to me, but sometimes would call me that to get my attention. Ella wasn't more than 5 or 6 years older than myself, her beauty was child-like and her tone was sweet as honeydew. She always felt like a sister to me, quiet and graceful, her presence felt calming and almost ethereal. A "hired help" that mom and dad brought in just after we moved here, to help manage the large property, they said. Nonetheless, I managed to fall in love with her personality and decidedly inducted her into our family. I drew in a deep breath.
"I hate it when you call me that, but you have my attention, so please don't." Ella giggled as I continued: "I can't quite understand, but I know now that it's the wind. At first I thought it was the trees but there aren't any in this garden. Why does the wind try to confuse me? It speaks in broken sentences and riddles."
"It doesn't speak this way to confound you, Maren. Ella spoke now with confidence. "The wind is mysterious and has its own language just as the trees do. Understanding the wind is knowing it. You just have to familiarize yourself with it. Once you know the language, you'll be able to command it."
Trying to process what she just said, I stayed silent, and let her lead the conversation.
"I'm sorry, Maren. I feel as though I have lied to you for years. I've been your friend and never told you about this and I feel so terrible." Her rosy cheeks were now bright red with pain. Her eyes welled, and a single tear fell from one side as she explained herself to me. Seeing her sadness hurt me as well, my heart couldn't bear it, so I ran to her and threw my arms around her tiny frame.
"Miss Maren, I am so sorry. We weren't allowed to tell you what we have known all along and at times it's been difficult to watch you struggle with school, friends, and feelings. I've wanted to tell you for years how special you are, so you would never feel inferior to anyone. But I couldn't."
"What do you mean? Ella, I've just learned that I have another gift and you're speaking to me as if I am queen of the supernatural. Ella, what's going on? Please explain, Ella."
She took a small step back as she drew her fingers to her mouth and began to chew on them nervously.
"I've said too much already, Maren. I'll put you in jeopardy." I could feel my brow furrow in frustration.
"Ella, you can't leave me with so little information, it's just as dangerous as knowing too much!"
Ella looked around us in a circle.
"There are no others around, but the forest still sees. Let me tell Alma that I will be taking you to teach you about your new gift, and we will go somewhere more secluded.
"With that, Ella placed her index and middle fingers on her temple, her eyelashes fluttered for a split second and she was lost in her mind. I had no idea what I was witnessing but could only guess it was some sort of telepathy.
For a moment, I admired her beauty. Ella never wore a bit of makeup, her features were naturally striking. Her eyes were a milk chocolate and caramel, with long brown lashes, perfectly curled. Fair, flawless skin adorned her perfect bone structure. Her cheeks were often rosy anytime attention was drawn to her, she was so modest and sweet.
"Okay, Alma just wants us back before sunrise." I smiled at Ella.
"And you can talk to Alma telepathically!" I was excited to see this.
"Not exactly. It's a mind link. I can communicate via mind link only with members of my...family." Ella was beaming as she explained this to me, making her beauty more evident.
"Come on, we need to talk somewhere private." Lacing her fingers with mine, she pulled me out of the garden.
"Where are we going?" I asked, not sure that I would get an answer.
"You'll see." Ella was as vague as I anticipated.
Without saying anything else, she led me into the thick evergreen forest. Fog was rolling in as the sun hung lower in the sky, owls began to hoot a menacing song. I followed along without fear, knowing my guardian would also come for my protection, and surely his knowledge of what he saw moments ago was not a threat.
As we made our trek, I couldn't help but piece something together: Ella wasn't "hired help", she was another mentor. My parents have been lying to me. How many of our household staff hold the key to helping me unlock my gifts?
My thoughts were interrupted when Ella finally came to a halt and broke the silence. We stood not far from a gently flowing river through the forest, and before us was a small clearing that opened to a cliff face where she stopped. As the darkness sank around us, everything appeared more calm. I glanced around, noticing the trees were leaning towards us, watching intently.
"That's why we must go where we are going. They can't see everything, sometimes knowing too much is bad for them." Ella spun herself in a tight circle, looking upward. I nodded, understanding that she was talking about the very trees I was also looking at.
"Follow me, carefully." Ella walked to the cliff edge, sat on the ridge, and slowly slid herself over the side. I watched in fear as she went over, knowing the drop could kill her if it was far down or if there were sharp rocks at the bottom. My heart pounded in my chest, I could hear it in my ears and feel it pulsating in my fingertips as I sank to the ground. Is there a lake below? I'm not sure if I can handle a swim after that journey.
Deciding to trust Ella, I slid my feet to the same edge. Slowly, I hung my feet over, then my lower legs. Leaning forward cautiously, I didn't expect to see Ella standing on a large ledge just below me and let out an exasperated sigh, to which she covered her mouth in a chuckle. Ella obviously knew where she was going and was satisfied that she nearly scared the life out of me. Lunging forward, I pushed myself from my seat, landing squarely below on the ledge. Following her lead, I turned around to a cave entrance as she beckoned for me to join her inside.