A day of rest *Edited 11/28/2022, Please Re-read*
“Hey, beautiful. Open your eyes, let me see them.” Ella’s voice whispered from above me.
Slowly gaining consciousness, I took in the scent of her and listened to her heartbeat. I didn’t want to open my eyes yet, I needed to replay what happened before everything went dark…
“Keep them closed, but don’t dwell on anything. You’ll have your answers soon. Relax your mind, allow yourself to feel everything around you.” I did just as she said, taking everything in around me. The sweet perfume radiating from her, the slow and steady strumming in her chest, the tenderness in her voice, the swelling of blood in both our bodies, in areas that I’ve never explored before… Just then, sweet and gentle as her voice, I felt her lean down and place a small kiss on my forehead.
I opened my eyes to commit the moment to memory. Her strawberry hair brushed my cheek as she drew her lips away. I reached up with my palm to catch her cheek before she was too far away. Caressing her skin with my thumb, I didn’t fight the pull that I felt within my chest to bring her face back to mine. She didn’t resist either, instead, she closed her eyes and held her breath as our lips met. My mouth was very slightly open, when we touched, I felt a surge of delightful electricity connecting us in every place that our skin made contact that forced me to gasp with excitement. My opposite hand moved to caress the small of her back, without thought, as if guided by the desire that had ignited within me. As my fingertips worked their way under her shirt, I felt her lean in further, deepening our kiss. I had no idea what was happening, but the intensity of the urge I felt to press my body to hers continued to grow, until it overcame me. My hands were now both tracing the skin on her lower back, when suddenly, she pulled away.
We both froze in place, momentarily catching our breath. The silence between us was soon broken by a low, feral sounding growl in the distance. Ella’s heart rate quickened, her breath became shaky, and the fine hairs on her delicate skin stood at attention. I looked into her eyes, just in time to see them flash black, then in an instant, they returned to their usual milky chocolate and caramel swirls. Suddenly, As if pushed by an unseen force, Ella lunged backward and reached for the doorknob at once. Her eyes welling, she never took them off of me.
“I’m sorry. Please, will you please forgive me? I… I have to go…” Ella nervously spoke, but not in my direction as she darted through my bedroom door, slamming it closed behind her in such haste that I was left reeling.
What just happened? I want to touch her, I long to taste her kiss.
I had no idea where these intense feelings were coming from so suddenly. Or did I? Still laying in bed, I swept the hair back from my face and neck, my skin radiating heat like a furnace.
Certainly Ella and I have been close for years, sisterly in fact. Over the past several months, since she and I first learned that I am an elemental, we have bonded with each evening we spent together. Had I somehow started having feelings for Ella? I admit, her capabilities impressed me, her sweet and caring demeanor always amazed me…Have I allowed myself to become infatuated with her out of admiration? Or am I falling for my mentor? What if she is just infatuated with me? Or does she reciprocate my feelings? What are my feelings? What is happening to me? I just had my very first kiss, and it was my best friend. I’ve never known the touch of anyone else, is this all just hormones? I don’t even know how to bring pleasure to a woman’s body- or even to my own! Why is this taking over my brain?! I was sleeping… and then… but yesterday, yesterday…
The events of the evening before were suddenly spinning in my mind. Flashbacks came to me in small clips, revealing what I had temporarily forgotten. Dinner, lots of conversation, and…
I can read minds! I can READ minds!
It hit me at once, the realization that I had actually heard the unspoken thoughts of everyone in the room, while we sat there at the table. Mom and dad had been arguing over me, and I heard everything they were thinking. Not just their thoughts, but their inner conversations with each other as well. Retracing my actions, astonishment struck yet again.
I can stop time! I Stopped time the moment that my fists struck the dinner table, and everyone around me froze in place. Incredible! Did two new gifts just reveal themselves to me at once?
Knock, knock
Someone at the door sprung me from my thoughts.
“Maren, are you well, sweetheart?” mom’s voice sounded concerned as she spoke to me through the door.
“Uh, I’m okay mom. Just not decent, not dressed yet I mean.” The uncertainty in my voice was evident.
Is that the best we can come up with? Hardly sounds convincing.
My own mind was not friendly today. The words had spilled out, dripping with self doubt and Mom picked up on it immediately.
“Maren, I’m sure you noticed last night, that the both of us can communicate without physically saying a word. That being said, your thoughts are very intense and sort of loud right now. I can feel your hesitation.”
Oh my GAWD! She’s in my HEAD!
I apologize, my sweet girl.
Her intrusion shocked me, my heart began pounding with embarrassment.
How long have you been listening, Mom?
**Oh, I’m not listening, you're projecting your thoughts so loud and clear that it actually invaded my mind. I was peacefully reading downstairs until you started internally battling your feelings. Everyone else has already put up a block to give you privacy and a safe place to learn how to do the same. I haven’t because I can selectively tune people out. But I hadn’t anticipated your strength. So I’m here to make sure you’re okay, and to help you
understand how to tone your thoughts down just a little.**
Oh, great, she knows about Ella.
I can promise you with every fiber of my being, that I have no interest in sharing with anyone what happened between you and Ella Just now. Love is love, and it’s no one’s place to judge while you figure things out. But I would like to teach you how to Keep everyone else out until you’re ready to talk about it out loud. Mom was reassuring and kind. I appreciated the sentiment in her promise, but it was definitely the most awkward moment in my life up to this point. I couldn’t believe that she knew what just went on and wasn’t lecturing me, judging me, or crying…
Okay, thank you, Momma. Can I have some time to myself, to think about things and to get cleaned up?I feel grimey and dull, I’d like to have a bath and do some reflecting... It sounded like the perfect therapy after everything that transpired, I was sure Mom could go back to her reading for a while, so I could get a handle on everything. I needed more preparation before “the talk” that would inevitably happen.
*I can’t believe she heard my lustful thoughts and is playing cool-
Maren, stop please?! Let’s not make this more awkward than it already is, I love you no matter what. This is a normal part of becoming a woman-
Eyw, Mom, you’re making it awkward.
Okay sweetheart, I’m sorry. I’m here when you’re ready. But before I go, I just want to tell you how to block everyone out. You can practice on your own, and I’ll be around when you’re ready to learn more. You’ll need to clear your mind first, which may prove to be the most difficult task right now. Once you’ve freed your thoughts, visualize your own energy. You’ll have to collect it in your mind space, and build yourself a blockade around your consciousness. Do you understand? Also, Kendrick needs to speak with you, I’ll send him up in a minute, you can chat through the door but it’s important. Mom waited for several moments as I pondered her words.
“I think so.” I spoke aloud, to affirm my confidence.
“See you soon, sweetheart.”
Mom’s shadow under the door moved with her as she left. Moments passed as I stared at the ceiling, unsure if I should move or wait, then I could hear Kendrick moving up the stairs. When I saw his shadow, I sat up and spoke to him.
“You can open the door, I’m dressed, just not a pretty sight.”
“Maren, I’m happy to see that you’re well.” He gave a slight nod, which I returned as a “thank-you”. Kendrick Stood around six foot, dark complected but with a glow about him. He was clean shaven, making his strong jaw obvious and had a nice smile with great teeth. I especially loved his waist length dreads, held back with a massive band. He always smelled like clean linen drying on a clothes line.
“I came to try to give you some insight about last night. You’re coming into some new gifts, one that we have in common,” Kendrick flashed a his pearly whites in a smile as he continued, “we are called Chronos, and we can move through time in a way that I’ll have to explain to you later. For now, I just want you to know that intense emotions can cause your gift to stitch or wrinkle time, because it’s so new.”
This is just amazing-
I can hear you too, so you’ll need to focus your energy on creating that block Mom told you about. Our lessons will have to wait. In the meantime, take care not to allow yourself to become too overwhelmed emotionally.
It makes sense, when I was overwhelmed last night, everything stopped and it was completely out of my control.
**Wait, Kendrick, how do you and I remember everything but everyone else doesn’t seem to remember the time freeze?
**Great question, Master. The simple answer is that we are both Chronos. You called it into time and because I was unaware you were doing so and therefore unable to prepare. I also was locked in place- but I am able to remember what happened in those seconds because I am like you and have a natural shield. The others will never know what happens when time stops, unless a Chronos shields them. It’s a lot to take in, a lot to learn- for another day.
He really explained everything so well that I was impressed. It was so much to absorb, he was right, but his synopsis made it easy to swallow for now, and at least he wasn’t leaving me in the dark.
**Thanks Kendrick, your effort is appreciated. The anticipation will be hard, I’m looking forward to learning from you as soon as we can. Maybe after my mom’s birthday plans?
**You got it, Master. Kendrick wasted no time leaving, almost unceremoniously, pulling the door closed behind him.
I suppose he knew how badly I needed to recharge myself and bathe. I wondered if I smelled bad…
Now sitting on the edge of my bed, I contemplated whether I should make an attempt at Moms suggested “blockade” where I was, then I caught the fact that he referred to me as “master” and rolled my eyes. Giving into the urge to lay in a hot bath, I rose to my feet and moved into the adjoining bathroom.
The pipes wailed as I turned the hot water knob. Sometimes it took a minute for the hot water to rise up to the third floor of the house. I’ve always imagined what a process it would be without the plumbing and water heater, envisioning myself pulling up buckets from the old well, heating them on the stove and hoisting them up all the stairs to dump into the clawfoot tub. Surely the water would be cold by the time it was filled.
*Thank humanity for plumbing!
Hot water tumbled in, and with a squeal, I slowly added some cold water to perfect the temperature. After a few minutes of fumbling through my vanity drawers, I located a glass vial of lavender oil and a bag of epsom salts. I threw a few handfuls of salt into the tub and added exactly seven drops of oil, gently swirling the top of the water to try to stir them in, knowing it wasn’t possible, before turning the water off, satisfied with the temperature and water level. For a moment, I stopped to see my reflection in the vanity mirror. My unkempt hair was a frizzy mess, some strands still clinging to my neck. I was still wearing yesterday’s outfit, and it felt stuck to me as well. I undressed, leaving everything in a crumpled pile close to the door, though I swore the pants were so stiff that they could hold themselves up. Clinging on to the side of the tub, I dipped my toes in to double check the temperature, and sure enough, it had cooled before I got to it. Never minding the lukewarm water, I went ahead and fully submerged my body, up to my shoulders, but shuddered at the chill that spread through me as it blanketed my skin.
Brrrrrrrr! Not as tough as I thought I was. I let out a chuckle, laughing at my own antics. My skin tightened and I decided I Couldn't hack it.
*I’ll heat up the water, but in a fun way. First things first, that mental blockade.
I closed my eyes, shaking off the chill. My mind was already clear, thanks to the water. Exhaling, I recalled Kendrick’s instructions. I visualized my energy, a transparent but wavelike energy that exuded from my body. Keeping my body still, I called the same force from within me that I used frequently to summon energy from the earth, and wrapped the waves around my head. Weaving the waves together like a nest, I then drew the energy inward, so as to wrap my consciousness in a protective layer. I visualized myself commanding it to stay in place with my hands, as if cradling a butterfly in my hands. With an exhale, I closed the figurative door to my mind and hoped for success. There was only one way to be sure…
**Kendrick? Are you there? Can you hear me? Surely he will answer me if he hears me, I know I can trust him.
Nothing but silence echoed in the room, no response from Kendrick, not even a whisper.
It worked! I can’t believe it! I was shocked at my own success, especially being my first ever attempt. Taking a moment to celebrate internally, I was admittedly proud of myself for once. My body shuddered as the water temperature dropped in the few short minutes that I spent working on that blockade.
*Time to heat up this bath, with a little elemental mastery!
I laid back in the tub, until only my face was left above the water line, then drew in a deep breath and allowed myself to be neutrally buoyant. Focusing on the heat in the earth’s molten core, I laced my hands together over my chest and called on the energy from within me to emerge. Between the skin of my chest and my palms, the heat began to grow, pulling from far beneath the earth’s crust and rising upward into my command. When the intensity of the heat grew, I placed my hands on the bottom of the cast iron tub, transferring it from my body to the water below. When it erupted from my hands, the water below me began to bubble as if it were boiling. The bubbles were large and boisterous, bursting at the surface around my face. My hair tumbled in the water, all the motion tickling my feet and shoulders. When the water was nice and balmy, I released all of the harnessed heat for one final blast. The force of everything jarring to a sudden halt created a boil-over, wetting the floor and part of the bath rug.
A sigh of relief escaped my mouth, the stress from recent events was steamed away with the lavender and epsom salt. The fragranced water vapor filled the air around me, fogging the vanity mirror and frosting the glass on the light fixture.
Just like the glass, my life is just a haze right now. I am so confused right now. I’ll be nineteen in a few short days, a legal adult in every state… and yet, I feel so helpless. I have so many questions still unanswered, and I barely understand who I am, let alone what I am.
I couldn’t help but wonder what Ella was doing at the same time that I was lounging there, thinking about everything. Then I began to think of her, reminiscing about the moment we shared just a short while ago, electric as it was. My fingertips tingled at the thought of touching her skin again, I ran my hands across my stomach and down over my thighs, imagining that they were hers. Blood began to flow in pulsating thrums to unfamiliar territory in my body. The more I thought about pressing our bodies together, the harder the pulses hit me from the inside out. A tingling sensation was welling in the pit of my stomach, urging me to explore my body. Navigating in this way was new to me, I was familiar with my own anatomy but not in any sort of sexual way. All of this was uncharted territory, ready for exploration and I couldn’t fight the urge any longer. Tracing a line down from my belly button, I slowly made my way south. I paid little attention to the trimmed bikini line, instead walking my fingers lower until they came upon the tiny bud that peeked perfectly out from my labia. The initial contact sent a shock inward, through the walls of my vagina and felt as though an entire field of butterflies played in my stomach.
“Ooooh!” A pleasurable moan slipped out, as I slipped my index and middle fingers back and forth over my clitoral bud repeatedly. The feeling was so intense that I wasn’t sure if I should draw away or press against them harder. My mind clouded with images of Ella, her beauty was so alluring, I just never noticed it in the past.
My eyes were squinted so tightly shut that I hadn't noticed that someone entered the room. It was the small draft of cold air that startled me, my eyes snapped open in shock.