Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Go ahead, son.


It was a wonder if I did ever smile, and the answer was yes, I did in truth. And as of right now, I was smiling. And how couldn't I with the sight in front me? It was a sight to see, as Lysander got beaten in a duel with the chief guard. Now, how wasn't that good to see on an early morning? His actions towards Mayilla days back didn't go scot free, as I did intend to pay him back for his actions. And no, snapping his neck wasn't enough justice, as that was common amongst us in terms of feud or misunderstandings.

Lysander was a cunning man, smart at the same time, as I knew that there was more he did than said, yet, I couldn't say for I didn't know what. The feud he and I had, went decades, as the main reason he fought with me, was that he saw me as the major threat to my father's throne and not my other siblings. Speaking of siblings, we were seven that my mother birthed, unfortunately she died in a war which happened between the clans, specifically the werewolves, which is why till date, father loathed them.

Lucien is the first, then I, followed by Silas, Christopher, Stefan, Vera, and Adele. Lucien hardly stayed in the palace, as he was one who preferred to live a different life, asides the one he was brought up into, while Silas, Christopher and Stefan remained in the place. Vera is married with her husband being a General to the vampire army, whereas Adele is somewhere I could not know, as to her, she is living the best of her life and the palace was too boring for her. She and Lucien seemed to have the same desires, yet, Adele I would say, was wilder.

Now it explained why Lysander saw me as a threat, for I was the one who took care of most of father's activities, and even if I wasn't, he wasn't still next to the throne, as he was my father's elder brother's son, which meant he was supposedly my uncle, which was also why Lysander believed that he was meant for the throne, for his father should have ascended the throne and not mine. One would believe I would give Lysander his respect, as for one truth, he was older than me, yet, respect is earned and also reciprocated.

If I hadn’t arrived the time I did, Lysander would have done more to Mayilla, and no matter how cruel I could be, I could never tolerate a man molesting a woman, for that, I was ready to take it to any length with him, and snapping his neck was just the beginning of what I had planned.

"Tegan, you are here also!" I heard father's voice, as I turned to see him walking towards me with his guards, as for an early morning, father did have a bright smile.

"Yes father. I hope you slept well?" I asked my Father, while we met.

"Oh I slept sound and do you know why?" Father asked me, as I believed his question to be rhetorical. "The century bouquet is in two weeks." Father laughed happily.

"Yes I know Father, we are all preparing for it." I spoke the truth. The best way to win my fathers heart, was to either tell him to host a party or be invited to one, as he found joy is seeing liveliness.

"Tell me, have you gotten your outfit made?" Father asked me. "We must all look perfect on that day, including your siblings. They must see that the kingdom of Genevia is prosperous as ever." And yes, he loved to host parties, in order to show off his reign.

"Not yet father, but you need not worry." I told him.

"Alright Tegan." Father said with a large smile. For a man over 950 years of age, Father didn't look it, as neither did his skin sag nor did he bend, yet, it was all due to the vampire gene.

The century bouquet was one which was decided by the board of elders to be held every one hundred years, In order to bring the clans together. In the previous bouquets, there was always a fight which broke it before the end of the party, which was another reason why father had a smile on his face, for he wished to be the one who held the first banquet, without a fight breaking out, yet, how possible was that, for this was the five clans we spoke of. The feud between the vampires and werewolves had been there for centuries, so as that with the magical kingdom and Fae kind.

“Father I will take my leave now.” I turned my attention back to Father.

“Go ahead, son.” Father nodded, before I took that as my cue and headed back to my quarters. As I walked, so did I began to feel the need to feed, as it began to become evident that I haven’t had a proper feed in three days. Unlike the normal vampires, I was able to go a day and more without feeding or feeling the effects of it, as it was a result of my blood rage, for it did come with a blessing and a curse. But at that moment, I began to feel the need to feed while I walked back to my quarters.

I had never fed from Mayilla as ever since my encounter with her the other night, where she was able to refuse my compulsion, one which still baffle me till date, as I know that she was more that what she spoke of, which is another reason why I could not force myself on her, for I knew she was my last hope at finding a cure for myself. For if she knew about my blood rage without me having told her what it was, then she must know more than I do. I couldn’t kill her, I couldn’t feed on her, I couldn’t control her, I just left her be, for at the moment, she was something precious to me. Someone whom could change my life.

What was she? I couldn’t fathom, for it was never heard of any creature to be able to resist compulsion, as even the werewolves were also a victim of it. Also, her scent was different, and if I was to speak of truth, everything about her was, yet, I couldn’t understand much as for now, all I could do was watch, In order to me.

Upon my arrival to my quarters, the sight in front of me took me to stun, as I watched Mayilla on top a stool as she stretched her toes even further In order to reach a certain height at the Bleek painting on my wall. It so happened that the same painting was my favorite of all, as it described of a man whom fought from within and battled demons of himself. Just like me. For that reason, it took me to be patient, as I wanted to watch what she stretched out for, and even still, it seemed she couldn’t reach.

“You shouldn’t be stretching that much considering your condition,” I spoke out, as my words seemed to put a shock on her, that she turned abruptly.

“You grac…” Her words in stun came short, as the table which she climbed shook profusely, that she dangled in her stance with her back which came to face the ground as she began to fall from the table. In view of this, my reflex took in and I sped to her, while I caught her in my arms before she fell to the ground. Her body already filled with adrenaline, her breathing heavy, her heart raced fast that I heard each of every heartbeat, and her scent intensified in my nose. Her gaze met with mine, while her hands gripped me tight with fear still evident in her eyes of falling, while my own hands wrapped around her body firmly.

My gaze lingered in her own, as it became hard to remove my gaze from her. Her body fit right into my arms, as her scent which continued to intensify filled my nose, that I moved my face closer to her neck. As though an intoxication, I found myself drawn closer to her, while the bridge of my nose caresses that of her neck with my eyes now closed, while I inhaled the most beautiful scent I had ever heard. And when I would open my eyes back to meet Mayila’s own, I found something I never should have.

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