Read with BonusRead with Bonus

I understand now


My heart raced, that even I could hear my own heartbeats. My skin burned as it came in contact with his, yet, it wasn’t a kind of burn I wanted to stay away from, rather I wanted to get closer. It was a sweet kind of burn. Something I had never experienced before. Prince Tegan’s face on the skin of my neck that I feared for the worst, yet I was powerless to take any action. The feeling I experienced was strange, yet, I welcomed it. What was I doing? I should get away from him. Why do I feel this way? All these were just questions in my head that I neither could say nor act.

Prince Tegan’s face lifted away from my neck, as he rose to meet my gaze, and suddenly they went cold, and before I could think of anything else, he dropped me to the ground abruptly. “You should watch your steps more carefully, next time.” Prince Tegan spoke, as even his tone went cold while he spoke to me. My eye batted frequently, as an approach to refrain myself from the unexpected event which took place. I nodded my head at Prince Tegan’s words, as speaking failed to exit my lips, however, Prince Tegan didn’t even wait for my response before he left my presence.

‘What is wrong with him? Why does he always act bipolar?’ I asked myself those questions, while I watched Prince Tegan walk away, where he was going? I didn’t know, neither was I bothered, for what was on my mind was the feeling I felt when his skin touched mine, as it was the same as the day he compelled me, but this time what baffled me was that, I was not compelled. If that is the case, why did I feel the want of getting closer to him?

I ran a hand through my hair, as a sigh escapes my lips, for the day I came into the vampire kingdom, is the fjday I had many unexplained questions. My gaze went back to the painting where the chair I kept in front of it stayed, as I baffled if I should continue what I started or leave it be. What was I searching for? Nothing at all. While I passed the hallways of Prince Tegan’s quarters, when I saw the painting which I cherished the most had been shifted it geher slightly from its original position. It was f wonder to me as to why it was different from the day I came, which was why I tried to hung it properly, when Prince Tegan came in.

My stay as Prince Tegan’s feeder was not something I had expected, as the only thing which I did was eat and rest, unlike the others whom lived here, and had duties at every moment. My food was brought for me, and everything I needed was provided, that one would deny if indeed I was a slave to the vampires. Like the name went, Feeders had only one duty which was feed their masters, and ever since i came here, which months had gone by, Prince Tegan had never for once came to feed on me, and ever since our act encounter of the agreement I proposed to him, he never spoke of it. Which made me wonder, if indeed he agreed to my proposal.

From where I stood, I sighted Prince Tegan coming back out, as from the expression which laid on his face, I could not dare speak a word to him, as it was as cold as ice, with his demeanor dangerously erect. Prince Tegan almost reached my side, as my gaze which was on him shifted the other direction and went wide when I also saw Prince Lysander coming the other direction, whereas I stood at the middle of the both of them, once they stopped in their tracks and flared at each other.


My gaze mover from prince Tegan to Lysander, as an eerie feeling washed upon me in view of the disagreement that was about to take place, for it need not to be told before anyone knew that the two didn’t see eye to eye.

“I see we meet again,” Prince Lysander spoke with his gaze rested on me, whereas I remained mute.

“What are you doing here?” Prince Tegan spoke with intolerance he had for Prince Lysander.

“I thought you must have heard by now,” Prince Lysander spoke as his words came with a smirk that accompanied his lips.

“And even if I have, how is that any of your affairs?” Price Tegan spoke, as I watched his anger which grew each second.

“I guess you have.” Prince Lysander let out a mocking chuckle. “You must have forgotten your fathers words. Huh? Or need I remind you?” Prince Lysander added, whereas Prince Tegan’s gaze boiled hot. “Anymore killings done by your blindsight blood rage, he would have your head without hesitation.” Prince Lysander stated, as my gaze went wide.


The king would have his one son’s head?

Befor me I could process Prince Lysander’s words in my head, in a swift second, I saw Prince Tegan already by Prince Lysander’s side, as he held his neck in his hands, with his claws out and sharp as that of a knife. “And who says it was my doing?” Prince Tegan’s words came as even though it was low, I still heard.

“Don’t try to deny…cousin.” Prince Lysander still spoke even from his refrains .

‘Did someone die? What does Prince Lysander mean?’ I thought.

“I warned you clearly Lysander, that the best time you step into my quarters and challenged was the day I would forget that same blood flows through our veins, yet, you thought I bluffed.” Prince Tegan’s spoke, as each word came with strength.

“Do what you know how to do best, Tegan. You’re father would be very much proud of his son killing his uncle.” Prince Lysander said, as even I wanted to strangle him at that moment. However, Prince Tegan didn’t, whereas his actions stunned me with a smirk that laid his lips and his release of Prince Lysander’s neck.

“I understand now.” Price Tegan’s smirk grew wider while I slid perplexed. “I will let this slide Lysander, but know one thing, everyday is for a thief, but one day rests for the owner.” Prince Tegan spoke in parables as neither I nor Lysander understood his words. Prince Lysander’s gaze became bewildered, as Prince Tegan took steps away from him. “One last warning Lysander,” Prince Tegan spoke again. “The day you touch a strand of hair on my feeder, I will be the one to end you. You may have gotten scot free with me, but do not dare think my words will not prevail if you do. I swear on my life, that I Tegan Michealson will rip you open with my bare hands.” Shivers ran through me. The atmosphere felt hot at the same time. My body felt hot and cold at the same time, that even I feared the words of Tegan, also with the stun of his words that came with defending me, for every of his words stayed true.

And I began to wonder…


I stayed outdoor of the house in Prince Tegan’s quarters, as the moon shined brightly that i couldn’t dare but stare vividly, as one would assume I had thoughts In my head, rather I remained thoughtless, as I only enjoyed the beautiful sight in front of me. I could see the entire of the palace from here, as the quarters laid on top of the hill. For someone who rarely associated with people, a spot like this was even harder to believe he would prefer.

My gaze got distracted, as I heard footsteps of behind me, while I turned to see Prince Tegan walking in, as ever since he left his quarters in the morning he didn’t return until now. My gaze locked with his, as for the first time I could read what was going on in his mind.

He was exhausted.

My mother always told me something. She said, ‘There was always two sides to every story.’ For I seems to have heard the people’s story in the rumor about Prince Tegan, that I haven’t heard his.

“What are doing out here? It is late by now.” Prince Tegan questioned me, as even his words came with fatigue.

“Nothing, I just enjoyed the view.” I responded, while he nodded his head at me and after that, he bangs walking past me. “Your grace,” My lips spoke before I could control my words, while they stopped Prince Tegan. “Are you alright?” I asked him shaving seen his gaze locked at me.

“Seems you do manage you take me by stun everyone, don’t you?” Prince Tegan spoke as a light scoff escaped his lips, yet, this time it wasn’t one of mockery.

“I not Mayilla, but the world is a much crueler place that’s to request for that. “ Prince Tehran responded, as I found myself in pity of him, because, for a man to speak of such, pain beyond reason must have struck him.

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