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Lurking shadows.


“Your grace, the king demands your presence urgently.” Edgar whom is a guard for my quarters informed me, as the disturbed gaze he had on is enough to pause my writing on my diary, for after I left Mayilla, I came to study instantly.

“What is it Edgar?” I questioned him, whereas my full attention laid on him.

“I…your grace…”

“Speak to me Edgar,” Myt tone came higher, with my brow furrowed at the gestures of my guard.

“There was a killing in a nearby village, your grace and..” Edgar seemed to find word hard to speak.

“Do I have to force the words out of your mouth?” My voice came stern as I now glared at him.

“The body was ripped apart your grace.” Edgar told me as soon enough I understood the gravity of his words and why it was hard for him to speak. I rose up from my seat, with my gaze hard upon knowing the outcome of Edgar’s statement.

“Where is the king?” I asked Edgar.

“In his quarters, your grace.” Edgar told me, and I wasted no second in leaving my study to my father’s quarters. My strides one after the other in urgency that I reached where I left Mayilla, as stunning to me I met her still standing at the same spot I left her. Yet, that was my only stun as my gaze became hardened while I watched Lysander enter my quarters.

“I see we meet again.” Lysander spoke first with his gaze glaring at Mayilla, whereas Mayilla remained silent.

“What are you doing here?” I questioned Lysander, as every part of my body itched to watch him disappear.

“I presumed you must have heard by now,” Lysander spoke as he held a disinter smirk on his lips.

“And even if I have, how is that any of your affairs?” I asked in irritation.

“I guess you have.” Lysander let out a dry chuckle. “You must have forgotten your fathers words. Huh? Or need I remind you?” Lysander added, whereas while my gaze boiled hot. “Anymore killings done by your blindsight blood rage, he would have your head without hesitation.” I didn’t wait for another word from Lysander, as my vampirism took the best of me and I have his neck in my claws within seconds.

“Don’t you deny…cousin,” Lysander still managed to speak, as it was only my father’s words of not shedding family’s blood that rang in my head, and even more at that moment, I was ready to risk it all.

“I warned you clearly Lysander, that the next time you step into my quarters and challenged me was the day I would forget that the same blood flows through our veins, yet, you thought I bluffed.” I told him, whereas Lysander didn’t bother resisting my claws on his neck.

“Do what you know how to do best, Tegan. Your father would be very much proud of his son killing his uncle.” Lysander said, as with his words, so did realization dawned upon me and a chuckle escaped my lips.

“I understand now.” I spoke, as my claws retracted from his neck. I will let this slide Lysander, but know one thing, everyday is for a thief, but one day rests for the owner.” I added, while I realized that Lysander wished to remove every trace of my potential to take affect my father, even if it meant my father doing so himself. Lysander’s gaze came furrowed as he found my actions bewildering.

“One last warning Lysander,” I spoke again. “The day you touch a strand of hair on my feeder, I will be the one to end you. You may have gotten scot free with me, but do not dare think my words will not prevail if you do. I swear on my life, that I Tegan Michealson will rip you open with my bare hands.” I faced Lysander vividly with sincerity present in my eyes of neither playing any more games with him nor spoke empty words, for it was a different situation if he came for me alone and not any other of my person, and the day he did so again, I was ready to disobey my father for the first time ever.


I walked into fathers quarters, as I saw him standing by the glass window, as even with my presence, he neither turned to face me nor spoke.

“Do you presume my words to be bluff, Tegan.” Father eventually spoke, as still he didn’t turn to face me.

“No Father…”

“I do not wish to hear that from your mouth!” Father shifted his gaze to me abruptly with his tone raised, while I went silent the next second. “My sons do not disgrace me, yet, you choose to be different, despite my warnings to you.” Father said. “Do you believe I wouldn’t find out? Or did you think I will continue to show mercy and act like a father when I should like a king, just because you are my son?” Father questioned me as I felt every rage and hurt of his. “Well let me tell you then Tegan, you are wrong because I will have your head for this.” Father said and my gaze went wide.

“Father…” I tried to speak.

“I do not wish to hear it!” Father spoke cutting my words off, as instead of melancholy to fill me, I felt anger.

“Well you must!” My voice also raised at my father, as it was his turn for his gaze to go wide. “You gave your word and I accepted, because I knew the day I truly loose control with my blood rage is the day you have my head and I have never for once since then questioned you about your decision, yet, why do you question me of mine?” I asked my father as sadness filled my eyes. “I know as your son, I have caused havoc to your reign and you have been lenient, yet father, let me accept my crimes with my own sanity and not what you just see.” I spoke, whereas father’s anguished gaze turned into bewilderment as his brows furrowed.

“What do you mean Tegan?” Father questioned me, as he moved away from the window and towards me.

“I am saying father, that I was not responsible for the incident.” I spoke my words clearly, whereas my father let out a dry chuckle.

“I am not a child Tegan, neither do I not know what I am doing. Telling me lie to refute my decision is invalid to me.” Father said, as an exhale escaped my lips and I ran a hand through my locks.

“Exactly father! Exactly. You know me better than anyone. My word is my word and I will never tell a lie just to stay alive and lessen the man that I am. I am not responsible.” I spoke the truth, as it began to look pointless.

“There is only one vampire, in the entire of the kingdom that shreds and sucks any living creature dry just like the victim found, be it it’s kind or not and that is you Tegan. I know every well because I have covered it for you!” Father’s voice raised even higher, that I stared back at him in confusion.

“Do you presume that sucking them dry and tearing them to shreds is the only thing I’m capable of?” I asked my father, as whatever courtesy I would use at that moment halted. “I remember each and every one of them, each and every of their cries before I lash upon them, each and every of fear which I smell before I tear them to shreds and I tell you and swear to you by the heavens Father that I your son, Tegan, is not responsible for the recent killing.” I said to my father, for if my words wasn’t enough to prove my innocence, I was ready to go to any lengths to do so.

Father went mute, as his gaze Stared at me vividly. “This wasn’t your doing?” Father questioned me for my initial words seemed to have not convinced him enough.

“Yes Father.” I answered, while Father went silent for a while.

“Then it seems we have some lurking shadows.” Father said while he turned his back to me, whereas his words confused me.

“Lurking shadows?” I asked him.

“The killing matches your exact description and if you swear to me that you didn’t do it, I believe you.” Father turned back to face me.

“This wasn’t my doing.” I repeated.

“Then it just means someone may want me to take your head or may not want the decade bouquet to hold, perhaps both.” Father told me as I began to reason his words. If it meant the killing matched my victims, it could only mean whoever was behind it, wanted to use the opportunity to make father kill his own son, which will therefore prevent the decade bouquet to have taken place, as one thing I knew for sure was that the person had an ulterior motive.

“Then, there is more at play here father.” I spoke up.

“Indeed.” Was Fathers only words, as with his silence it wasn’t hard to figure out that he thought of a solution. “Whatever it is Tegan, the bouquet must hold, which means we must prevent any news as such to spread to the public.” Father told me.

“What is your plan, your grace?” I asked father, as I knew he wouldn’t have said such words to me if he didn’t scheme up a plan. Father’s gaze jammed with mine, as they stayed hard and without hearing what father had to say, I knew I wasn’t going to like it his next words.

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